Parr.t.Sect.z. Caufts of, Mel4ncboly. '" 101 n.Ji!.!tOdpulclniI Udme Ol/1J1t Stxct//trtt, plltU.t itzdigMt~occi-- ' dtrllnt. had4 better horfe,,and better fi•rniture,ao ifjl" hadhurt them with it; they were muchojfendtd: In like fort our gentlewomen doe at their ufuall meetings,one repines or fcoffes at anothers bravery and happindfe. <..Myrjine an vftticke wench, was murrhered of h~rfellows," becaufl foe did excell the rejl in beauty, Cunflamine ..Agricult.tib.r r.c.7.every Village will yedd fuch examples. ! SunsECT. 8. ,, . ..,£mt~lation, Hatred, Faflion, De(tre ofrevengecarif'cs. x La:i paw i·-· ~ .. 411 Ut o'fthis root ofEnvy,• fpring thofe ferall branches of ;:!~1,~~:';":/,:., ~- .'f faction, hatred, livor, emulation, which caufe the like raLiix•mltiU ma· . - ... grievanc~s,and are, (trr£ anim4,the fawes of the foule, wr,m,fom cw4i- . • con.flernationiJ pleni ajfsElt,;affections full ofddperate {~~7;.il;,rz:l;,o;/~~ - amazement; or as CJpriAn dcfcribes emulation, it is y• cypd,.fo·.,,d, . . moth ofthefoule, acMfi•mptiun, to make aMthcr mans ;;;;,:;.;., 1;b. J. _ lt•ppine({e hu mi{ery,to torture,crucijie & execrm himj'tlf, cap. 9 . · .. IDeate his owne heart. Meat anddrinkecan doefuch men no ~fi~::. ~,;: i - goot/,t}uy doe,alwftyts grieve,figh andgroane ,day andnight withlul intermifion, tabt>!etiOd4"!· their,hrejl #torne .(tmder .-and a litrleafier, z Whomfoevtr he u,whom thou dojl lan (n almo_ul em,.[ate and envy, he may avoid thu, hut thou canjl neither avoid him, nor thy ~;:;:[;:{:;~; felfe; wherefoever_thOt<art, he iJ withtlm, thine enemy is ever in_thy hrea.ft, thy mi{<ri~,·" vtlut de_pru/Jion is wtthm thee, thou •~t • capttve, b111nd hand and[10t ,,.. tong ,u thou qit>f~'i'. . ~~fleri ar{maticiotlf,,·a!ld enviou~, andcanjl not be~ comforttd,',Jt .w.u the devils wer' ~':t;J::;_:;,,.c thr~w_; and wher;1foever th~mart thrmlghly affected w'ith this·paffion, it will tionibw t!ftnft- be thme. Yet no perturbattoti fo frequent, no paffion fo common. bus{uiJad~~bt \ \ 1 \ :.., 1 ... ' 1 ~:t;i~k.q~~i- " Kct' '/..£f.J!../I.UH "t.2eJI.f.&6{ x.o-nu ~ 1lJCmm 'TiX.'nl>v, "ibw '"' '"' '· · Ka.l .,a.,il?~ .,;j.,X;; <p'J-ovt.. <!! ,;.,(JO~ d,,Jt,7, ~:U:~: ;::::$ A Potter e~ulates a Potter, potefl e,ft i'"'"- One Smith envies another : j,":;j;'!,~;:::;_ A begger_emulatesa begger, ,,..,,-d.t<twdi- A lingmgman hts brother. ts t tnofits,pe- ~;'f;/:::~,. Every fociety,corporationand private family is full ofit, ittakes hold al- , !!2:<fq•i• ·~ mofi ofall forts ofmen,from the Prince ro the Ploughman, even amongll ~~~~~;;;.:~; Gollips it isro beleen,fcarce three in a company but there is liding,faetion, ufl•bt"foi.'" emulation betwixt two ofthem,fome fimult.u, Jarre1 private grudge, heart• p~tejl;_-dttu· no• burning in themidfiofthem. Scarce two gentlemen dwell together in the ;:;,~J:!}f::;:- Co~tn t rey ,(ifthey be notneare kinne or linked in marriage)but thereisemu- '""''"'""'fl, bdon betwixrrhemand their fervams, fome qu;~rrdl or fome grudge be· hsnist>~>ufc~~>- twilft their wiVFS or children, fiiends and followers, fome contention about ~fl,~~lJI~!~f::: wealth, gentry, precedency, &c. by meanes·of which, like the Frogge ill iw:/Jifa,tig4/iu bV£fope,that would (well till foe wao .u biggt a> anOxe, bt~r.ft her'Jelfe atlajf; '1;~::,;;.:,;_. they will firctch beyond their forrunes, callings,and firive fo long, that they v us .- "'' loWi• coofumc their fubfiance in Law-fuites, or orherwife in hofpitality, feafiing, r:,:n~~J~u;;;bolmimtr ilPtia fltt~im mmuli) cl ptriit priN1114)ct.ptrdidit) cypril!l.fu.•.tll '.{tll tt trowt. a Htftod.,p:diu. bR$ cupttji:. ttqfiiUUii bou~~J, fi difl ttJikluiJ &c. fine