Patt.1.Secl2. Dyet acaufo.' ~' . Memb.i:·S~ eyes ftare, like Biti':M_ in the Poer; --( Iilfe impiger h~rtfit . 'i5 Sprmuntem vm~pauram)-- and comes offcleerly, found Trum- I V~>g. pets,Fife a.nd Drums, the fpeCiators will applaud him,the ni Bi(hop 'himflife__, ;,;!;;~/;;~ (ifhee belie them not) wllh hu Chaplatne wtU jfand hy and doe ..u much, 0 fcoptsau/hn"', Jignumprinr:ipeha.tljlum~·cw~s.done li~e a P~ince~'Our Dt#chmtl) invit.e All ~:;::;:n:x:;m1t commerswith apatle and a dt[h, 'O!e!Ht tnfimdtbula -.nugra1 obba1 exh.utr!tmt, prir,<tps. & in monjfrofis p•culd,ipfi mon.ftroft monjlrojius epotant, making barrt!s oftheir be/lies. Incredibtledtllu, as none oftheir owne Ct'>U~try-menr ~Plaines: n Fohemmin o !l!!,.:tntumliquorunnm.odeftijftmagens~aptat,.&c. H~f! they io~J! ma11 thllt t;~o;:;e~-~,:~~Q wilt be drunke, crowne Inm and honour htm forzt,hate him that will not pledge immodefi tab him,llabbe him, kill hitn; amoll inrollerableoffence, and not to be forgi- ipfis !ibi~<r,"' .ven. p Hee;. amortal! enemy that will no~ drinke with him, as c:Mtmjler re- •; 'j,P~'"'onr lates ofthe Saxons. So in Poland, he is the befi fe~vitor, and the honefiell ,,~;;::~•;• fellow, faith Alexander Gagtlinus, q that drinketh m oft heal~(u to the. honour of wubar;, {<t i~~-: _. bu majfcr,he ~all be rewarded as a good fervant, and held the bravcll fd- ~:/.';,!t!,~f/:'' ·: low that carnes his liquor bell,when as a Brewers horfe will beare much mu~a;a '••PP• morethanany llurdy drinker,_yet for his noble e~ploits, in this kinde, hee ;:.;~;.'t~','::' fuall bee accounted amoll \Oahant man, for r Tam tnltr tpulafortu vtr ejfu ,J, q"em!lixt potejlac in hd!o, as much valour is to be found in feallii•g, as in fighting, aali '!·". P''"~· and fome o_f our City Captaines,a_nd Garret Knights will make this good, t;;,·~::.,z;:;;:• and prove It. Thus they m~ny umes Wilfully pervert the good tempe- ••i•fceiiq"orit rature oftheir bodies, ftifle their wits, ftrangle nature, and degenerate into im"?Dde~ag"" beafts. , . :~.\ :=:z~~P:;:;~;;;.. ' Some againe are in the other extreme, and draw this mifchiefc on their mum h~bem,e'' '· ~eads by to? cer_emo~ious and ~rid diet; bein_g precife, , . Cockney~' f:~~:;:~'i1 like,and cunous mtheir obfervat1on ofmeats, times, as that Medm11a jlatic-a <ontr•q«iwn prefcribes, jull fo many ounces at dinner,which Leji111 enjoynes,fo much af vu«,etf•deez fup_per, ~ot a_lictle more,~or a little lelfe, of fuch meate, fuch houres,~ ;·~:P:%.7;';. , a diet dnnke m the mormng,Cock-broth,Chma-brotb, at dmner, Plumbe- ••flt,hlj/is h•- broth,a Chicken, 3 Rabbet,.ribbe ofa Rack ofMutton,winge ofa Capon bct,..,,,..J, · the merry-though of a Hen,&c. to founder bodles this is too nice and moft ':::;'::,;':"' '" abfurde. Others offend in overmuch fafiing; Pining adayes,faitb b Guiane- q~•i m<li"' ri111,and ~aking a nights,as many tM01res and Turkes in thefeourtimes doe; h,t;:::,'£~'::: <-;f!'ckmtts,Monkes,andthe rejf •[that foperfltllll# rank( as the fame Guiane- hab""' minifltr. TII#Witnelfeth thathehathoftenftenetohave happened in hutime) through cGw.Poet< -immoderate fafting, have becne frequmtly mad. Of fuch men bclike.Yippocra. %~~i_"b'""'' tufpeakes, 1. Aphor.5.whenas he faith,' TheJ more offend in 101 (farint b~Jidediifedtet, and are wor(e damnified, than the1 that feed liherally, and are ready t• ~":;:;,,(,.~:' {urfet. cad.Jmt mml/4!1- , ~''!'•IJJIIINm~""'!t·'·~·~~~-.~5 ·'·.'··. Llnlt.•fltNJis t~~M, *'.Us f~pt •ccid#q~t4.111~p11n(trv_or~ Dta ftrvir~~~:;:~ ;~;;_ J1111111111, fNI~ mGJI#Jtifoun:,'!','lft 111di[ttpt. l1lli!IIU'Wfl¥tt'n ie/Rtql#llfl, t~~NQ fU HI miZ.J"lllljficilnt1~rdetrim"tnto;naJ'i1;: . liJffrortl!llll'f-Pimilll'tWfiH, , " , K z Sus s·E c T•