Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. 1. Sett. 2. Caufes ofMelancholy. 130 fuppofe him to have beehe mad, and feed for Hippoctam to cure him: if heehad beene in any folemne company, hec woald upon all occalions falta laughing. Theophraj!UI faith as much of Heracl""!> for that bee conriilllally >vept, and Lamiu; of Mmedemm Lampfacw,bcc':luCe herari like a mad rtJan, • s"bFm·i• "faymg,hecame fromhella;aJPie, toteflthedevtllswhat morta!lmendtd. Your tm·v.i mwmi- greate!l: Students arc commonly no better, filly, foft fcllowes in their out- ~;:,:;;~'{;~: ward behaviour, abfurd, ridiculous to others, and no \vhit ekpericnced in pl,·atomn. ~b worldly buhndfe; they can meafurethe heavens, range ()Verthc\Vbrld,teaoh . 'Jft~7,;,~';,'1',;_ others wifedome,and yet in bargaines and cOniracrs they are circtlltivented moaibus m0>·- by every bale Traddman. Arc not thele men Fooles ? . and how lbould they ~·~>;;;,',~~:;:.•· beotherwife, b,.t as .(o m~ny Jots in Schooles, when (:•<' *he w;ll obftrt•ed) they Egoarbitm i~ netther heare nor fee fuch thmgs as are commonly praEtifd abroad~ how fhould f' bol<rflduift.- they get expenence, by what meanes ? • I kn•wm my 11mema11J Schollers; ':J:f'::;."';,;"laith u£neaf sylviUI (in an Epill:lc of his to oarper Sciticke Chancelourt<i 2'" in ufu ha- the Emperour) exce!lentlveillearned,bttt fo rude,Jo filly, that th,yhadno common ~~::~~ ;;~r ~~: civiltty, nor knerv.be,., 10 man&gt their domrfl icke or pHb[tke a.ffait'eJ. PaglarenfiS t!w. . . "'"' amazed,andJatdhisFarmer hadfitre/y cofoned him,whm hehe4rtl himtdlthat hit ~ · 't"'' 7"' -SJw~itd el~en pigges, and hi{ Aj]eb.1dbu1ofie foalt. Tof:tythebe!l: ofthis 2 ;:, 'fl~J..:''[ prefcffion, I can give rtootherre!l:im~;>ny ofthem in generall, thah'thatof to·arttm ~tdi- Pliny of /(£m; 1 He is Jft'a 'Scboller, tlhfn tt'h"h kihiie of men tht:re u nathiM ;~;,;'f~d,:{;; fo jimplr, fo ftncere, ?one better,they are moll: part harmleffe, hone !I:, uprigh7, abtmda~tt..nt;>. innocem, plame dealmg men. · ~i~l.,7;h'i.~~ . Now becaufe they arecomlnonly !i1bjetl: io !i1ch h~zards, and inconve. beut,necmn- mences,asdotage, madneffe, 4mpltcity· 1&c•. lo. POftht~u \vou~d llavegood P;;;;;:';./;;','" Schollers to ~ce h1ghly rewarded, an~ !;ad Irl foltle ,exttaordmaty refpetl: ~,.·•nt.sf,.pu- above other men, to bat•e greater 1 p~tvl{egu than ihe rtft, fhat advemure it Pagl~rtenjis tbemj'elves and abbreviate their lii!u for the puBlike good. But ? UT ratrons of '!!"::ufav:t;; learning are fo farre nowadayes, from refpec:ting the M~<ftJ, and glvlng th~t q"i, fimn f•- honour to Se hollers, or reward which theydeferve, and are all()wCd by thofe ':,;;:,:"4" !ndulgenr pnvileges of many no?le Prifl.tes, tl1at ~fret all their paihes taken {am ""'"" m the Vmverjittes, coft and charge, expenfes, tr!tfome holims,Jabonous dunraxut pul· tasks, wearifome dayes, dangers, haza,rds5 (barred !nterim frvm all pleafufes ~;~,/::;;_am which other men have, mewed up hke ha1vkes all their lives) ifthey chance • Li•. x.Epift· to waclethrougb them, they fhall in tile end lie-erejeCI:ed, cOhtemned, and J."fdb~cf~bo- which is their greateR mifery,drivento theirfhifrs, expofed towanr, pover- ,jt;:, ~:.:;; ty and beggery, !heir fatniliar atterldati~s are, , · . · · hommum, -nF . _J ' • • • .: • J ·l ~~i!~::JI~~-, ' ,j, • PaUehletmM·bi~ MtuJ, M:ttjlle !Jborque i< .' • • .. fincerius allt Et ~trlil,'&malefuada famej, & tuipiJ egefiM, . > 1'1 r ?llth~s. . "" "'fb T V :n +-<"' ' "', '· '" 1.llfl'e_pri11iie~ 1 ' i ef'r . t 51 tju /v_rm£~ . r • • -~ • . ··.- £1'"J'~ q•i oil •' Gt,iefe; labotft, c'are, pale ·lic~nelfe, nufent~, ",.,.n .. : ' ,._.., ~J:"'.i,i,,.~;_ F~~ filthy poverty, hunget: _rh~t cries, ·r .,, )ibiviram. Terrtble monfters to be fee.ne With eyels. .• Pil:(.6,v£11. · - r··' . Ifth~rewerenO\:h.i~g ~lfe totroi.Ibletliem, the cmlceit ofthin·Ionc wero cnoughtomakel:h~ma!l melancholy. Mofl: other trades and profellionsafter fome leavenyeares prentifhip, are ena'bleil by therr craft ro1 ltveofthemfelves. Amaichant adventures his !i;tJ&!s at fea, and, though his .ha1<1rd bee - - grear,