Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

part. I. sea:, 2. 'DigrefsionifSpirits. Memb. I.Subf.z. 5z. as thefebowi and mAii Genii favour or diflike us: Sat11rni '"' ' e~nveniunt Tovi. 0 ~,.,,;, ftt,"' alibtu, &c, He that is S atsrnimu ,(ball neverlikely be preferred. •That bafe P>jncipe• -· fdlowes are often advanced, underferving Gnathoe's, and vicious parafires, ~';;;~:,~;';,;_ when as difcreet,wife, verruous;an? wo;thy men are negldt~d, and ~ore. nit<tib>Mpmc warded, they reterre to thofe domtneenng fpmrs, or fubordmate Genu, as :~.~;',;,7:~; they are indeclined,or favour men, fo ~hey thrive? are ruled and ~vercome, mini-7mm,q•i for asP Ltbamru fuppofeth, mour ordmary conJltcts aqd contentions, Geni. noofomclpro ru C~nio cedit & obtemperat, one Genitu yeelds and is overcome by ano. %~ii;;=:;;~;~~ th -~r. All particular events almofi they re!crre tothefe priv•te fpirits; and(as 1iodonmt,&<c. Paracelfm addes) they d1rett, teach,mfptre,andmfirud men: Never was a. Idem. ~"d ny man extroordinary famous in any Arc,a6Hon,or great Comm•nder,that ~~;~;;~~~: hap notfamiliaremd£monem, to informe him,as Numa,SocrAtes, and many ~umfi;urra. u fuch) q speci4/i fiqttidtm gratit~,fe d Deo dunari A{ferrmt magi,d Ge»iis cte!t.ftifl'P'~' obr.f•l· 6w inj!YHi,ab iu d6ceri.But thefe are mofi erronious paradoxes, inept« crf•· p";;~:;·,;;_ bulo[< 1mg£, rtjecred by our Divines,and Chriflian Churches.'Tis true1they tct, !tvle{it, &c. hove by Gods permiflion, power over us, and we finde by experience, that ~~~;:_"'"''- tl-ley can 'hurt not our fields only,cattell?goods, bu: o~r bodies and minds, q PorfJ"rd• c, At H<mmtltn Saxony, An.r484. zo. I mm, theDev1lltn l1kenelfe of a pied- 6-""ff· Piper, carried away r3o Children, that were never after feene. Many times ;,~_;5~:.-:~;: men are f affrighted out of their wits, carried away quire, as Shmtzim illuM•g•-!dw firatcs, lib. r.cap.4.and feverally molefied by his meanes.Piotinm the Pl•to. zanthmt lrb. •· nijllib. r 4 . ad'!Jtrf.Gnoft.laughs them to fcorne, that hold the Dtvill or Spi- eap.xo.-ez tt. · r. dtmcli~angelit. ritscao caufc any .uchdifeafes. Many thinke he can worke upon the body f NociV> .,,_ but not upon the minde. But experience pronounceth orherwife,than he ea~ fA1CCh0JiafRriD~ d f for effi"'' " worke both upon bo y and minde. Tmt~Ui•n is o this opinion,c.22, 'Th4t quondoqne peni- he can eau/( b~th jickntfs and health,&that[ecretly ." T•urelleu adds by clancu. :; ;~:;~~~u' IAr poy(ons he can infe!J thebodies,and hinder thtoptr<tions ofthe bo.,tfs,though Idem<j, z.nch. "'e percetve it not, cl•ftly crupmg tmuhem, fatth x Lipfitu, and fo crucifie ~'/,;,'~;;/;·,;;,/ our fouls: Et nocivamelanc?~li• furiofoJ efficit. For being afpiricuall_body, ,.,.f.i!Pfir• hee firuggles wtth our fptrtrs, fa,th Rogers, and fuggefts (accordmg to """""'P'ffo"'• Y Cardan, verba finevoce,{}eciu fine vifi•, envy, lufl, anger, &c.) as hee fees tiJterart,quovtS mCO iGclined. :;~;;;:g!~,, The manner how he performes it, Biarmannus in his 0 ration againfi Bo- •ffiure,imoa dine, fufficiently declares, Het' btgins firftwiththe phantajie, and moves thdt ;~:!/!!,~'"- fo.jlropgf,,that noreafonuab/e toreftjl. Now the Pb.majie he moves by me. , Innu&/re pr diation ofhumours; although many Phyfitians are ofopinion, that the De. ~!:;:.•!" vi!! canalterthem,inde, and produce,rhis difeafe ofbimfdfe.~bufd•mmeuviflm>m dteo~umvifom,fatth • v1vtcenna, qttod Me/ancholta contmgat a d&monio, Of ~~;::r:::t,,, Fhe fameminde is PfeUtts andRhajis the Ar~b.!ib. 1, Tral1.9.Com.hThat tM """'"' ' ' ,obir dt{eJfo frOteeds effecrally from t-he Devtfl, and from htm alone. v1rc:ulanuJ , i~•otiscmpmi•· cap.6.i'N9. Rhajis,riEtianHsMonta!tusinhis 9 cap. Daniel Senntrttls lib. r. {'~~ffe!ittl part. z.~ap , rt: confirme as mu~h, that theDevill can caufe this difeafe;by '"fltibJoalco~ reafo(l ma<1y ttmes that the parttes ~ffdled prophefie,fpeak firange language '',.";":,:;!:;;,. b!lt nonjiluintm;entu humeri<,not without the ~umour ,_as hee ~nterprets ~, .. ;,,m~r.-a htmfelfe; nomoredoth Avtcunna, jicommgAt" d.emonto, (ujfwt nobu 111 difiorq~tt1".t. ' Lip[. Phi/. Stoic.l.t.C.l!J· y Dt rC1umv~.l. r6.c.9_;. z .f!...Jittm mtm imn;tdia!edttipinequit, primum mwit pbott~tjiam,ttit4obfinllat vanis to11ttptii; tH aJ/l ut ntcpam foa~lllltittt{lmwiv<t. rarisuj loclPlJ rdinqu.u. SpiritHS mal;f4 invadil tmimam,tiiTlxll{tnftts,i;J fitrurem ccnjidt.Aujiin.dt. 'Vit. Btfll . _.1 Lib., . Ftll,t. 1'raif.4.c.I8, b A D><mo~« m:tximeprofidJci,etfop"t{oto. corwertat