Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. I. :O,ect. 2o Studyacaz{e. Memb. 3-S~M' lS ------~----------------~----~--- unitt;regni prrcium they fay, more than a.)(ings ranfome; how a~any trownes J 2 9 per annum,toperfeCl: arts, theo_neabout his Hiftory ofCreatures, the other on his Almaue~? How much ume d1d ·rhebet Bmch~rat employ, to finde our the monon ~f the eight fpheare _? 4 o yeares and more,Come writc;how many poore Schol)crs ha~c loft tbeir wits,or become dizards,neglec""tingall world" ly aff~ires, and the1r owne l)ealth, ~ealth,1.l.rand benrejje, to .game knr:wledo-e ? f6rwhich, after all their pames m the worlds efreeme they areaccori;'pted ridiculous acd filly fOQles,ldiots, Alfe_s,and (asofi: they are)rcje- , _ Cl:cd- contemr.ed, derided, doting, and mad. Looke for examples inHdd,;. • ,,_,..,, uafhei;, jpicel. 2. de mania & delirio: read Trincat·rllifls I. 3. conjil. ;6. &c. 17. nuftlnus >oht- .LtfomanuJ con(il. 2-3--3-,._" Garceus de tudic. genit. cap. ~ 3· Mercur~t:lil conji/.86. ~;;~~;:;(fitKS cap._ 2 5· Pro[jrrr' Ca/rnirtJ in his Bookc drAtra bt~e : G.octo Bedlam and ask~. ~;;; ;;;~;f-"· Or 1f they keepetheir WitS; yet they are elleemcd fcrubs and fooles by rea- nefininddit. fon oftheir carriage : afier [eil'i:m y~arrJ. flud)·-· -Jltuu:Z racitutnius txitj M9iJt.m!Js in.; Plerumqut&~ijitmpoprr/t quatit.-- , . ~:;~;h::a~ of Becaufc they camiot ride an horfe; whic;h every Clownecan doe; falute and Tolof,, court li Gentlewoman, car•·e at table, cringe and make congies, which every ~;;;:;•:i't-1 c:onimon fivaf\ler. can doe, Y hos populus rtdet &r. thc,y axe laughed to fcorne, bortm, '.,;,; 1;._ andaccomptcd filly fooles by our Galhnts. Yea many times, fitch is their'"'' a-di;;znr. mifery, t-hey defetvc it: • anieerc Scholler,ariJeere Affe. ;,:;:;:;;~~ · cholicuf. 'Pnf. b Obflipo capite, (.'1' figmm lumine terrain, , ;:~~~,~~Ji,; Mltrmrera.cUm.(tc,ew, & rabiiJftt jilemi.:~ rodunt; but as The:. 4;que rxperreiJo rruunamur <'trba labe//p, 'h!e~~~/•ld; lEgroti 1.1ettrif medi.ran:rs fdmnia-, .g~t;ni l . / make:din:iU De nib1lo nibd:mz ;- inmh: l~tm nilp(JfjerfrueYti. [Owne hectsmli --\vhodoeJeanc•wry ~gccacc;ry: ""' •Per{: Sat. • Their heads pierdng tbc eanh wirh a fix~ eye: • tngtnh•m(<oi "\!V hen bythemfel~es they £;D3N rheir murmuring; JC;~;:;:::;,::- · And fllrious lilence,as 'twere batlancing, "·" & fepttn> Each word upon their out llrercht lip,~il~ ~~hen }Judiisnnnos They meditate thedreames ofold lick ~n, f,~~:~ inj"mAs, O i<t of n01hing, nl!thi'!gcanbtbroughr, -, Ltbris & cilri; And that ,./Jicb is ; can ne'rt be ttlrn"d to nauuht .- fl""' tocitur"' <!:> nu~re.Tit; Pie..:. Thus they goecommoniy medjrati~gurito rhemfe!ves, thus rl1ey fir,- fuch ;::;,;,:',.~;;!"­ is their a.:Cion and gellure. Fu/g•fiu ltb . 8. cap. 7. makes mention how ·rh. A. :;~' ~or:p, '· quin,u Cupping with King Lewtf of France, upon afud<len knocked his fill: .' Tcanfloced: upon t~e table,and cryCd;[on:lr•(nmtfl contra Manich.eo.r, his wits w~rc a wool- ~~~-•- #'1'" ga~henn~ as they fay, and his head bulied about other matters;when he per- 'Thomairubo' ceived h1s errour, hewaE much d abafhed. Such a fiory there is of Arc/Hmr- "· j.;tui"' dtdes in TTitrut•ius, that having found out tbe ir.eanes tokno.v ~ow much gold ~~.:,~::.~~;., was min~!ed with the lilver in Kit;r HtefOIIf crmvoo ran nikcd forth ofthe •l'lut.rtb,W/4 b h d " h c ' ' · MamU• Nt< at an . crye tu:wJUt. I ave roun :"and w~f commonly fo i~rmrtobis jludtf's, frnftt ~r&em that het never ptrcrr:vtd .,bat w.« done About lmn, JPben the Ctlj w.Jf tdetn, ;md capt•m,ncc mi- .th~ foulditrs now rtady to ~ifle hi~ bouft, hu toolu: no.notice ~(it. S. Bern~rd rQd ~;~:~;e~o:;;: all day long by theLfml'tan lake-; andaskcdat lallwhercheewas, Maruftu; intitusfl•diis lib. 2. cap. 4· It was D.emocrituJ carriage a!O\IC that ma<:l"e the A bderite.f 'f''b . ' R 2 fuppo(e L• ·'-'•P-< 8"