Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.J.Sefrz. '-- <Terttlrbationsoftbe mlnde. M em b. )-Subf. r. mc11rs adujl; the eyes made toJink imc the /;cad, choUer increafed, and the rvho!c body injlAmtd: a.,d, asm•y be added out of Galen 3· deJ4mtatt tutnda, Avr. cenna 3, r.eit overthrowts the natura/1 he11.t, !t c,utftt h crudrtus, hurts co;lc~Elton,and what not~ Not withoat good CJufe thndore Grato c.njil. 2 r .lrb. z. Hrldtjheim jjicel. 2. deddir. 6· <.Mama, Iacchtntu, Arculamu on Rhajis, _Gm. aneriu; and u'rfcrcaria!is, reckon up th1sover-much wakmg, as a pnnCJpall caulc. M El>;! Ji. 3· SuBSECT. t. 'P.r(sicns andpertrtrbario;s of the miRd,hotv they caufe Melancholy. 11S tlJJt Gymnofophift in r P!utarcb,made anfwer tO A/txandtr, (de. mJncfing "htch fpake bdl) Every one of hi~ fellows did fpe;rk · bette-r than the othe. r: fo may I fay of thefe caufes; to him that · !hall require which is the greatdl, every one is more grievous than other,and this of Pallion the greatell: of all. A moll fre- .quent and ordinary caufe ofMdancholy,gfit/men pmurbationnm(Piuolomi. mu; calls it)this 'thunder and lightning of pcm;, bation, '~hich c.1ufeth firch violent and fpeedy alterations in this our Microcofine, :ind many times fub. verts the good dlate and temperature ofit. For as the Body works upon the mind,by his bad humors,troubling the Spirits,fending grolfe fumes into the llr:rine 5and fo prr confiqrtws diflurbing the Soule, and all the faculties ofir, --Corpru onujlum, Hejlernu vitiis animumquoj, pr.tgrav•tuna, . with feare,forow,&c. which :rreordinary fymptomes ofthis :Oifeafe: fo on the other fide, the mind moll effetlually works upon the Body, producing by his pallions and perturbations,miraculous altnations;as Melancholy ,defpairc,cruell difeaf,s,and fometimes death it !elf~. Infomuch,that it is moll true which Plato faith in hisCharwides: omnia corpori< m•laab anim!t proce. den ; all tht" mifchiefes of the Body,proceed from the Soul e::md Democri. Ius in j P!tltdrch urgerh,DAmnatAm iri anim•m a corpore, ifthe Body fhould in this behalfe,bfing an atlionagaioll the Soule,furely the Souk would be call and convitled ;th~r by her fupine negligence, had c~ufed fllch inconvenie(lces,having authority over the Body, & ufing it for an inllrumcn~,as a Smith doth his haq1mer(lai rh k cyprian) imput ing all thofe vices and maladies to the Mmd. Ev~ n fo'dorh 1 PhilojlratuJ, non coinquinAt/lr corpu;, nifi confcnjit amm.e; the Body !S not corrupted, but by tbe Souk. Lodovicus Yives will h;rvc filCh tmbulent cornmotions proceed from Ignorance, and Indifcretion. All Philofophers impute the mibies ofthe Body to the Souk that ihould have goverred it better,by command of reafon, and hath not done it. The Stoicks are altog<thtr ofopinion (as" Lipfius, and • Piccolominetu record) that awife man 0JQuld be imw"i,, without all manner of palli~ns and penurbatJons whatfcevcr, asP Smeca repons of Cat•, ihe q Greeks of Socratts, and ' To: A11hanus ofa nation in /_fricke, fo free from pallion, or rather fo llupid, that rf they be wounded with a fword, they will ondy looke back. 1 L•llan· tr"' z. injlit. will cxcluc'c [care from awife man: others except all,fome the M 2 greatefl e NatNra'em ra~ lo;·"ea'iffipat, ~­ foccmoflioM, crudi!atufotit. Atttnlla1ltjllv_tr.it vigilat.c corpot&r.oftes; fVita .4/t%1li1~ gCrad.r.c.q: Hul. h Pmm·batirJ7mclti'Ziiflmt. quibttJtotptr.ia.. nimtoftu paliflll..'oAjji'g)urr. Jamb.d!! mifl. , lLib.defqitlft.' lffNJd, 11: PYo/cg.de virtmectrijli.~'{ 7fti!UTttJrptre,ut fr~.!mm~tltto. J Vita Apo!lonii lib .t. lllLib.dCil71iriJ, ab inconfidmmti4,et ig1!0rantifl OPJnes animi mall#, nDcPhy/io!. StOic. oGrad. r.c.p. p Epift. to4 • g~/iamu. r Lib.t.cap6. {t q11is tnfe ptru~f[ait(os,tanIII»J;efpiciunt. f1trrurinf(ipimtctjfe11md~btt•