Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Cau(es ofMelancholy. Memb.r.Subf.r. will adventure through themidll: of thcfe perplexities, and led by the clue 37 or thread ofthe bell: writers, extricatemy felfe out ofa labyrinth of doubts ---- and errours, and fo proceed to the Caufes. SECT. II. Ma>u.r. SuBsBcT. r. CauftsofMelancholy., Godacaufe. T iJ invainttoj}take o{cltrts, or thinkeofremedies, unti!l fuch time ,u '"have conjideredofthe cau(es, fo q Gal en prefcribes Glauco:and q p,;m, artiO rhecommon experience ofothers confirmes,that thofe cures mull: ':~~;:r rimll be unperfeCl, lame, and to no purpofe, wherem the caufes luve fit propu/ri •!· not fir!\ beene fearched, as' Proffer Caleniu; well obferves in his traCl de Jelli"Jm cau- •tra btle to Cardinal! C.tftu.. Infomuch that iFtrnelitMfttts a kinde ifnecef ~:;!;~~;;~,; jity in the knowledge ofthe caufts ,andwzn&ottt whzch tt unnpofst6te to cure or vi"""''"""' prevent any inarmeofdtftaft. ~mpericks may eafe,andfometim~s h,elp:,but ~~~i~>:;:: ' not tbrougbly root out :foblat,a catt(a tol/itttr effec1m, as the faymg tS, tfthe er i•utilu e.!Jii,' caufe be removed,tbeelfect islikewife vanquiliJed.Itis a moll: difficult thing iP•th.l<b. '· (I eonfelfe) to be able to difcerne thefe caufeswhence they are, and in foc)l :::~~(i!:':.~­ 'variery to fay what the b~glnnmg was. "He ts happy that can performe tt pu.>!"'diiu ;,..· aright. I will adventure to guelfe as neere as I can, and rip thi:m all up, fro~ fF~::fi,~:~'f,"" rbe firfb to tbelaft, gener.tH and p.irttcu/Jr, to every JJmes >that fo ~hey r_rlay nee /nor bum cuJ the better be defcried. . . · rare, ne~pr~-. General! caufes, areei,rherfopetnaturafl, or natura!l. Supetnatilraflareftom :-;:;:;~::;, Ood and hiJ angels, orhy Gldsjermifion from the devil, ana his minifl:ers. morbi varietao_ T_har ~od bi!llfdfe is a caufe forthe punifhment offinn~, and fatisfactl?n of:; ~;!~;;~• hts Jull:tee, many examples and tefhmomes ofboly Scnptures make evtdem Jignufl"'"· unto us, i{al.xo7.I7. F oolifo mep artplagned for thetr offence; and by rea [on unde initium oftheinvickidnejft. GehAii was ll:ru<:ken with leprofie, z Reg.5 z7.11h~ram_ :,;~~~~~Jf!• wicfrdif-enrery and flux, and great dtfeafes of the bowels, z Chron:·zr. I'j. eGateno. Davld plagued for numl'>ring his peo?le, 1 Par. zr. Sodomand Gomorrah uF,tlxq., pdf."waHowed up. And·this difeafe i~ peculiarly fpecified, Pfalme I 2 7. I~. He ~";ft;:,'"c::;£: hroughtaownethttr heart through heavmef!e. Deut.z8. z8. Heftrdke ·tliem x.Sam.•6·•+ with ma·dnelfe, b/;~~nt!Je, andajlonifoment ofheart. > vfn eviljJirit wd!font ~ ~.';;~~;.;,;: . hy the Lordupon Saul, to vexe htm. y N ebttchadnezurdtd eat graffe liRe· an flit.lib. Map.& oxe; and bis•liearlw,u m~de hke .thebeafts ofthe field. Heatllen ftories are •Menrecapr~. full offuch•punilhments. LycvrgM, becaufe he cut down~ rbe Vines iri the;:;!~;:;~;~: country,.was by BJcditM driven into rnadnelfe : fo was Pentheu. and his·m'o-i""'P'"'· · t~~r A gav; for neglecting their fatrifice. 'G_enfor Fulvitif ran,mad fo~ _un. :~~~f.:~~:t nlmg hmo s 1' em pie, to cover a new oneofbts owne, wh1ch be bad dei!ICa. • 1.de c. to (lilt· redro Fortu!le-,' 4'rrd >VIII <o'11fottndedto death, withgrieft'Andforrow ofhurt. ftm«b•ntur, . Wh . Id b r. "l d*A "' T l ', t h f r. tan~uamm(anl . . cnXerxeswou , avetpl:lle pouos empeatDep os,o rhotc!O-defoxupr~<ifitute rtcbes lt polfefl'ed, a ternble thunder came from Heaven, .and ll:rucke tltari &eo 4ooo. men dead, tberell: ran mad, b A little after, the like happened toBren- L'"'"' 1•b.J 8. m«, lightning, thunder, earth quakes, uponfuch a litcrilegious occafion. If · E 3 we