Pare. ~;s~Cl:.z. &,sp. r8. Arcpl>tmucttp.J6. in 9.Rajis, Vimrim 'f'WIJ'eJ1tjnmpr./J.imag .Tr~til!, 79 2.< tp.r 5. Brucl,&c.;putfor ordinary caufes. Fuahftmlih. ~. pa. 5. t"'P· go. L d r L- ,r. ,r; b·.l d d' r t . d n "Millii.i;eteflz~ • goes fan.·,er, .am 1ai~h, r1r4t • many men tm 1 ea1~na "Y .cure ~1 tne mmr.o ,s, h1.rve beene 'corrupted with ()Jfe/ancholy, feekz»g !f!IJ 'tPV'»t~ Sc:ylht, they_ foil tniO ':,t,;~:/1::: ~ · Chaf'!j};diJ. 'G.Ai<.R lib. de hum. commen. 3·· ud leKl.. 16.. 1Huftrates thls by an ,,.,.,;,,.,fM. CKample of LuciM <.M artim , whom ·h~c cur<!rl of madnc'ffe, .contra&~ [i:!:.~::;!J;;~~ by rhismca"~: ·A11d o s.J:enkiH< barb two oohc·r. io'fumces oftwo Mdan. scyfkm, ~. : cho)f and 'Rllld women, fo •cau'fed fr<}m t~e fo!'f'~ffion of,their mbn\lhs) 0 . Lihile MiThc fame may befaid,ofbl~<lding at ~henofe, if it <be .fuddealy fiopt, ana , "''· . .··' ba·\'<:<been form.:r:Iy tlfw, as • v.tltrilovlmii< ·urge'tfu .; And q Ft~chftm ltb. z? p Br<vtr. lib.~. [e/J.5 .cap.33 .ftifly maimainess thJJt with~Ht grtanltrilgtr, (a eh 4n iJ!ue may-not ~~t:,fft,.""'',~ Pe flayed. . . , · . . . r"! incOJ?W~o.'(o. { ·«< ommed produo;:th hkeeflects. MathtoltU epift.5 .lth. penult.' avou. ']"','"'{'"'guu cheth ofhu knowledge, thatfome thrMgk'IJJjhfotnejJe n6jiained from Venery, . :::,:t;,~~· : •nd ti:JtrtNpon btc~me rvtry .beavy and dliJI, and fome others that rvtre very lt~"i,;,;'!"'-' · morow,melancholy,4»d be1•nd all meafore (ad. OribaJiu.s!th. 6. ;::.;tpe"' <ap. 37.fpeakesof [ome,rthatdftheydstn~ttifi.c,.,.,.u e~pulAtton, Are~mtt- , NfiViq•tf"- nuaUy tror.bledwith heavineJ!t and headach; andftme in the{ttmeca(e by inter. /('" f""" •"'· mij!ion~fit. Notufe ofit ·hum;.Ariulanm 9· Rafts, and Ma- ';.;:!!:,"';~;':;;; gpimipart;. rap. 5. think.,, b.ecaufe it·' fl'ndt up poifsned vapouut~ the Braine fouo,; ;,""""., and!ftart; And fo doth GAlen hiinfdfe hold, tltat if this naturaU fud bu ,;., "''t""J.o. ovq-hng kept (in .(ome parties) it ti~rne.t tl•psyfon. PIieronymM <.Mercurialu t;l;:~;',{;~~,t.' in his:Chap.ter ofMelancholy, cites.idor>ane fpociaUcaufe of this malady, mi®Ji/ . . • Priapi{mm, Satyriafts,&c. Haliabb.u 5 .Thm.cap. 36. reckons up this an!i fNofllfU~/'f marty"0tberdifCaf'fS. YiUaJii'ivaniH BreviAr.lib.t~,~op~8.fai~ht knew~m~- ~;;::;~.~:;ue 11) monkes, •and 'widiows grievltJjly.trsubMJwilh mtlanc~oly, And that fram tb~' ittf"J:"-::.;,; ' :~ J•lec/IUfe. Lodovtcu.s 0Uer&Attu ltb.z.dttnulurum aff4i.cap.4.& R.Piimcm ttJ z::r,.;, ,J! C4f/ mRlitr.lib.z.cap.3.treat lar.~;~dy of.this fubject,and will have ;, ,,.foiios"' i~ pr(lduce a pect<fiar kindeo.f.\melanchoty; m,ftaie mai~s, nuoneS, .aod \vid- ';)!:;.,~i[fi"" ; , dowl!'s, obfuppr.ej,.nem menjium & vmtrhll lnit/J'Ilil!, •r:mtd.t, m£jiJC, anxu,' .v"·""""""' verecund.t, {u[jj!itif£ , languemes, confllij ilidpes , Cllnif<~mm:, vit<t & 'rerum me-' .. ,,,.m, ' itorum dejjerattone, &c. they are mel:mcboly ~n thelbighell: d~ree, and a it Jt,;:::,;!,": · for wJtarofhusbands. vEiiATJtu MO/It.tltr/6 cap. F ·.demelanchot; confirms as s;t"':• p11u mucb out ofG~lni: fodorh WitrtH, Ghrijloftrma •Vrgadeart. m:d.lib. 3· 1:;:;;~~~;c .: cap. 14. relatesma'ny fuch d:amples of'meo, and W()ffi~O; that he liud feen W """'m. ' melancholy. Fmlix Pl•tterimbe firllbooke of• bis~b.fervations, i tels afioJ um..,..,,.. · i ry ofan ancient GLntlemanin&l{4tia, thaMnarritd'Afy~tmg wift, and w,u not d•~'f""<pttu able to P•J hii debts in tlw kindfor along tim_e togethe.;. by rea(M of bt5 [eve. ;;~~~ "!',. • r414i»jir.mztter: .iu;t' jhe bmtrif"e..ofthu inhibition op'ffenus, fell imo ahorrible x E!ifP".·ilratt ' 1 filry,rand defired wtry one tba~'came to ~t h~~, hy · wo~!irs • looks, and gefium io {:'t::f::!~Z;. ht<v~to ,doenmhher,&c. 'B~r'mrd111 Pattrnt~sa Phyfitian, faith, he knew a "~iH""' met<~~:. gootfhoneft g~dlreiidf, that b~aufi he w1Nldntilhef "illinglz mJrryJ.rror mak~ <hotitos (<pefim t<fe melancholy.Jits.H_Ndefh_'im{fice!l••. n~rb fucb' ;'~tailchllli• aoo.chenexample\of an Italtp. melancholy ·Pneft f.1n a confultauoll bad '"" .!, ~afil t!J A.nno ~58 a.Itrfon ~ Pratenfls·g~ves inftaoi:e 'in a marH<!d man,1 iha,t from his' ;';,t,1,~7ft";':~ Alfottn •'j#~m uxonJ <M:it,.tlt ~ iilt_ c~iif 'JUibrt,tt11hjf~~~TI/iJ trw»,tiH}">:~!Mit h'rrjid1i o}pciam mariti, vix iiito_ >nalrimotb ~tgrot~\ ~114 JRbwr_~[llt'OI'emJncl.dltlJb~~mcObibf/4Jf.l.lf~~aiutw:t~~ _canrP!fJu~.~, '(Jf~~, vtdlu) gefi..u. tiptttttt, a_ 'JIINmtiJ!!I cqnfentrmu, .m~tof?s A?gllCO/DStxpau~ mag'l(J C~O'J't, ~ vnu f.t~_cer_tlotqn optliiiNm t( t_llll1J,qttfqUOd 714{/tl ~~~ Vtfkt"t,i1f\ 'Ti;difAeJfW:ti{Jtnpl1!1Jat«lll(fdllo • :. ' ~ I . ,,,. if. • 'l,l·, • , .'!\ •\ ,,!•. .• wives