,I Pare. t.Sect.z. Matter ofMl,l411cboly. ' Memb.z.Subf. 7· 34 ,. tratl.p~um. de Mtl®.rdit. VflfttllJtlho. eap.7.t!8.A:b intempoiecali-': 11.2,kumida,&c. and fo doth Arcr;lanm :the material/ is one of the foure humors bef0re mentioned,and natmall. The immaterial/ or adv~lltitious, acquifito, redundant, unnaturall.artificiall: which • Hermles de Saxonia willluve·vefide in the fpirits alone;& to proceed fro an lrot,cold,dry, moifl difiemptrat•rc, 1vhich witholtf matter ,alter the Braine andfunllions ofit.Paracel{tu wholy rejects and derides this d'iV:ilion of foure humor~ and complexions,but our Galenifls generally approve of it, fubfcribing to 1his opinionof 0l1ontanm. '· This m'l]:eriaH Mela~JCholy is eitherjimple,or·mixt; offending in f!.!!_antity , or f2.!aliry,,aryiog rtctordingto his place, where it ferk•l1,•s Brain,Spleen,. Mdt:,ia<tk veitJd,Heart, 'Nomb,aod Sromack: or differing according to the mixt"Kd.frhofe natural! humorsamongihhemfelves,or fome unnmuralla, dufl humors,as they are divedly tempered and mingled . Ifnarurall melan. •holy abound in the body,which is cold & dry,fo that it be mortk tbaiZ theHo. dy iJ rvdl able to beu,it mt~jl needs be dijlempertd, lalth Fa·ventiu;, anddifea(id: k srcund'U 11Jilgis (ltetmim~<Jfim &!rparefuerit,ad.. intt'lcpmepbijquilcorp!14falu.- brim ftm p8ttm .indtCIJ1fUJ nmbq{iun ejftcittrr. 1Li!J.J.C(J71/l0· <~tr{cap .'!.t. m Lib.t.jU/.4. 'flP·4·. n conci/.'!6. 0 LW.b-C~TJIT'!', dit.c~p.u. p Veftb.tr~ttl. #ff.,..cap.1.n1Jn eft mg:1.ndum ex b4c jieriMdancbllitos, q£n ~yntax: ; . rV1mcad~~ruJtr tt mifcetur, unit var~ a11WUJtJm r~:~o;1~~~ diJJ ddlri~ cmfa: {IITOYU caiJdiJJ, &c. t Lib.I.·cap.Io, do a/fell cap. u N 1grt[ctt !Jic (*mr~r,a/iqliJ)Ido fupeull/e[aii~~&, .Juptflndo[upcrfrigcfollu~,ca.r. xHumorbicni.- fp-'iqii<Wlo pr~tterTIXJdJmJ. caitfatl#J,et(l/'1- ,nref,-igtratl#£- 'wdit:n:tmrtnt ibrMcarbonihUJ, eiquidftmife accidit,tp~idmwJJe jlamma pelik&i· dilflmeunlknt, ea.e:vruliapror· [l#nigrt{cunt. Hippacratr~ yGuiancriN-S dijJ:z.,ap.7. and fo the other,if it be depraved,whether it a>ife from tlJat orherMelanchDly of Choler aduft,br from B/oed,produceth the like df<cts, & is,as MMtalttu· contends,ifJtcome by aduflion of humors,mofl part hot and dry.Somediffcrence I find, whet her this melancholy matter may be ir.gendred ofall foure l)omors,abbut the colour and temper of it, Galen holds it mJy bcingendred ofthrec:'alone, excluding Flegme, or Pitr~ita, wholctrueafft rtion, tralefim and Menardu; frilly mdiataine,aod fodoth m Fuchflu; ,Montaltm,•Montanm, How (fay they) can w.bite become black ~But Rercules deSa'xonial, pojl. de mtla.c,8,& Cardan ate of the opp<:>fit~ part( it may be ingendred ofFleagme, etji raro contingat, though it feldorne come ro·paffe) fo is P GuianeriH< and LatmntiH< ~ . .x, with Mctana .in his>Hook dt ~m>Ha1am:t QhatJ.ofhurpors; he cals it .Afl"!'nam1dull,f~vinifh Melancho1y,andf~1\h that hewasaneye-witnes ofit:fo is q w'eck<r.From mtlancholj.•naulhrifeth one kiod,fromCh•/eraoother,which is mort bnitifh:anothet from Flegme, which is dull; and the !aft from Blood, which is befi.Ofthefefome are cold and dry, others hot & dry, 'varying according to their mixtures,as they are intended ,and remitted. And indeed as llodericu.s a FonfcDnf rz.l. I.determines,.ic hores and thofe ferious mmers being thickned become Regme,and llegme degenerates into choler, choler adufl becomes .erugiRofa melancholia;as vinegar out of purefl wine putrified or by exhalation of purer fpirits is fo made, and becomes fowre and fh arp; and from the fharpnelfe of this humour proceed much waking, trouhldome thoughts anc\ dteams,&<;. fo that I conclude as before. If the humor be cold,it is,{aithfF&ventinru,a cau(i •fdotage,& prodt~ctth milderfymptoms: ifhot,they are rafb,rAving mad,or inclining to it.If the brain be hot,the animal fpirits are hot, much madnelfe fonows w1th violent actions: ifcold, fatuity and fottifhnelfe,' Capivacciu.s. •Tiie colour ofthi5 mixtu.re varits like,.i(e Mcarding to themixtur~,be it hDt or cold,'tu (ometimes black, fornetimes rJDt, AltBmarm. The famex Mdanelius proves out ofGalen: & HippDcraw in his book of Melanc/;.•ly .(ifat !earl ir be his) giving inflance in a burning coale, which rvhenit iJ het,Jbines; when it iJ cold,loDh black,andfodoth the humor. Thisdi· vedity ofMelancholy matter, prodticeth divcrfity ofeffetls. !fit be within ther body,atulnot putrified,itcaufeth black JaundiCe; it pmrified,a Q!artan Ague; it it breakout to the skin, Leprofie; if to parrs,feverall M1 ladies,as fcurvie,&c. If it trQuble.the mind,as it is diverfly mixt, it produceth feverall kindes ofMadneffe and Dotage: of which in their place. SUB.