Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.r.Secl:.r. .Anatomy ofthe Body. Memb.2.Subf.4, tained; and Braineit felfe, ~hich by his Nerves give fenfe andmotion to the __ 1~ 7relt, and is (as it were) a prlVle C ounf~llour, and S:hancel!ourro the Heart. Thefecond Regionis the .cheft, ?rm1ddle Be!ly, m ~h1ch theHeart as king keepes hi~ court, a~d by h1s Artenes :ommumcates!1feto the whole body: The third Regioms the lower Belly, mwh1ch the Lwerrefides as a Legat a /atere with the reft of thofenatural! Organs, ferving for concoction, nourilhm~nr, expelling ofexcrements. This lower Region is diftinguil bed from ~he upperby the Jl!!drifff, or :>ia}'hragma,andis[ubdivided again by q fome_ ~f~~:,:~.~,~· toto three concavmes,or Reg10ns, upper, m1ddle, and lower. The upper ot others. theHypocondries,inwhofe right fide is the Liver,the left the Spleen: From which is denominated Hy}'ocondriaca/1 Melancholy. Thefecond of the NavellandFlankes, divided fromthefirft by the Rimme. Thelall:ofthewater-courfe, whichi~againe fubdividedinto three other parrs.The <.Arabians make two parrs ofthis Region, Epigajfrium, and Hypogajlrium; upper, or lower.Epigajfriumtheycall Mirach, from whence comes Mirachi~lu Melancholia, fometimes JUentioned c,f them. Of thefe feverall Regions I will treat in briefe apart: Andfirft of the third Region,in which the natural! Organsarecomained. ' ' But you that are Readers in themeane time, Suppofe you were nowbrought 2Je 411ima. into(omefacredTemple, or Majcjficall PAlAce (as •Melanflhon faith) to be-;:;;:,~~;;~-;, holdnot thematter onely, but the ftnsular .Art,Workmanjl11p, andcoun(ell of acfocrarium thu ourgreat Creator• .Andtua plea]ant andprofitable fPeculation,ifit be con. quoddam ~~· ftderedaright. Thepansofthis.Region, which prefent themfelves to your:.~:~~;~;; · confideratioR and view,arefuchas ferveto nutritiop, or generation. Thofe &utiliwg~ of nutritim ferve to the firft or fecond concoction: as the tzJophagw or Gul- ¥;:~·lower let, which brings meat and drinke into the Stomacke. 1 he Ventricle or fio- Rcgion.Nau~ mack,which is feated in the midll: ofthat part of the belly beneath the Mid. rall Organs. ¥iffe, thekitchen(as it were) of the firft concoCtion, and which turnes our meat into C hylm: It hat!'! twomouthes,one above,another beneath.The upper is fometimes taken forthe fiomacke it felfe; the lower and nether doore (as Weeker calls it) is named Pylorm. This ftomacke is fufiained by a large Kell or Kaull, called Omentum:which fomewill have the fame· with Peritoneum, or Rimme ofthe belly.From theStomackto the very Ftmdament,are produced the Guts, or Intcjfina, which ferve a little to alter anddill:ribute the Chyl~H,~convey away theexcrcments.They are divided into fmall and great, by reafon oftheir lite and fubftance, flenderor thicker.The flender is Duodenum,orwholegut,whichis next to theftomacke, fome twelve inches long,(faith r F ttfchi~H,) Jejunum or empty gut,continuate to the other,which rw.•. c.p., , , bath r:nany Mefe.raicke Veines annexe~ toit,whichtakepart ~f thechy!w to sea. r. the LIVer from lt- Iltonthethird, wh1chconfifis ofmany cnnckles, which ferves with the reftto receive, keepe, anddifiributethe chyl110 from thejfomacke•. The:hickegutsarethree, the blindegut, Colon, and Rightgut. The Blmdns athtck and lhort gut, having·onemouth,in which the !lion and Co. Ion meet: it receives theexcrenierits,and conveyes them to the c~lon. This Colon hat~ man~ windings,thattheexcrements paifenot away too fall:.The .Rrghtgut IS firatght,and conveyesthe excrements to the Frmdament, whofe lowet part is bound up with certaine M"(Cles ,called Sphinfleres,that the excrements may be the bettercomained, until! fuch time a man be willing to ·-- . ... ~ . . . f;:OC,