Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.t.Sett-2. C.rufts of Melancbofy. ,, • • • ' 1 ·M em b. i.Subf. r. And make no better oftheir Gud\s than Beeves, With hearbs and graffe to feed rhein fatter. J ; • ' Our Italians and Spanyards doe make a whole dinner of ~earbs and fal - kts(which our faid Plauttu cals cam,u Terrejlru, Hirace,camiu fine {ill'lgnme) • by which meanes,as he followes it, • Hic homines tam hrevem vitam celunt---· Jl!!_i herbas huju(modi in a/•,mmfimm congerunt, Formidolo(um dh1t<, noli efu modo, - .f2!y4 herbM pecudes non edunt, hsmines edunt . . , Th~ir lives that eare fuch hearbs, muft needs be lhort, And 'tis a fearefull thing forto reporr; . . That men fhould feed on fuch a kinde ofmeate, Which very juments would refufe to eate, . . l XP(RH~ibid. 1 They are windie,and not fit theret'ore to be eaten ofall men raw,though ;~~::Iif qualified with oyle,but in brothesorotherwife. See more of thefe in every fiuquif>b con- z Husbantlman and Herbal if!. Rootes, Etji quorundamgentium opes flnt,f.1ith fukt,qtiil•pJi~ Rruerinm ,the wealth offome countries,and foie food,are windy ;md bad,or {;;"":;;:;:,";,, rroublefometo the head; as Onyons, Garlicke, Scallions,Turnups,Carrets, pl<me wl •mife- Radi!hes,ParCnips;CMo,lib,,,confll.r I.difallowes all Roots, though a fome ~~JI';~/r;:j;;~ approve ofParfnips and Potatoes. b 011agninm is of CrAte's opinion, 'Thty ""'P-•.d• ~,. lrcuble the mindr,ft,ndmg gr~jfefi•mts to the hrame,makemm mad, efpecially •f• mtd._ Garlicke, Onyons,if aman liberally feed on them a yeare together. G11iane- ~/~::,~~~/do _ rim Trafi.r 5. cap.2. complaines of ~11 manner of Roots,and fo doth Bmeri- c··~flent.Herl•nm, evenParfnips themfdvcs, which are the befl,lib.9.cap. I4·P4flinacarum {:_m,&c · t~fm foe cos gignil improbos. Cratocolifil. 2I.l16. r, utterly forbids all manner a ~;;~:;.,...,;3 offruits,as Peares,Apples,Piumms, Cherries,Strawberries,Nuts,Medlers, Bnghcinhis · Serves,&c.Sanguintm inficiunt,!aith Vi/fatJovanm,they infcet the blood,and l;~~u~~~~el. putrifie it,M-.gTJinus holds,and muftnot theref0re be taken, viaflbi,at•t quan- "''"'"'• prod;;., titAtem•gna, notto makeameale of, or in any great quantity. dcardan 'un'"{"".iam. rn~kesthat acaufeoftheir cominuall fickneffe at Fejfa in Africk, becau(e ;.;::,':;~:') they liVe {Q much ~nfrutts, eatmg :hem :hnct ad•J· hAuremms approves of ~·o<lf•quis '·" many fruirs,in his Iraet ofMelancholy,which orhers~ifJllow! &amongft ·;~.;:~,:,~:::;_ the rcft Apples,whrch Come hkewlfe commend,Sweeungs, Pa1rmains,Pip- d.,, inhifittu•m pins,as good again{! Melancholy ; Butto him that is any WJY inclined to, or wltret."P· iJ. touched with this mal~dy,' Nicholtu Pifo in his.PraCticks,forbids all fruits, ~.:;;~:bi f•"i as wmdy,orto be fpanngly eaten at kafi, and not raw.Amongft or her fruits fi•m.c•?· "· r Bruer~nus ourofGa/en,excepts Grapes and Figges, bur I finde rhem like- ;;7,~;mm~ ... w1f~ reje~ed . All Pui_re arenaught,Beanes,Peacc,Fllches,&c.They fill the rn Ftjfopkriij, Brame (f~nh I[Aac) With gro!fc fumes, breed black rhicke blood and caufe m"b•ft, q110" troublefome dreams .And therfore that which Pythagor,_, fa id to his Schol- ~::;;~'f:::;. lers ofold, may be forever applyed te Melancholy men, a fabu abjfinete, • c.p.dt.Mtl. . E~te no Peafe, norBeanes; yetto fuch as will nreds eate them,I would give ~~;~;.""'PO'! · thts counfell to prepare them accordmg to thofe rules th at vJrnoldus Vill•nlvanus ,and Ffietagiru prefcribe,for eating and drdling Fruits, Hearbs, Roots, Pulfe, &c. Spices