Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. 1.Se61:. 2. 'Digrefsum of Spirits. Memb. r.Subf..2. mano generi infeflim, nothing fo impure~ nothi~g fo pernicious, as may well 5 r apprare by their tyrannical!, and bloody facnfic~s of men to Sa!"rne and Mol.ch,which are ilill in ufeamongilthofe Barbarous_Indzans, their fevcra!l deceits and cozenings to keepe men in obedience, their falfe Oracles, fac_r~- ces, their fuperilitious impofitionsof fails, penury, &c. Herefies, fuperilm- . ous obfervations ofmeats, times, &c .by which they f cr~Cifie the foules of ~,!f.":f~::;,; moriall men, as {hall be fuewed m our Treanfe of Rehgious Jl1elancholy. PftUm. · <.J'dodico adhuc tempore Jinitar malignari, as g Bernard exprdfeth It, by Gods gLib. de wm[- permillion he ragrth awhile, hereafter to bee confined to hell and dark- mlft.M~"·7· nelfe,Whichu preparedfor him and hu vfngels, <J!'lat.z5. . . How farre thtir power doth extend, 1t IS hard to determlDe, what the Ancients held of their effeCts,force and operations, I will briefly fue>vyou: .Plmin Criti.u, and after him his followers,gave out that thdi:fpir its or Devils, Were mens governottrs andJuepers, •ur LordSdndMaflers, tU we are of our cattle. h They gov&ne _Provinces and Kingdo_mts. by _oracles, _attgttrzes, ~~~!:!:~~odreames, rewards, and pumfumems, prophcfics, mfp~rauons, facnfices,and ,.m ,ra ,,,,;_ religious fuperftitions, varied in as many formes,as there bediverfity offpi- 1r.aii"m""m rits, they !tnd warres,pl~gues,peacc, fickndfc' , healtb,dearth,pleory, ;_Ad. ~t;{,;~~~""' flames hie j.tm nobt!, (jeC!antts & arbitrames,&c, as appeares by thofe htilo- a;;g~iis,fom:,iis, ries of Tht~cidides, Livitu, Diony(tu; H alicarnajferu, with Jttany Others, that '""w",~""''' are full of their wonderfull ilraragems, and were therefore by thofe Roman :'I;;;::;~hif,;. and Greek common-wealths adored and worfuipped for gods,with prayers, Stoic.tib. '·cap. an_d facrifices, &c. kIn aword, Nihil magu qti£rtlnt guam metum er admira- ~9i SIIIWis. tionem heminum; and as another harhit,Dici non poteft,quam imtotenti ardore id<~:tTritein homirm dominium,& Divinos cultus maligni tfirltus ajfec1ent. Tritemlui in miru. inhisbookede(epttm(ecundu, allignes names to fuch Angels, asarc·Governours of particular Provinces, by what Aurhoriry,I know nor, arid gives rhemfeverall jurifdictioos. v1fclepiades a Grecian, Rabbi Achiba the Jew Jbraham v{venezra, and Rabbi .Azariel, Arabians, (a~ I findc them ei: red by 1 Cicogna) farther adde, that rhey are nor our Governoursonly,Sed 1 olflllifmag. rx eorum concordia & difmdia,honi & '!'"li 4ffcl1Ns promanant, but a~ thej' 6b., <'P·'l· agree, fo doe we and our Pnnces, or drfagree; !land or fali.Iunowas a bitter enemy to Troy, ApoOo a good friend, Iupiut indifferent, lEq•a rams Ttt~- cru,PafltU iniqua j11it;fome are for us ilill,fomeagainilus,Premente Deo,firt D~us alter opem. Religion, pblicy, publike and private quarrels, warres are procured by them,and they are m ddighted perhaps to fee men fighr asmen mL•dmde~. are with Cocks, ~uls and Dogges, Beares, &c. plagues, dearches dt pend ,.,,m[•"'"'· on them, our bene and male efle, ar.d almoil nH our other peculiar actions (for as J~thony Rt~jcaconten_ds lib .5: cap. t8. ~very man harh agood and a bad Angelhttcndmgofhim m parttcular,all his hfe Ion"' which Jamhlicm cals d.£monem) prefermems, lofles, weddings, deaths, r~~ards and p~nifumems, and as • Procltu Will,all offices wharfoever, «lii genetricem, alii opiji- n Lib. dt ..,;,. cempotejtatem habent , &c. and feveral! names they give them according to "d•IP""· their off.ces, as Lares ,lndegttes,Pr.e1 1ttts ,&c. When the Arcades in that battell at Ch~ron"a! whiCh was fought againfi King Philip -for the liberty of Greece ,haa dt'ceidully c~rned themfdves,long afier,in the very fame place, Dm Gr.eCI.e t~ltortbtu ( f.11rh '!line Author) thty were miferably flalne by Mcte/lm the Roman: fo hkcwtf~,m finaller matters,rhey wil have things fall our, G: as