Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D • M o c 11 I Tu s to the Re4der. 9 I folve it thus. And for thofc other faultsofbarbarifme a ])oriel< dialeel cxtemporaneanfrile,tautologies,api~ imitation, a rapfodie of rags ga: :.r:.·:,a;;~"';";i., theredtogether from feverall dung-hd$, excrementsof authors, toyes '"''"''~";"'"" and fopperies, c~>nfufedly tumbled Ql\t, withoutan,invenr~on, ·jud&e-{!['/:P,.f//'::;. tnent, wit, learnmg, ha:ili,raw, rude~phanta!hcall, ab{urd, mfolenr, Ut- '"~ilicr,'iui4 difcreet,ill-compofed ,mdtgefted, valn,fcurrile,tdle,dull anddry; I con-'" allenu tib.. fdfe all ('tis partly affected) thou canfi not think worfe of me.than ~doe ~; ;.~ "!J~;,. of my felf. 'Tis not ~orth the readmg, I yeeld lt, I defirethee not to lofef"' ~i•l.pft. time in perufing fo vamafubjeel, l ihould be peradvemurelotb.my fclf to reade him orthee, fo writing, 'tis not oper4 pruium. All Ifay ,isthis~ that! havebprefidentsf~rit? which, Ifocrauscal.s perfugit~tnii_s quipec- bU,.abfilrlo tAnt, others as abfurd, vam, tdle, tlhterare, &c. l!l mvu/IJ all, tdt?n ft"· datomille ft· runt, others have done as much, it may bemore, and perhaps tho.u tey '~"""'"'· (elf, Novimm & quite, &c. wehaveallourfaults;jcimus,&hanq'!J(· tziam, &c. 'thoucenfurefr me, fo hav~ I done others,andmay doethee, <Non dubito Cedimm inque vicem,&c. ' tis lex talionis,quidpro quo. Gonow cenfure, mulm letlorer criticize,fcoffe,and raile. h~< for•fl•ll<t. dNafutm.fis ufque licetjis denique nAjiu: dM.,.tial. Non potes in n11g1U dicere plura mtll<,- >!-•, Jp(eego quamdixi,&c. w er'fr thou all fcoffcs ~nd f!o\ltS, avery M omm; '{henwe 011r [elves, thou<eanft not fay worfe ofus;· Thus,as whenwomen (cold,have I cryed whore firfr, and infome ll)ens cenfures, I am ~fraid I have over !hot my (elf,LaudAre (e vani,vituperAre ftulti, as I do not arrogate,l will not derogate. Primm veftrumnonfum. ttec tmm, lam none of thebell:,Iamnone of themeandtofyou. A'S Iamaninch,orfomanyfeet, fomany pa(afanges, afterhimorhim, I may be peradventure an ace beforethee.Be it therfore as it is,well or ill, I have a!fay'd,put my felf upon the frage,I mull abide theccnfure,Imay not efcape it. It is moll true,fly/m virumarguit,our ll:ilebewrayes us,& e Ut 'llt!l4torer as e hunters find their ~ame by the trace, fo is amans genitu defcried by ferami '1/efli. his works, Multo me/ius cx fermone quam lit~eamentis ,'demoribm hominii gi• ;mprr.!fo,. · judi~amm;_ 'twas oldC~t,.~ rule. I have laydmyfelfopen(ll<nowit) ;~;:rf.i:::f. tnthtstreanfe,mmedmmemfideoutward, I !hall becenf11red, I doubt · · not,forco fay truth withErA(mm,11ihil moroflus homivt~mjudiciis,rhere'$ naught fo peeviih as mens judgments, yet this is fome ~;ornfort,ut pAlata, fie Judicia ,our cenfures are as various as our palats. 1 Tres mthi conviv,.prope diffet~tirevidentHr fHII· . ~ofcentes vario m"ltum diver{!> pal~tn,&c. Our wnrtngs are as fo many diihes, our readers guel.l~, our ~Qoks like beaurie, that whicl,10ne •dmires,anotb.er reje~H fo are weapproved as 111ensfancies are inclined. Protaptuleflori; habent [u4j'at4/ibelli. That whtch ts moll: pleafing to on~ is •marafum (ui, moft hadh to aoothe~·· f2.!!ot homtnes,tot(~ntenti,., fomanymen, fomaiJYOlinds; that whtchthoucondemnell:hecommends. · g f<!!.od petis, iJfaneeflinvifum a.cidttmque duoku$.' tH~r. He refpc6b matter, thou art wholly for words, he love$ a loofeand free · B ·· · · fiile,