Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Pare. 1,Setl:. ~. 'f{ature of Spirits: M em b. 1.Subf. 2. and eac-h world his peculiar Spirits, Gods, Angels, and Devils togoverne, and puni{h ir. . , 45 Singula • 11011111111t ;redunt quo'}; fydera polfc Dici orbes, terY.JJ"''k appellant fydzu opacum, ClliminimU&divumpr.ejit-- ··" . , Gregoriu• 7holof'anzu makes feven kindes of retheriall Spirits or Angels, r Ltb~'"'P.-H· according to the m/~ber ofrhe feven Planets, Saturnie, Jovial, Martial, of ~:t:J,":v":· which Cardan difQourfcth !tb.2o.deJitbtt!. bee cats them Jitbjlantw prtma<, - otympicos d.emonu. Tritenizu,qui pr.e(unt zodiaco,&c.a_od will have them to . be good Angelsabove,Devils beneath theMoon, their f.:verall names and offices he there fm down,and which Dionyjizu ol Angels,will have feverall fpirits for feverall countries,men,offices: &c. which ltve about the~,and as fo many afli{ling powers caufe their operati~ns, will ~ave in a word,mnume- * ccmmmt. in rabic, as many of them as there be Starres 10 the Skies. • Marctlttu Ftcmzu dial. Plat. d"- feemsto fecond this opinion,out of Plato,or from l\imfe_lfe,I know nor_,(fhll ""'"''P·5· ruling theirinferiours, as they doe thofe under them agame, all fubordmate, r:ft;:;,~ ~;~-:­ and theneardhotheearth rule us, whom we fubdivide into good and bad ua pr.pa.rioangtls, call Gods or Devils, as they helpe or hurt us, and fo adore love or wh'}."'"""- hace)but it is moft likely from Plato ,for he relying wholly on Socrates, quem ;~·:on;,;l;•;;, moripotim quam mentiri voluijfe fcribit,out of Socrates authority alone,made habttttoflr<. nine kindes of them: which opinion belikc Socrates tooke from Pythagora<, aod he from '1ri(megijftu, he fromZoroa.ftes,firltGod, fccoDdly l <k<e>J. In~ telligences,4.Arch-angels, 5.Angels,6.Devils, 7. Heroes, 8. Principalities, g.Princes: ofwhich fome were abfolutely good, as Gods, fome bad, fo.me indifferent inter de os & homines ,as heroes and d.emones, which ruled men,and were called genii, or as• Proclzu and Jambliczu will,the middle betwixt God ;1~;,;;;,A:~J. and men, Principalities ana Princes, which commanded and fwayed Kings im"d""' aod commies;and had feverall places in the Spheares perhaps, for as every bomines,dicud fpheare is, higher,fo bath it mo:e exccllen: inhabi tants: which belik~is that ::;::ti;;,~;~d"' Galt !.etu aGa!t!eo,and Kepler aimes at mhis nurmoSyderto,when he wJ!l have f~·unt. 'Saturnine and /ovia/tinhabitant?: And which Tycho ~rahe doth in ~ome ]':;;~':;,;:, forr touch ormfinuare 10 one of his Eptftles: but thefe tluogs • ZanchtttJ )Uft" • I•toca dumfi lyexplodes, cap .3.!tb.4.P. 0W:artyr.in4.Sam. 28. flM infr•<•I~- So that according to thefe men, the numberof <etheriall Spirits muft needs . ~:~{c~~:;:;~:·­ be mfiottc: For If that bee true that fome ofour Mathemarieians fay : ifa inft.-r•biJudicio ftone could fall from the ftarry _heaven, or eight Spheare, and {hould p3ffe ~:;;:.'; rifcrevery hourean hundred mtles, It would be 65 yeares, or more, before it ' · would come to ground,by reafon ofthe <>reat diftancc ofheaven from earth which conraincs as lome fay 170 Millio~s 8o 3 miles, bell des thofe othc: hea_vens, wherherthey bee Chriftalline or watery which t711aginus addes, , W~Ich p<>radventure hol~s as much more,howmany fuc~ fpirits may it con- ~ tame~ And yt t for all tbts u Thomas, Albmus and moft hold that there bee u q.J6·"''·9· farremore Angels than Devils. ' . But be they more or leffe,f!!!!d fopra nos nihil adnos . Howfoever as Mar- Sublun"y Dott&pus foohfhly fuppofeth, v£rlurii D.emones non cttrant res lmmantU, they ~i~d:~drheic care not for us,doe not at tend our actions, or Iooke for us thofe .rrheFiall fpirits have other worlds to raigne in belike or bufineffe to,follow. We are onely now to fpeake in bride ofth~fe fublunary·Spirits or Devils: for the F 3 reft,