Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.J.Se4t.£1i,, Memb.J.Sub£:7. and be foHunate in theworld, to ge~ honours,qffices or thelike, hl: repi'Ms IOI aod grieves. · . . .· . ' ' ,.. . · -A;-f intaheftitt}; vidmdo . fDvid, ·· StlccejfwJtlmtinflm,:_.,._ji,pplicitirn#; jitum tfo.' · ; · ' He .torture5 himfelfe if l11's eqmilt,fi·iend, neighbour bepre&!rrc.d, comll)en' ded doe well, ifhe under!l:and of ir, it gaulcs him afrelh, and no greater pai~e can comno him, then to hear~ ofanothe.i'.mans well·doing, 'ris a dag. ger at his heart every fuch obJeCt. He _lookesar htm, ~sthey that ~ell downe in Lucians ro\kofhG>aoot\;>wt~han · envtous ey~;and wtll damage htmfelfe,to doe anotfjer a mifcliiefe: Atrj, cadet fubito, dttm fi'J'er hojle c.dai.As heedid in ~fop, lofe 0ne eye'wifhi(!gly, thac 'llis fellow .might lofe both; onhaJ . ricb man in • :f2.t!.imilian.IJ':!at poyfoncd the flowers in his ga_rdcn, b~{au'f~ ' h:is neighbours Bees lhouldgec AO '!DO re honey fr:om them_: His whols.lt\~js for row ,and ev•:ry wotd· he fpeakesa Satyn,nothing fats htm but other mtr<s ~.uines. Forto fpcake in.a word,Envy is naughtelfe bur Tri.ftitia de 6onit 'a/i. en,i<,forrow jorochcr !I)ens good, be it prefcrit,p.afi; or·tocqme: & gau,diu.m i.}e adverjis ,and g joy at their harmes,oppofire tQ.,me(cy, h which grieve~ at other m~ns mifchances,a'ot! mifaff~C!s the body in another kind~; fo Damaf ceo defines ir, ltb.z.de mhod.ftd. Thom11s i.·2.ql(.<jl.g6.art. x. Arijl~tlelih. ·•· Rhet,cap.4.& ro. Plato Philebo.Tu!lj 3· Tu(c.Greg.Nic.lib. dt>virt. anim;e.c. u.Bajil. de Tnvidia. Pindarzu od.1:jtr 5. and \vee finde it true. 'Tis a c'ommon difeafe,and almo!l: , naruraHio , us~ as ·; Taciuu helds, to envy anotper mansprofper-iry.And.'ris·in h10ftm~nan incllral:5k difeafc.k I have rea:d;{aith ,c.}Jt'rcm· Aurelim,Grteke,flt~~ew;ChAldte • Ju~hli's,.I havee~n{i;lted· iiJJthma" "1 wi(e mtn,for aremed7 ftr envj, 1cl,._/d jimle fJine, but to renounu aU h~p;~­ nejfe, andto be" ifret<b, and mi[erabtr for ever. 'Tis the beginning of lid! in [.pt Mi[erallti; this life,and a pailion 1\0t robe exc~(ed.} Everyot~<r jirme h.eh fome pleafi.re corp~n m!fie "..ftllnncxcd to it, or will ai/,;Jit•lt: "" ex'ctllif.,ri""''" aiDntW'ii'!Jts both. otherjinnes faR riu~dppa lib. 'J J' r""'J ')" lo Cll}_.63. hut for awhile, the gt~t niay. befotisjitd, aoger.remin jftatredhath an end, e~vy i J•fti•m ,..,_ never ceafoth.C.rdan lib. z.defap. Divine and humane examples are very fa. ;~~;:,~-::,~~ miliar, you may runne and read them, as th:ar of Saul and David, Cain and f•licit,ttm•gris Jbel,angebat ilium non proprium ptccatum,ft.i[r.11tru profPerit.u, faith Theo. «•lhimuai, doret,it was his brorhers~ood forrunrgauled hirri. Rachel envyed her fifier hi{l.fib. '· T<cit. ., k Ltgi chi;!r.kos, being barren, Gen.3o. Io tphs brethren him, Gen.37· DAvidhad a touch of c,,,~s,H.chr•- this vice, as he confdfcth I" P[al.37. • Immy and 6 H ahbakuk; 'they repined at ""'"fl4<fapiothfrsgood, b.u~ in th~ end they correde.d thcmfelvcs . P(a/.75 .fret not thy e:/o~:$;~~;,m~~ ff.lft,&c. Domman fptred Agrt<ola for h1s worth, P lhat a private man jh8uld eoi"'!i~veni,rche fo much glorified. q Cecinna was envyed ofhisfollow Citizoens,becaufe hee """'"''feliciw.as more richly. adorned. Bur ofall or hers, ~ women are moHweake, obput. , clmtudtnem tnvtd.e font femtn£ (<.M uj:em) aut amat, aut od{t, mhtl eft tertium { Granatwfs ~ ) They love or hare, nomedium amongfr them. Implacahi~ les plerumq, l..(.t mult:~es, tAgrtpptna hke, cA,woman ifjhee {te her neighbbur more neAt or elegant, r1cher tn ttres, Jervds, ot'Appare/1, is "'"ted, and like a .Lilneffi'{itt upM her ht~s.bimd, railer at h_<r,Jcoffisat /Jet, anil cannlt abidt'lnr; fo the Roman Ladie~ in,:t .rcitm did at Sblonina.Cetinn.u wife, •hecaufe jhee jltllr?odiiR'll/illl"f.h4h_ttf~i'dian_lt1ltjii"JtmlJ.ujtfl_it .. m Wrtbatmt,~f!lllfnlilpropttr_fiJJ~tO!· n Hitr.n. _1 . _o Hab. 1. p. Io.u~JttpT: ~au.~o~Mn [up~a ~mzupZJ •uolit. CJ rac.it.H!fl·~ · 2..part.6. : Pmturoe dol.ort et mvtdta, ji quun "ttrdtma flrwt io;-~m [tin pubficllll1 fr"'!#Jt.FI~Ifiaf,m.omm. ~ .Ant: _6111antlttUll~z.tap.8. t1J11J. M.vturtUi[tttmiTiil t~ititllll?l tltg1111iw fovtflit4vidtns, fr.e1Jttt injlttr lli'IIITIIm~Mflilltt,&c . t i!_Mdtnftgm CtJUO et 1jlro vtiJcrttJtr,tlHll!UJIIMI 1fll!litl4 tNmi$;ia~rnatNmil/illfi t~ll.tmk[~t [.TatitzhtllJIIJr. h4d