Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.x.Sect.x. vflwomy ofthe Soutc. Memb.z.Subf.rr. them I will onely point ac, as more necelfary eo r_ny following difcourfe. :i9 . synterejis, or the purer par~ ofthe confcJence 1S an mnace hab1t, and cloth fignifie aconfervatJon ofthe kn~wledge ofthe faw of Godand Nature, to know goodorevtl: And (asourDJVmeshold) lt IS rach~r m the.underjlanding, rheninchewiU. ThlsmakesthemaJOr propofinon maprachcke Syllogr(ml!, The Diflamen rationi& is that which cloth admonilh us to doe good or eVill, and is the minor in the SyUogifme; The Con(cienct is that which approves good or evill,jufrifying or '?~demning our actions; and is the conclufion of the Syllogifme:asm that famJbarexample of Regultu the Roman,caken pnfoncr by che CarthaginiarJs,and fuffered to goe to Rome, on that condition be lhould returneagaine, or pay fomuch for his ranfome. The Synterefts propofech the quefrion; his word, oath, promife; is to be religiouily kept; although eo his enemy,and that by the lawofnature. "Doe n~ttkat to ~nothq, n~oJ 1;p; which thou wouldeft pot have done to 1hy (elfo. D1ifamen applies it to h1m, :md fcri non vu ,atdictates this or thelike: Regnltu, thou wouldft notanother man lhould falli- tmnefemu. fie his oath,or break promife with thee:ConjCiena concludes, therfo>~ Regu~ lt«, thou doll: well to performe thy promtfe, and oughteft to keepe ;hine pa;h. More of this in JJ,eligiot« Melancholy, ., , Oft/gWiU: :,,. ?' ,-r !t, is theother pow.eroftheratima/1 fosl!e, 0 w~ich. covets or ailhris 0 Res ai, inre/.; fuch thipgs ;M have l>eene before judged, andapprehe,ndedhy the.{ln- letlu mon(lra- ' ·d~rfta,din~. ~fgood1 itappr~ves; ifevill, itabh~rresit: f.qr!l~t ;~.~:,:'~;:p,:t hiS object IS etthergood or evlil. Arijlotle cals thiS our rationizll bat, vel impro; Appetite;forasintheSe'lfitive we aremoved to goodor bad by our Appe. ~a<,Pbilip. tite, ruled and directed by Senfe;.fo in thiswe.are c~rried' by ~t~fon.~~fwes. '£;:~.""14 the 5mjirwe.Appetzt.e bath a parl1icular obJect,good orbad:thts an umverf:rlt· . . immaterial!;That refpetls onely things delectable and p\eafant,this honefr; ·' :o - Againe? they di~er iti liQeny. The:. ~en[ua~.appttit~ f~eing an P.bj~et; if~J>e-~ · 4' convemenr good,,cannot but ddire lt ;tf evlll,av01d Jt: but thts 1s freefn hi~ effence,PmucQ now depraved,obftured, andfolpefom his ffrjter{~if(on;y~t i!' pMel•nCih"" fome ofltu op.cratzon>jtJIIfree; as to goe, walke, move at h1s p}eafure, ·and to opewioner ,hoofe whether itwilld.oe, or not <lo,~eale,or not fteale.Oth~~wife i~ y~~~} {;j;"/,:,~jfi,~; were4awes, Dehberat10ns,Exb.onanons, Councds, Prect:pts, ~ew~rds iUaineJlinti• Promifes, Threats and Punifhments: and God lhould be the authoU!: oNirtf""· . .. ' .But.i'li<J fpirituall thiags ."':PV·il!nogood, pr0ne to evill(~xcept w~ ~e t~~.Jb!;::;;;~;: nerate,and led by rheSpmt)w.e.are~ggoo on!:>y oornamral'l f(\nc~Riftence ' infPi•it:JaJib~H; and there is aT~<«, a.confufion in ~ur powers;• .our 111kolf ·n:f'l! (S ave~fo IJ} FJ, ~{:,":.:oiunriii G·odanahulaw, not mnatural! thmgs only;as to'eat and grmk,,juft);o .w1\lc!i •wf• ,; ve.; we arded headlong by ourremper.ature an~in~t,~inate apP,_et\~e~ .. ~"::m• r Nec nos ohfiiti contra.,ne~J'enderp;t-anf1)."' "'. -f Yirg; Sufftcimuo,-- - .,. . we cannot refill, our co~cupifcen~eis originally bad, our hearcevil, the feat D 3 of ' .