Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

Tbe .Rart Jtwel ~r Chtifli4n Contentment. S3 ~attl~, o~ aNur:-;-fucb a: thing to qaiet ,it, but when the Nurfe come:S lhe knows the temper and dirpofition of the Child , and therefore knows bell hoi"r to quiet it : So it is here jufl: thus for all the world , when we are-llrangers with our own ·beam, we are mightily difco~tented , and know not how to quiet our felves, becaufe we know ~ot wherein the difquiet liMb : And indeed when we are {hangers to our own.hearts vve c-annot t~ll how to quiet our felves;but if 'Ye be very ~vell verfed in our-own hearts, when -any thing falls out fo as to difquiec us, we find out the caufe of ,it·prefently , and fo quickly come to be quiet. So a man that bath a Watch,~ and he underllaods the ufe of every whec:1 and pin , if it goes amifs he will pre- .fently find out the caufe of it : but one ·that bath no skill in a Watcb, when it goes amifs he knows not what the matter is, and tberefore cannot mend it. So indeed our hearts are as a Watch, and there are many wheels, and windings and ·tur.:. nings there, and vve lhould labour to know our he&rts well, that when they are out of tune, we may know what the matter is. · - 2.. This knowledg of our _hearts wiii help U! to Contentment, becaufe by this We fha// come to ~llOY1111hat is mofl {utab/e to our fondition. As thus, A man that knows not his own heart he thinks not what neep he ha rh of affii6tion, and opon that he is difguieted ; ,but that man or woman that bath fiudie,d their own hearts when God comes with affii6t1ons upon them , they can fay, I would not for any thing in the world have been ,without this affii6hon , God bath fo futed this affiittion to my condition , and bath come in fuch away, that if this affii6hon had not . come,. I am afraid I thould have fallen into fin : A poor ignorant man that takes Phyllck, the Phyfick works , and he thinks . it wtll kill him , becaufe he knows not the ill humors thac are in his body, and therefore be underflands not how futable the P_byGck is to him ; but a Phyfitian takes a Pnrge , 'and it makes ~un extreariil y 6ck , faith the PhyGtian ) I like this tbe better, 1t dotb but work upon the hnmor that 1 MOW is the caufe of my Difeafe , and upon that fu_ch a man that hath knowledg · arr~ nnderftanding .Gf his Body, and the caure of hi-s difleinper, . he 1s P?t troLlb[ed_or difquietea: So woulri we be; if wedid_but ·· N 2 lmow