Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.r.Seer.r. Anatomy o(the Body. Memb.z.Subf.3 • Melancholy, cold and dry,thicke,blacke, and fowre, begotten ofthe more I 1 fxculent part ofnourifhment, and purged from the fpleene,_ rs abrtdle to the Mcbndwly. othertwo hot humours;BI011dand Choler, prefervmg them mthe Bloud,and nouri01ing the bones. 1 hefe foure humours have fome analogy,with the foureElemems,and to the foure ages in man. Tothefe humours you may adde Serum, which is the matter of Urine, serum,Swm~ and thofe excrementirious humours of the thrrd Concochon, Swear, and T '""· Teares. Spiriris amoft fubtilevapour, whichis expreffcd from the Ji/oud,and the Spitiu: inft rumenr ofrhe foule, to performe all hrs achons; acommon rye or medmm . betwixrrhc body and the foule, as fomewill have it; or as• ParMelfus, a a spirital~ fourth foule ofit felfe. Melantthon holds rhc founrame of,thcfe fpirirs to be amma. rhe !lcart, begotten there; and afterward convayed ro rheBraine, they rake . anothernaturerorhem. Of rhefefpirirs rherebethreekitides, according to therhree principall parts, Jiraine, !leart, Liver; Naturall, Vital!, Amma!l. TheNatttrall are begotreninrhe Liver, and thence difperfed through the Veines, to pcrformethofe narurall aC!ions. The Vital! Spirits are made in theHeart of theN aturall, which by the Arteries are tranfported ro all the other parts: ifthefe Spirits cea:Ce, then life ceafcrh,as in a Syncope or Swoun~ ing. The Animalflirits formed of the Vitall, brought up ro rhe Braine, and> ' diffufed by the Nerves, to the fubordinate Members, give fenfe andmotioli to~~ . SUE6:ECo 3." Similar parts. J Ontaining parts,by rea[on of their more folid fubftance, are either Similar part~ 1f omogmeall,or 1f eterogeneall, Similar, or Difimilar; [o Ariftot!e divides them,lib.r.cap.r.dc hift. Animal.LaurcntiM cap. 20 .lib. I. Similar, or !lomogenea/1, are fuch,asifrhey be divided,are Hill fevered into parts of the fame nature, as water into water. Of thefe fome be Spermaticall,[omeFlejhie, or Carnall. mspermatica/1 are fuchasareimme- mLaurentiui diarely begotrenofrhe Seed, which are Bones, Griftles, Ligaments, Mem. cap.,o.ltb, r, branes,Nerves ,Arteries, Veines, Skins,Fibers or Strings,F at. ,.. .d~~ar. Thebones are dry and hard,begotten of rhe rhickeHofrhe feed, to fireng. Bones, · ~hen and [uilaine the other pans: fomefaytherebe 304. fome3o7. or 31 3· m Mans Body. They have no Nerves 10 them, and are therefore without fenfe. A Griftie, is a fubftance fofter thenbones,and harder then the refr flexible 1 and ferves to maintaine rhe parts of.motion. ' , Ltgan:ents, ~retheyt~attyerhebo!les together, and other parts to the bones,wrrh thm fubfervmgtendons:M embranes office is to cover the reil:. Nerves or finewes, are Membranes without, and full ofmarrowwithin' they proceed from theBraine, andcarrythe Animall fpirirs fqr fenfc and motion. Ofrhefe fome be harder, fome fofter; the fofrer ferve rhe fenfes,and therebefevenpa1reofthem. Thefirll:bethe OptickeNerves, bywhich we fee; the fecond move the eyes; the third paire fer.ve for the tongue to tall:e.; th~