P;lrt.t.Setl:. 2. Caufes of Mela11choly. Memb.2.Subl: 1. 68 Lamprcycs,Paulm /ovim, .cap. 34·d~pi(cibus ft'uviAI.highly m•gnifics,and . faith, none fpeolr againfi them but "''fli and fcrupulofl, fome fcrupulous per. P O>mUI'"" fons; but P Ecles cap . 33· he abhorretiJJn allpl.cts, al all ttmts,a!l Phyjitians de. :~;;m:,;1. •. tcj11hem, t(jecially about the Soljlice . Gomejius lib. I . cap:~z. de fide doth im. '"''"'L"io~ moder2tely extollSea.fiili, which others as rnuch v1hfie, and above the f:fl;f.';.'~. rtfi, . dryed, fowced, indurate fiili, as Ling, Fumados, Red. herrings, n•nm t um fiJii& Sprats, Stock-fiili, Haberdme, Poore.John, all Schell-fifh. • Ttm, Bright tum•g,iJ . . excepts Lobfi;nre and Crab. t.Mcffarius commends Salmon,which Brut1{:~.~[~;~ rimes contradias lib. n. cap. I7· t.Magnimu rejects Congre, Smrgeon, lancooly. Turbet,Mackerell, Skate. Carpe is a. fi{h of which I know not what to determine. FrMJci(ct~s Bm- (itettu accomps it a muddy fiili, Hippolitus Salvianus in his booke de Pif- <ium natura & pr.eparatione, which was printed at Rome in fol. I554· with moft elegant pitlures, efteems Carp no better than a l!imy watery meat.P. coptimim<tti• Iovi11_s on. the other fide_,di{allowing Ttnch, approves of it; fo cloth Dubra. '"""""' judici• vtus m h1s bookes ofFilh-ponds.Frmagtut rexrols lt for an excellemwhol- ;.,., ,,.;,,,..,. fome mear,and puts ita!l)ongH the Fifhesof th~ beft rank;and fo do moft of ~~~ti_~~'fi"P'"" our C_ounrrey Gentle'?en,that ft~re th~ir Po?ds almofi with no ?ther Fifh. f Nl!lt e[idubi- But this con>roverfie IS eafily dec1dcd,m my Judgment,by Bruertnus ltb. 22. 'ri:;:f;'J;f:,•.~•· &ap. r 3· The ~iffcrence rifeth fro~ the lite and nature _ofPools/{ometimes ""~~~''•""£""' muddy,fomeumes fweet;they are mtafie as the place IS from whence they tdil11liiWUm ftr- be taken. In like manner almoft we may conclude ofother frefh .fiili. But fee ::':~!i . more in Riwdolttiti!,Belloniut, Oribaftus,lib.7 .cap.22. Tfaac.lib. I. efpecially fulriiO:es,•fibi llipp1lilu~ Saf.viantu, who is inflar omniumfolus,&c. Howfoever they may f#l;dt~~~fwes. bewholfome.and approved;much ufe ofthem is not good; P .Forejlus in his , oh{ervu,, 6 . Medicinal! obfervations, 'relates that Cartht'.fiall Fryers, whofe living is ·tib.to. moft part fifh,are more fubjett to melancholy than any other order,and that hee found by experience,being fometjmes their Phyfitian ordinary at Dtlph in H oltand. He exemplifies it with an infiance ofone Bufcodnefe a Carthujian ofa ruddy colour, and well liking,that by folitary living and fifh-eating became fo mifalfected. 11 ..,b;. Amongft hearbs to be eaten,! finde Gourds,Cowcumbers, Coleworts, Mellons difallowed, but efpecially Cabbage. It caufeth troublefome dreames,and fends up blacke vapours to the braine. Galeti,loc. ajfeEUib.3: cilp. 6.of all hearbs condemnes Cabbage; and I{aac lib. z. cap. r.anim.e gTAvitatemfacit, it brings heavinelfe to the foule. Some ar~ ofopinion,that all raw bearbs and Sallets breed melancholy blood, except Buglolfe and Lettice. Cr&toconjil.z r./ih.z.fpeakes againft all hearbs and worts,except Borrage,Buglolfe, Fennel!, Parfly, Dill, bawme, Succory. <.Magninut regim. faniwu 3-part. cap. 3r.omntt herb.eJimpliciter ma!.t, via cihi, Allhe~rbs are • Pfmdo/>JJ, limply evilltofeed on (as hethinkes :)So did thatfcoffingCooke in u P!auffl ·lf"'-·'· IllS hold, • --Non ego ctl!namcondiout Alii coqui (olem, .f2!!j mihi conJitaprata in patini!proferum, Boves qui covivM faciunt ,herhajrj, aggtrunt. Like other Cookes I doe not fupper dre!fe, That put whole M~ddowes into a platter, And