Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr"' .SeCl.r. Melancholy in Dijfojition, Memb.r.Subf. 5 . 12 that flung his ring into the fea, becaufe he would participate ofdifcoment ---- with others,and had it miraculoufly rell:ored to him again fl1ortly after,by a fifl1 taken as he angled,was not free from Melancholy d1fpofiuons. No maci can fecure himfelfe; the very gods had bitter pangs, and frequent pallioas as I< Homer. Iliad. their ownk Poets put upon them. In generall,1«; the heaven,fo il our life ,fo/nc_ 1 LipfluHent.3 times foire,fomettmes overcttft, tempejlttOIH; andflrene; IU in a rofo,f/Dwers ;~~~fie':::~~ Andprtekles; in the yea~e it fetft_, a temperate fu~mer~m~times.,~ hardwinter, !'Jinet fi''!l~ : A drowth, and then agatne pteafrnt Jborv~rs : Jo_ u ottr lift tntermtxt JVith joyes i ::::/:U~;;:· hores,ft'aresJorrowes, calumn~es: lnvrcem Hdtmt do/or & 'l/OiteptM> there is obdumu• & ·a•Juccellionofpleafure and pame. obfcurt~tur.In -mmediotlefonteleptntki; . · jpf::~·;:::;~x- Surgit amarz Aliqrnd quod.rnipjis Jlorihtu aiigat. ti. p,,.ji,.ilu-Eveninthemtd.ftoflaughing there u {Qrrorv, (as" Solomon holds:) even in ae>i, udum mo- the midll: ofall our feafting and jollity, as 0 v1 ujfin infers in his c om. onthe ;;f,r;;j.:::;::- 41_. Pfolme, there isg(iefe and difcomenr. Inter delitit# femper aliq,.id{.evi ,., 'it• v ·<et nos.ftrangul•t, for a pmte ofhony thou lhalt here hkely find agallon ofgaul, ;~:,:i,t;;~- for adramme of pleafure a pound of paine, for an inch of mirth an e.ll of <tiu,& fti••- mone; as Iviedothan Oke,thefem1fenes encompa!le our life. And ' tis moft m cuu. . abfurd and ridiculous, for any monall man to looke for a perpetuall tenor of ~ ~~::w"' t. . happinefle in this life.Nothing fo profperous and pleafanr,but it hathP fome nProv.I4.J. bitternelfe in it, fome complaining, fome grudging; 'ris all a jllwxV..,.titfov, a :::~:;·;:~.. mixt r.allion. We are not hereas chafe .Angel~, celeftiall powers ~nd Booccupar. dies, !>uoneandMoone, to fimlhourcourfe Wlthoutall offence, wuhfuch o.f,·;~~:;:;: conll:ancy, to continue for fo many ages: bl!tf4!>j~Cl to infirm.ities, miferies, ~ ••• nupri• hir mterrupr,to.lfed and tumbled up and downe, earned about w1ch every fmall fuut,at ibiqu<d blall:,often moldted andd1fqmeted upon each flel)deroccafion, q uncertain, ·::~;:;,~!~dd brittle,and fo is all ~hat we trull: unro. '_fi,.dhe tkat knorves not thio, a,d io not non<>anfit' arme~ toendttr< tt, n not fit to lweznthurvorld ,(as one condoles our time)ht ~:,,~ul~~i1' knowes not the condition of it,wlur~ rvit~ 4 rccif.~Ofalty} plea(i1re a~d paineare ifl;tq;tid btJmi- jhdunrted,dndfucceed"!e ~tnothe~tn artng.Ext e m_un_do, get theegone hence nitump"lf'~ ifthoucanll:not brook1t; ~ here Is noway .to av01d1t, buttoarmechy felfe :;:: <hvm•,'•'. with patience,wich magnanimity, tO r oppofe thy felfe unro it, to futfer af- ••;'!';.';:.[.," fliClion as a good fould1er ofChrifl; (as' Pa"l advifeth) conll:ant!y to be~re ~li~uiU.!fc•l- it. But forafmuch as fo few can embrace this good counfel of his, or ufe it :t:.;zJf;!:.:;';.'._ aright~ but rather as fo m~ny bruit beaUs, give away t<>:their pallions, vo. qual·<titul, Iuntanly fubJeCl and prec1p1tate themfclves U)to a Labynnrh ofcares, woes, .1./::f'.~~~~:: miferies~and fufferrheir foules to be overcomeby them, cannot armet~emrimf.ia"~i•· [elves w1th that patience as they ought to ~oe, lt falleth out oftennmes gati~"!"'dom that thefe Dijfojitiom become Habits, and nuny Ajfetfs contemned (as"Sc- ~";j~r:;!~!~: neea notes~ make 4 difla(e . Even_ 111 on' Dtfli!lation, notyetgrowne to cujlome, ;,.., & f•ar,i- makes acongh;but contmua.9andrnveterate caufeth aconfi•mption ofthe lungs: r··(F puuili: fo doe the!e our melancholy provocar.ions: and according as the humour it :;;;~'1:/::fl,~; fdfe is intended, or remitted inmen, as their temperature ofBody, or Ratio. 'ifl.:~qu£vhes & optJ bumau~acanrur. a/ffutltrt (ubitd, rrprnrr Jetabuntur, nu~oinloco, null.-inperft14, /iabilibt14nixaradicibla cor.j:Jlflnt. ftd incertilfimo fttotu J! ttun:'., tfUOf in fublime txtukrunt rmproviforecu'[u defli.tUtot inprojundo miftriaru,. ..,allemiftrabil lterimm.erguf't Vuleri~ lib.6 .cap.1 I. r Huic ftculop~rum _aptru er,aut piJtiusomnium noflrorum ~onditionem ig,_n6rllJ , qui bus rec·pro,oquodam ncxu,(.7c. Lort:b:Jnu' Ga/il)belytc_IU lzb.~. ad annum 1 S"98. [Horfom omnrafludi4 dirigi i/cbrn• .m human.s [mLterJcramus, r 1 Tun. :q. u ~pif/.96 .lzb. 1 ~· ajfe{fus freqtupter comemptii mwbunl fa· cimzt. ViflzllatiounaxecRdhuc hJ morern~tla, tuffim jtUJt. Affkiua ($' 'fJiolW4pthifiUJ. 11all