Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Pan. r.Sect.r. Difea(es i11 genera/f. Memb.x.Subf.r. andyetnofiend can fo torment, infult over, tyrannize; vexe, as oneman __,__ dorh another. Let me not fall therefore, (fa1th Dav;d, when warres,plague, famine were otfcred)into the hands ofmcn.,mercilelfe and wickedmen: . -rix(unt homines hoc nomine digni, OviJ.d, 'rriJl• .Jil.!!.amque lupi, f£v.e plusftritatio habent. 1 ·5·Eirg.7· We can molfparr t<mfee thefe Epidemicall difeafes, and likely avoid them; Deanhs;tempefts, plagues,our Afrrologers foretcl us;&rth·.quakes, inundation3, ruines of houfes, conliumng fires, come by lJttleand lmle, or makefomenoife before-hand; but the knaveries, impo!tures, injuries and villanies ofmen no art canavoid. We can kcepe our profelfed enemies from our cities, by gates, walls and towers, defend our felves from theeves and robbers by watchfulnelfeand .weapons; but thismaliceofmen, and their pernici~us endeavours, no cautton can diVert, no YlgJ!ancy forcfee.We have fo many fecret plots and devices to mifchiefeone another. , .' . . Sometimes by the Devlls helpe, as MagiCtans,' W1tcbes: l.Omettmes by ~f'::~C::::C':: tmpoftures,m•xtures, po)'fons, ftratagems, lingle combats, wa~res, we hack and he~v, as ifwe were admternectonemNatt,hke CadnJus fould•ers>borne to confume one another. 'Tis an ordinary thing to teal:le·of !ill hundred and two hunilrei:l thtmfand men llaine in a battle. Belide~all manner oftortures, brafen bulls, rlckes, wheeles, ftrappadoes,gunnes, engines,&c. 1 Ad um•m fVh.•.rpifl.• ; corpUG human11m (i•pplicia pl~~ra, qu!"" mt'!!br": We have invented more •ii'DG04tllm. torturing inllrumems,then there be feverall hl~mbers in amans body, as, cyprianwellobferves. Tocomenearerytt,ourowne parents by rheirotfences, indifcretion and intemperanc7. are our mortalJ.enemies. rThe fathers' Ezech.tB.>; harveeatmfowre grapes,•nd the chi(ilitnstmh areJet on edge. They caufe our griefemany times, and put upon us hered:itit,y difeafes, inevitable infirmities: They torment us,and we areas ready to injure our pofterity; ~>•.nJox daturiJrogmiem vittojiorem, 'andthdatter' ebd o£ the world, •Hor.!.l.OM . as • !<dui foretold, 'is fbilllike to beworfr:•Woe'al-e thus badby nature,bad by x • Tim.J.>. 'kinde,· but farre~wor[e by arr, every man thegreardl: enciny unto l)i.mfelfe~ We fttldy manY. time,s to undoe our felves, abuli11g th<;>fe good·gifts which . v God hat!rhell:owed.opon us,Health,Wealrb,Strengrh, Wit~ Learning,Arr; : . .Memory,to our owne dell:ructwn, rPerdttto tua ex te. As' IudtU }.(a<cabe110 Y Ezec.' s, l, ; killed Apollonius frict~ds with his owne we~ pons, we arme qudelves to ou'i: ·' ' ~)"<·l·"' owneoverrhr~w~s ;Jand ufe Reafon, Art, Judgement, all thadhou~d helpe us, as fo'ftlany mfirurnenrs to undoeus. He[for gave·t..Aj""' a [word, which [o lo11g as he fought againft enemies, ferved for his hclpe and defence; but afterhe ·bi."ganto hilrtJharmlelfe creatures with it, turned to his0wne hurtlelfe bowels. Thofee~cdlentmeanes, God hath bellowed onus, w.ell im.. ploye~;ciihnot but much availeus;but ifotherwift perverred,rhey ruine and confound us:· and (o by reafon~f our indifcrerion and weaki:telfe; they corh- .monly ~~e: ~ye have too many 10ll:ances. Thts s. Aujlm acknowkdg.eth of h1mfelte 10 h•s?umble confeflions, promptne(ft ofWit;,Memory,E./oqiu"'ce; t•hey.were Gods good.gijts, but he dtd not uje them to .his glory. J.fy."ouwill particularly kno~ ho':V, and by what meanes, confultPhyliciails,and they - wt!l.tell you,that 1t ts 10 otfend10gmfame ofrhofe fix non-natural things, of ..· wh•ch I !hall after' dllatemoreat large;they are rhedufes ofourinfirmities, 'Pm.t. Sec,, ; our furfemng, and drunkennelfe, our immoderate infatiable lufr,and prodi-. ~lcmb., . · I A 3 gious