Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

66 The r~re Jtwd of Cbriftilln Cc:mtemmen~. with fuch eameA.nefs·five times to£erher : So that we have not only the fame promifes rhatthey h~d, but w~ have them '!{lore enlarged and more full, though HJ!l not fo mllch in (0! llt~r.al fei1ce, for that indeed is the la it part of the promife,In Jfa, 54, 17. there qod lllade .a promife, th:a no 1'Jeapon fmmd a.g:t"inft his pt6ple fhou/d profpt'r, and evtry Jongue that fl9~tll rife agttinft them in Jtnigmmt thou 'jha/t condemn,( and marke what follows.) this is tbi heritf4ge of the [erv·fllnts of the Lord,& their righttIH[nt{s N. of 11u {rllith the Lord: This is a good promife for Soldi- ~rs, t.hollgh fiill not to lay too much upon the literal fence: True J.t h~Lds forth thus _mucb, that Gods proteCtion is in a fpecial Blanner over Soldiers that are godly, And tvery tongue thrllt fo~<IJ ,.;[f ~tg~infl thu ia iHdgmfnt,thoPJ fhalt &Mdunn:&. this is againtl falfe I'Yttne~ too : Oh you, that your friends never left you a~ ny thing, you will fay, my friends died and left me not a gro~t, but I thank God, God bath provided for me; but thougn thy father or~mother died and left ·thee no heritage) yet thou haft a heritage in the promife, This is their heritage.So that thcr·s- no ;odly man .or woman, but is a Jreat Heir. T-herefore when thou lookc{l into 1he Book of God and findefi a.ny PrGmife . there, thou maiefi make that thil1e own. JuH as- an Heir that ri~es o.ver div.ers fields and meadows,faith he, This meadow is my heritage,aod this Com-field is my heritage; and then he f~es a fair houfe, and faith he; this fair boufe is my heritage; ~nd he looks upon t.hem with another manner of eye than a !hanger that iliall ride over thofe fields, So ·a carnal heart reads the Promifes,and reads them but mcerly as fiories, not that they have any great interefi in them: But a godly man every time he reads the Scriptures ( rememecr ·this Note when you are reading the Scripture ) .and. there meeJeth with a promife, J.e ought to lay his baJH~ upon it, and fay, this is a part of my lteritage, it's mine, and I am to live upon it,. and tbi.s will mak-e you to be conte~ted. Here's aMyflerious way ofContentmenr, Se in Pf~l• H· 10. fand 31· 6, there's divers other ProJI'lifes that brings Contentment, In 1{11, ; 8, u, And thus much for tbe Myfietie of Contentment by way _of the Cevemnt.. ' · Jii~!~ ~~ t!!'9 P.~ l~!e~ !~n~s ID_9.~e Pl~~ ihe\V ho'rf a Godly - . - · - -- EaA