• / • •• ~p-~-t1 .-S-€&--z-.------~~J{~a-t-ur_t_o/~V~t-v~H~~~--~--~~~e-m-b;.-l~,s~u7 b~[.~2. [f#ijl'imum· .therfore all fpirirs are corporeallhe cqncludes,and in their pro. .p per lhapes.;OJ.UJd.That they can a_ffume other aeriall bodies, all ~anner of fhapes at their pleafure's,appearemwhat hkeneffe they wi!l themfclves, that they are moll iivift in motion, can paffe many miles man mfiant,and ~o likewife "transforme bodies ofothers into what lhape they pleafe,~nd With ad- u cyprian:" in mirable celerity remove them from place to pla~e; (as the Angel di? Hab,a- ~!;{,7::.%: cuck to Daniel, and as Philip the.Deacon was earned away by the Spmt,when tia erm1 ifmi pofhee had baptized the E_umteh; (b did Rythagor,u and ApoUon~w remove ~~:~:r2~;';~ themfdves and others,wtth many fuch feats) that they can repreCent cafrlts w<hcwp of in the ayre, pallaces, armies, fpe(hums, prodigies, and fuch firange objetrs <hcPimdc: to mortall rnens eyes, • c.aufe fmels,favours,&c. deceive all the fenfes;mofr ~ncdo~':':~'~;:~ Writers of this fubj ec.l: credibly bel~eve; and tha~ they can foretell future e. flatcd. s" vents,imd doe many ll:rangcmiracles .. !tenos image fpake to C amillus,& Eor. ~:;:');~;~;'- tmm flatue to the R~m~ne m_atrons, With many fuch.Zanchttu, Bodme, Spon. Z.J.cap. ~ . ;mdanw. and others are of op1010n that they cauk a trueMetamorpholis,as N a• nf.rnag p, ai· lmchadmzar w~s re~lly tranilated into a bea ll:,Lots wifeioto a pillar of Salt; ;:~1~"..:::-;: Ylyjfes compamons m to Hogs and Dogs,by Ctrccs charms;Turn thcmfelvts f"•frm f•fand orhers,as they doe Witches into,Cats,Dogs,Hares,Crowes,&cStroz. ~~:~~,:";-,_ ztra Ctcogna bath many examples,lzv. 3·omnifm.tg. cap. 4, & 5. whteh hee '''"",.,~;.~in ther~ confutes,as Atdii~> likewife doth de civ.Dei lib. 18. That·they can bee ''"fficflos<inr:- fcen when and inwhat lhape,and to whom they will,faith P(ellw,Tamctfinil "' ' Ag•ippa, ~ale viderim,nec optem v idcre, though_he himfdf never faw them nor defired ~~{j~~f:/."' lt; and ufe fomwmes carnal! copulation (as dfwhere I lhall xprove more at 'AgripJm.dr large)with, wo~en and men.Maoy ~i!l n~t beleeve they c'a~ befeene,ao? if a~.~~~;:::.il:f. any man ll1~ll lay,fweare,and lhlly ma;mam,though he be difcreet and wrfc, xPare. 3.[ca.,: judicious and learned,that he·hath.feen them,they aacomp! him a timorous Memb,, .s,b.r. foole,a \!]clancbolly dizard,a:weake lellow,a drearner,a licke or a madm~n, ~~~~Y Melonthey concemne him, laugh hlm tokorne, and yet M arcus of his credit told · Pjiltu that hehad often ken the.And Leo Sttaviw ,a Frenchman,c. 8.in Com. mentar .l. I. Paracelji de vit!i long a, out of fome Platonijls will have the ayre to be as full ofthem,asfoow falling io the skies,and that they may be feen, and withal) fets downe the means how men may fee them; Si irreverkeratu ow. lu {oleJflendenteverfru cadii continuaverim obtutu•, (};-c. and faith moreover rryed ir,pr.emij[orr""feciexperimentttm,and it was true,-that the Platonijls faid.Para celfzu confelfeth that hela.w them divers tirnes,and "COnferredwith them,and fo doth Alexander ab rAlexandro, that he (o found it by experimct; y Grnial. diedt. when"' before he d~u&ted cfit. Many deny it, faith Lavater deJfe•1ru, part . I. uofibi·oifum c. 2. & part.z. c: I t.heca.ufl th~y never .f"' them thcmfelvs ;But as he reports at ~"~:~~~;;=~" largeaBov.er Ius book,cfl'ecially c. I9.pa~t. I .they are often feen and heard, effcnt«mbigmt and familiarly converfe W:Jth men,as Lod.Vivcs affureth us,innumerable Re. ::,~;~flmm licords,Hifiories,and tefrirnonies evince in'allages,times, places, and • all tdt. z Li.<.dtverit . · vel! m belidcs; m ~he Well Ind,ies and our Northerne dimes;Nihil familia. ~~i. Be""-'· ~zm quamzn agru·cJ' ttrbtbtu Jf>rztr~svtdere,audzre,qui vttent, jubeant ,&c.Hie. • iw. drDivi-- rommus ~zta PtZu.!t,~Afilftr.4o.Nicephorus,Eufebius ,SocrAtts~Sozomenus, * Itt. lflllilttettmaz,i«. cobus !Joiffardu; mht_s tra~ de f}~rituum apparitionibus,Petrur Loyem; !.de lfe. tru •PI!' m" (1 .have mfintte vartty offuch examples ofapparitionsoffpirits fo_r htmto reade that farther doub!s, to his ample fatifusttion. One alone I will bnelly mferr. A nr.~blem.anin Germany was fcm Embaffadour to the F King