Parr.r.Sec1.r. Species ofMtlancholy. Memb.3.Subf.4. ----------------~ 36 he calls Ct~et~b~tthc; are commonly included in head Mcbncholy: burofrhis lafi, which GerardM de Solo cals Amoreos,and moll Knight melancholy,wirh that of 1/.eligiou.smelancholy, Virginum & Yidt~arum, maintained by ll.od. a Cajfro and Mercattes, and the other kindes of Love melancholy, I will fpeake apartbyrhemfelves in my third Partition. The three precedent fpeciesare thefub;ectofmy prefent difcourfe, which! will anatomize, and treat of. through all their caufes, fympromes, cures, together, and apart; that every man that is in any meafure affected with this malady, may know how to ex. amine it in himfelfe, and apply rem~dies unroit. It is ahard matter, I confelfe, to dillinguifh rh& three fpecies one from the other,ro exprelfe their feverall caufes,fymptomes,cures, being that they are fo often confounded amongll rhemfelves, having fuch affinity, that they can fcarce be difcerned by themoll accurate Phylicians; and fo often inter. mixr with other difcafes,rhat the belt experienced have been plunged. M on. tanus conjil.16.names a patient that had rhisdifeafe ofMelancholy, and Cat4so.e- rt6. nimu Appetitus both together: And conjil. 13. with Yertigo. lJulius C<~~for <onfolt.confil. Claudmus withStone, Gour,Jandice. Trincavdliru with an Ague,Jandice, ~'Hildifhrim . Canimes Appet#us,&c. m l'aulus 1/.egoltne, agreat Doctor in his time,confui- /Pi<et.,.fot. tedin this ca(e, was fo confounded with aconfufion offympromes, that he ;~~;.,...,,1/i., knew not to what kinde ofMelancholy to referre ir. 0 T.rincavellius, F_ aUo. '""·'· confit. ptm ,and Franeanz•nm, famous Doctorsm Italy ,all three conferred With a1 i-0' •6. bout one party, at the fame time, gave threedifferent opinions. And in ano· ther pJ.ace, Trincavellim being deman.ded what herhoughrofamelancholy young man,rowhom he was fent for, wgenuoully confelfed, that he was in., •.. , deed-melancholy, but he knew not to what kmde to reduce it. In.his 11 •· . fultarion, there is thelike difagreemenr about a melancholyMonke. Thofit ., cat,.' 3.tra11..fymptomes, which others afcribe tomifafrected parts and humours,• Her>. f•/!1'·"' metan. de Saxoni• attributes wholly todillempered fpirits,and rhofe immateriall,as l ilave [aid. Sometimes they cannot well d&erne rqis Difeafe from others. In Jleiner111 Solenanders counfels,Sefl.3. conftl. 5. he and De. BrAnde both a• · gFeed~ that thepatients difeafe was Hypowndriacall melancholy. De. M•· oeU.riDn.<on(. tlioMm faid it was Ajlma, and nothing elfe. 0 Solinander and Guarimi111, '"~'" breJ.y fent for to the melancholy Duke of Cleve, with others, could nor define what fpeciesit was, or agreeamongfi vhemfelves. The fpecies arefo confounded;as in C.rfar Cl•udinm his 44·confultation for a .nolonian Count, his j'udgement p he r.bOttred ~f &ead melancholy.' and that whteh•proceeds <Jfinuam,& ~from th• whole temperAture bothat once. I could giVe IAllance of fome rh at ':';,:~'t:~~1, have had all three Jdndes (emel & fimul,and fom~ fucc effively.So thari con- & c. smith,. elude•of our melan~holy fpecies, as" many Politicians doe of their pure ~!;~f;~,"!;.~ formes ofC~mmonwealrh_s, Mona~chies, Arillocracies,Democracies, are! Buftold..dif· meiHamousmcomemplanon, butlll·prachce they aretemperare andufu..r ••r.polit.dif- ally mixt,as the Laceti.tmonia11',the 1/.oman efold; Ger-man now, and'many o. ';;{J.;'tp~ir. tllers.What P~yfic!~ans fay ofdiiliin&fpeciesill their boeks,it much matters up. ultJ(tc·· not,lince that mtheir panenrs bodies theyare commonly mixt. la Cuch ob- ~""'·"1"•~'· fcurity therefore, variety and <mnfufedmixtureoffymptomes, caufes, how difficult a thing is it to treat offeverall kindes apart; to make any certainty' or difiinction among fo many·cafualties, dillraerions, when feldome two· men ilia!! be likeaffected per mmi ~ ? :r is hard,I confelle, yet nevmheldfe 1' · will