D 2 M o c R I Tu s to the Reader. bold to imitate,&becaufe he left it unperfett,& it is now loll; quajifoccmturiator Democriti,to reviveagain,profecute and finilhin this treatife. you have had a reafon ofthe name; If the title and infcription offend yourgravitie, were ita fuflicientjuftification to accufe others, I could producemany fober treatifes, even fermons themfelves, which in their fronts carry more phamafticall names.Howfoever it is a kinde ofpolicic: in the(e daies, to prefix aphantafticall title to a book which is tobe fold: For as Larks come dowo to a day.ner, many vain readerswill tarrieand . ftand gazing like filly~afTengers,at an amick ~itture in a painters lhop, ~!~f;f.!t. that will not look at ajudiCIOUS peeGe. And llldeed,as f Scalsgcrob- nihil m"&ur,. ferves, nothingmore invites 4 reader thanAn argument unlookedfor, un- Ornem m'llitili thought of, Andftls better than"fturrile pamphlet, turn maxime cum no-~=.:~1::: vitasexcitat" palatum. Many men, [aithGellim, are veryconHited intum,mqueve~ tkeir inftriptions,•and able (as '_Pliniequotes out ofSmec~t)tomake~";~-,;:;~':. hlm loyter by the way ,thatwent tn hafl tofttch a msd-wift for hiS daugh-tfPII Uber. · ttr, now readitto lye down. For my part I have honourable u prefidents * Lrb.fl. <. " · for thiswhichihavedone:I willcj.te-oneforall, ...Anthonie ZaraPap. r;::;-:;, 1;~ Epift.his Anatomie ofWit,in fomfedions, members, fubfettions,&c. tionum fiftivito be read in ourLibraries. '""'·, If ft h f . f h' tPu,tlt.Ntlt. anymanexceptagain t ematterormannero treatmgo t 1S my hift.p•tri ,;. fubjed, and will demand a reafon of it, I can alleagemore than one, Iflttricem f••- write of melancholy, by being bufi~ to avoid melancholy. Thereis no':.~::;;!/;':, .. greatercaufe of melancholythan!dlenelfe,nohertercure thenhufineffe,•.., inji"re · as x JlhAjis holds: and howbeit, ftultm tAbor tjl inepti•rum,to be bufied ~~·· . of in toyes is to fmall purpofe, yet hearthat divineSenee•,better aliudagere popc:.,~llll< · tj~<am nihil, betterdoeto no end thallnothing~I writtherefore,&bulied An:~to~eof my fclfi~ this playing labour,otio{aq; di_Jige~ti£ ~t vitarem torpore'!'ft- ~";:;~~ ~::;,: rzandt W1th V tilt m mMacrobsm,atq; otmmmut1leverccrem negotiUm. Anaromie of . Y -Simul & JUCundA & idoneadicere vit.t, 1~::;~;;'~!;:. Lellorem delell"ndojimul atque montndo. Non •ft cura To this end Iwrite,likethem,faithLuciAn,that retitt to trtes,.mdtkc 10elioriiiJ"' daime to ptllers (Or want ofauditors: as > Paulm Alginetaingenioufly~~- . confelf~th, not tl,at Any thingw.u rmknown or omitted, bHt to exercife my • NonfuodJe . felj. wh1chcourfeif fomecook, I think it would begood for their bo- ;."'::.!':!"t;,. d1es, and much better forrhm fouls; or peradventureas others do, for mimpwer" · fame,to /hew my felf (Scire tuum nihiltjl, nifi te fcire hocftiat alter. ) I mi.Jfom,fid . m1ght beofThucydides opinion, 'to know athing Andnot to expre!fo it, ;.f:;f,~Z ::;{~" •I/ one .uifhe knew tl not. When I firft cook this task in hand,& quod ait • ~ir=ir, ' b tffe, smpeflente genio neiTotium 'Rfi:e•i this I aymed at· c vel ut lenirem nequerd fuo4 · ,(;. ·r d fc.::. J'"J" I ' ' fontrt exptAntmttmJmoen. o, to ea emy minde by writiog,for I had gravitlum cor, mit,periildeejf f<etllm caput,a kmd of impoftume in my head, which I was very defirous "'fi neftiret. to be unladen of,and could imagin no fitter evacuation than this. Befides t~~ .. Pritf. I mtght ~ot well refram, for ubi dolor,ibi digitm, one muft needs fcratch c Er•[-. whereIt Itches, I was not a little offended with this maladie, lhalllfay my Miftn_s melanch~ly, my l£geria,or my ,almgenim. &forthat caufe d Otiumorl• as he that IS fi~ng wtth a fcorpion,I woult.l cxpelcfavum d4vo,dcomforc;'";:. Jot.rt oneforrowwtthanother, idleneswithidlenes,ut ex viperJThtri••llm, ""' ' ""' make an Anndote out of that which waHhc primc>aufe ofmydi(eafc. A~ Ot