Part. 1. Se: et. z. Emulatio,yElatrrd; 'l.fl'C. fine cloathes, to get a few bumbafte titles, for Ambitiora pt~upm~tte l~tbor~tm~« om11tr tooutbrave one another, · they will tire their bodies, macerate their foule;, and through contentions or mutual! i~vita~ions beggar themfelves. Scarce two great Scholkrs in an age, but With bitter mvechves they fall foule one on the other and their adherents; Se~tiflr, Thomijlr, Realr, Nominalr, Plato and Ariflotle, Galeniflsand P;.raceljiaru,&c. it holds in all profe!Iions. : . .. . . , . . Honeft • emulatiou in lludies in all calhngs IS not to be difltktd, us tngeniorumcsr,asone cals it, the whetllone ofwit, the nurfeof wit and valour, and thofe nobk Romans out ofrhis fpiritdid brave exploits. There·is a mo. deft ambition, as Themijloc!ts was rowfed up with rhe glory of r..Mtlttades; JchiUes trophies moved Alexander, * ...A mbire fempcr JlnltA conjidentia eft, u1mbire nunqr<am.defls arrogantia eft, 'Tis a fiuggifb humour not to emulate or tofueat all, to withdraw himfelfe, neglect, reti·aine from fuch places,honours,oflices,through fioth,F1iggardlineffe,feare,bafblulneffe, or otherwife,to which by his birth,place,fortunes, education he is called,apt,fit,and well able to undergoe; but when it is im- ~oderate,it is a plague and amiferable pain.What a deale ofmony did H tn· r; the 8.& FranciJ the firft King of Fran1~£,fpend at that d famous interview~ and how many vain Courticrs,feeking c;ach to.outbrave other, (pent themfelves,their livelyhpod andfortunes,and dyed .~eggars •.• Adrian the Empe" rour,was fo galled'with it,that hekilled all Eis equals;.fq did Ne~~· This paffionma~e f DionJJilU the Txrant banifb .('lato anfi ·Philoxtnm ths: Poet, becaufe tl\ey did excdl, and eclips his glory, ash<; thought;The, Romans exile Coriolanm, confine CamiU~«, murder Scipi1; The Oreekes by ojlr;.cifme to expell Ariflides,Nici:M, uflcibiades, imp~i[on-z:he(eus, make away Phocion, er<. When Richard the firft,and Philip. of France.;were fellow fouldiers together, at the fiegeof A.-min the Holy land,andllichardhad approved himfelfe to be the more valiant man, in fo much that all'mens eyes were upon him, galled Philip, Francum ure#at .Regi6 villo~ia, faith mine g Author ,Mm «gr(fuebat Richardi gloriam,ul c.rpered.iiJa,c;.lumniari fa8a;that bee caviled ~tall his proceedings, and 'fell at length '.to open defiance; hee could containe no longer, but hailing home,invaded his territories,and pro. feffed open warre. H atred.Jlirres up contention, P/o.,, ro. r :!.and they brealce out at !aft into_immorwll enmity , into ':'iru~~nGy ,, ;ind more than rat inial{ hate and rage;they perfecute each other,their frieuds,followe~s,& all their pofterity with bitter raums,hofiile warre.s, fcurri!c.inyectives libels calumnies,fire, f~ord,a.nd the like,and will n·or be re'coricil~~· Wit~~ffe tha't Guelft and G:he!ltnt fachon 10 Ita/y;that ofth' Adurniand Er.egofsju GenDd; that of Cneus Papi~ius,and Jlf!jntiiS Fahitfs i~ /l.'i"!e} C,efar,~ridf'"!/{ey; Orleans and Burgundy 10 France; Yorke and Lanc/ m England; Yea thi~ pa!Iion fo rageth ' m~ny times,that it fubverrs not men.only,and families;but even populops Cmes, * C arthage. and Cormth ,an WJtn~lfe as .much, nay ilourifbing K~ngdomes are brought >Dt~ a w!lc;lerneffe l;>y It. Tliis hatred, malice, fa. ctwn,and dcfireofrevenge, m vented firft all thofe racks,and wheeles,fhapadoes,brazen buls,ferallengines, prifons,inquifitions,fevere !awes to mace0 rate ccA!.mJJ/atioali.t ingeJUa.: Paur-. cu{J~tJfoper. vBI, •Groti114 Epig. fib .l, dAnw 1p9; ' ' betwixt Ardes andQ0pe. · eSJNUtimt. ~ "() ' g IDhannes ae~ r~dwtib.~.c. _, ,.,d~ ~tUIJ foe. h NuUa,dit% tlllttllm pottrit ftnirtforo)"tm. rA.mnabella pact{ttb/tuagt· rlhtt. Iuratedimn,mc flnlt:inv ifomtf /t deforit,tfllam effidejiit. Pater· culluvol.t. i.,Itaf~vit h.t!c flygia millijlta ut urbts fobver.~ tlttaliqllltlldll, dt/eatpoptdM~~ provinci;u 'alioquifloreme.:J 'ttdigat in{olitNth. n~s,mortales'W!· TdmifirosiliJMfu!lda mi[triiU·it 'Wik,nJi{trabiliur immtrtftt• . ~ • Clli:JhagottmU.. la.Ro1fk11Ji im-pt.. rilfondiuu iritf.. riit.S()/IIjl. Catf!.