Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

P art.1.Sect. 2. Idleneffi. a cauft. Memb.z.SubC6. is fullofcrudities, whichFuchfttu fomuchenveighs againfr, lih. z.injlit. 85 fee. 2. '·4· giving that for acaufe, why fchoole-boyesin Germ•ny are fo of7 ten fcabbed, becaufe they ufeexercife prefently after meates: x Bayerm puts x In Veni m<- in a caveat againtl fuch exercife, becaufe it: cerrupt.r the·meat .m the ftomacke, ~~;~;:.b,., fie 11nd tArries the (a me juycerarv,and ,a yet undtgtfled, mto. the-vmus (fa1th Lem- y Inflit. advit. nim) which there futrijies, and confounds the Ant mal JPm~s. Crato con~!. 2 r .!Ih. ;;~;t;-,.;7,;/• · 2 , z proufrs agamfl: all fuch exerc1fe after meat,.as bemg the greate~ enemy vcr.m·apit,q~i to concoction that may be~,and caufeofcorrupuonof humours,whiCh pro. P""'fi.mtesilduce this, and many other difeafes. Not without g~od reafon then, doth ':~~;'~~'~:::,~ Salnjl. Salvianu< lth. z.cap. r .and Leonartm Iacchtnu< m 9· Rhafts. r..Mercurt- >emdi h.c h~· 11/u Arculamu,and many other,fct downe a Immoderate exere1fe,as a moll: momcopiarer " '·bl r f ] h I ven.,agg"di- J0tC1 eC3UIC:O me ~ne. 0 Y· uir,undemorbi Oppolite to exerc1fe 1s ldlene!f~, (the badge ofgentry) or want of Exer- mulliplim. cife the bane of body and minde, the Nurfe ofnaughtindfe, fl:epmother of a Immod""'" difcipline, the chiefe author ofall mifchiefe,ooe of the ~~ven deadly finnes, :;::~~~7: its ' · and a foie caufe ofthis & many other malad1es,the dev1ls culh1on,as b Gual- Ct11'.6.Nam.q•i• ter cals it,his pillow and chiefe repofall. For the minde can never reft,hut ftiU ;z;:::~:;: meditates on one thing or other, t.¥cept tt be occupyed about fome honefl br~fineJfe, pof/it•. ftd cmiofhu or~~neaccordit rti{hethintomelancholy. 'vis too much lltldviolent exer- ""'tm-.u;., ti{e offends 1nthe onejide,[o doth an idle lift on the other (faith Crato)it (its the ~j~::;:'::'wfi /J1dy foU offteagme ,groJfe humours, and aOmanner of1hjlrutltons, rbumes,ea. hone~"ti1 ••- tarres,&c.Rha.fts c1nt.lih. r .trall.9.accounts of it as thegreatefr caufe ofMe- IS'f,"~'"•f:­ Jancholy: d I h.weoftenfeene (f~ith he)th~t idlenelfe begets tht. humour mort :;J~•mff:.,~· than any thingtlfe. <JUontaltm cap. x: feconds him out of his experience, dehbi<>r. . • they that Art idle Art forre mmfobjtfl tl melancholy, thanfoch a Art conver- ~;';:.;,:::;~. {itnt lr imptoyedAt.out any ojfm~r bufine(/e. 1 Plutarch reckons up idlenelfe for ea ~tnporiuxa foie caufe of the ficknelfe oftheSoule : There art they (faith hee) trou- ereuazso,wm /Jted inminde, that have no other cau{e hut thi&.Himtr Ili11d. I. brings in !I chit. ':f:1.ft,;~~ les eatiogofhis owoe heart in his Idlenelfc,becaufe he might not fight.Mer- otiofo.:OJiii,a•i· turialu confil.86.for a melanclloly young man urgeth&itas a chide caufe; :JJ:/'::![/''m why was he mdancholy ~ becaufe idle.Nothing begetsitfooner,encreaftth •·"ff,.'a;,',:;,~7 and cominueth itofrnerthan idendfe. A difeafefamiliarto all idle perfons, '"""' fi""i.. an infeparablecompanion to fuch as·live at eafe, pingui ~eio dejidio~e agentes, :,;,;:;t!fv" a life out of aClion, and have no calling or ordinary imployment to bufie d Etvidiqm>d themfelves about, that have [mall occalions; and tnough they have,fucb is ""'d"'""' h 1"f' qu~e magis gent... .t dr Iazin.ene,dulnelfe;they will not compofe themfelves to do ought,they ,., Mc!Amko/i . ca~not ab1de worke, though 1t bee ne~elfary,eafie, as to drelfe themfdves, :i.'/,~j;t';,;: wnre aletter or the hke, yet as he that IS benummed With cold,lits frill ilia- ... ~.Jiista•· king, th~t might n;lieve him!Clte with a little exercife or fl:irring, do~ they fo," ""' a.na· complame, but w1ll not ufe the facile and ready meanes to doe themfdves btt :/fi'v''""' good; and fe are frill tormented with melancholy. Efpecially if they have ~~~~~:';;., lxene formerly brought up~e bulinelfe,or to keep much company,and up- '}."'Pfantot••ft· on a fudden c?me :o lead a fedentary life, it crucifies their foules, and fea- q:~';,/f;,: ;: z~th on them man mfrant,for wh11fi they are any wayes imployed,in a6Hon, nii·• verf••M d1fcourfe,about any bulinelfe,fport or recreation, or in company to their li- 'r"q"'~· ..' k . h 11 b 'f I 'dl . . ~ Detranquii.•· •ng,t ey are very we , ut 1 a oneon e, tormented mfrantly agame, one ,;,. $~., q•" rmimielllji ~i~ttgritlfdinem. ~Nihiltftq11Qd~q~mtk1Jcboti41Jalu~•ugutp•tiu•ttiab[Jilmiit~ticerptmsitlni;f~":,~~u:;:iN 6~. bNibil1111lf}Sexltterll uJtelkCJ~~m,qllam OIJUifJ. GorJolzius dlob{tn~fll.7.tit.bNm.lib.J. · L ~ ,. day~s