Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.t.SeC1:.2. Catl[es of Melancboly. Memb.1.Subf.6. fubfcribes to thar of Cardan, and allignes this reafon, .'f2!!:od perfolvant debiwm lang11ide, Cr obfcitanter, 1111de ffl!tUs a partntllmgewerojitatt defctjltl: they pay their debt (as Patd cals it) to their Wives rt:miffdy, by which meanes their Children are weaklings, and many times ideors and fooks . Some other caufes aregiven, which properly pertaine to, and proceed from the morhcr: Iffi1ee bcover-dull,hcavy,angry,peevifiJ, difconrented, and melancholy, not onely at the rime ofconception, but even all the while lhecarr ie?the childe in h~r wombe(faith Ferruli"' path.lib. t. r 1. )her fonne · ;,z~owd.ll4t. will b~ fo likcwife affcCled, and worf(, as f Lemnitts addes, lib. 4· cap. 7· if ,Picam"b'" lheegrieye overmuch, \:le difquieted, or by any cafualty be affrighted and ""'""""'· terrified by fomdearefnll object, heard or feene,(he end_angers her childe, );~:::;~~ p11rt< and fpoyl cs the temperarure_Ofit; for the fhange imagination of a womJn, E·, tcpm·mr.i•- workes effectqally upon her mfant,that as Baptijla Porta proves Phyjiog.cll!/e. wit<~plo·i1, /!-flu lib.) .cap.>. /he leaves a marke upon it, which is moflefpecially ftcne In , ~;/.;~~=• •· luch as prodigioufly long fo r fuch and !itch meates,the child will love thofe ta;c/k. .· !_fleates,faith Fernclws, and bee addictec! to hke humours:' If.tgreat-6eUied ~~";~;;;;;.m rPO?"'Jan fee a Httrt, her Chifdt. will fJften have an H,,refip, as we call it. G11r. fmm, pnomn'i c~eus de Judicitl geniturorum cap. 33· bath a memorable example of one ~~~~;m.:;:..id:!~ ThomM Nic~eliborne in the <? itf o.f Brand~burge, 15 5r. u tb.1t wcrtt reeling vidaebri•f: and ftaggmng aft the dayes of hu lift, M if he wutdd fall tQ the ground, h!mintmfi:i•- becaufe hu mother bei11g great with chtlde {aw a dmnkw man reeling in the c~dememvrde- Jlrcet. Such an other i tinde in t.M artin Wcnrichius eo m: de Drtre monjlrorttm ~·~vemfocit cap.17. Ifaw(faitbhee) ..at Wittenberge in Germany, a Citizen that Joocod"!""fir,qui • ked like a karkaffe; I tU ked htm the r.a11(e, hce repljed, Hi& UUother when ~·~;;;~~;,.be- flm bore him in htr womhe, fluv a carkajfe by chance, andwn (o(ontrigh" "'"'fii, tedwith it, that, ex eo fretus ci allimilarus, frorn a ghajlly imprej!ion t .e child '111ii.;IJ!1apm·s .._ was like it. j,:~;:~:{;;. So many feverall waye'sare we plagued and punifi1 e<:l for our fathers de. qw.mobrcmpr<- f.1nlts; in fo muchtharas Fcrnelius tmely faith, x 11 u thegrcatejlpartof Qllr ~:;:,?;,;;::_ felicitieto be well borne, andit _wm happy forh~!"ane kinde, ifonely (t1ch pat•m viderct•r, rents lt4 art (ound ofbody and mmde, jhould beji1feredto marry . An husband- {t:::t:;,z;•;, man will fow none bur the befi and choife_fl feed upon his land, hee will not J~1i,tibui"P'" rearea Bull or an Horfe, except he be nght fi1apcn mall parts, or permit ramdarent. him to cover aMare,except he be wellaffuredof his breed; we make choice Y,!~'::';m:fir- of thebefi Rammes for our f11eepe, reare the neatefl Kine, and keep the belt mca~i. nobe- ' dogges, f!!!_anto iddiligentirts in procreandu liberi& obflrvandum? And how mrutib.;.c.;. careful! then fi1ould wee bee in begetting ofour child ren~ In former times ~[~;~~;;,:;" fome Y Countries have beene fo chary inrhis behalfe,fo flerne,t11at ifa child •pifl.S5.co;r. were crooked or deformed in body or mind,they made him away1fo did the, f, ~~~';;~'tY· Indians of old by the relation of C11rtiu:, and many other well governed quosatiqua ' • commonwealths, accordmg to the dlfc1phne of thofe times. Hereto fore in :::;;:-:,~:: Scotland, faith •'He{/; Boi!thiu<, ifany were vijitedwiththefallingjickmjfu, wri>JI,nc,.ri madnejfe,gout,leprofie,or anyflech dmgerom dtfea(e, wht ,-/; >V tU likely IQ bcu jubenL propagated from the father to the for. ne, he lV:U injlanely gelded; a WQman kept , ~~·;·,~~ve- from JtU company of"?en; And if6y chance having (ome ftJCh difeafe1 jlJCe wtre rumw;fllib~. MOThoumiti,ti,demtntia,Maitpra,&c.aut fimili labe,qu~ {tUi/ti?:. pro!em t;·~nfmittit«F, fabltllflttJ inttr COJ, ingrn~i fofla indagiDt ,in· 'Vtll!OJ ,nt grns J~dd cont•giont (~dmtur,tx iiJnata,caf/;aver_lozt,mNf~trts l.ttpe[modipro(H/ tJ virfmmconfortio abftglfllllll ,qllod ft IJaUilll~iquaaJ7lttpi.Oli7nf.tRitb(lllq1 ftm14 ~~~mferu nondJIIncl/uo,difodJtbflJmvlva. found