Part. 1. Seet 2. Memb. 3-subf. i J great, yet ifonefhip rcrurne offoure, he likely mak~s a favingvoyage. An 13i husbandmans gaines are a!moll; ccrtame; qmbm ipft Iupit" nacere non pmj1 . ( 'tis *Cat os Hyperbok, a great husband htmfdfe; )mlly_Sth?llers, mee '1'/~tmh. vi: thinkes are mofl: uncertame,unrefpecr_ed,fubJeft to all cafhalttes,:lnd hazards,. ~~;;;:~;~r,;;,m For firfi, not one ofa many proves to be a Scholler, all are not capa~ !e and,,,.,,,&,_ docile, k tx omn.i ligmJ non fit Mer:utivA: ~e can m_ake MdjOr:r: i·nd offit;L~~ ft/!t:::~~~!~ cver1 yeare, b?t not Schollers: Kmgs; c-an mvefi Kn~ghts ahd Barons,: a~ St> & proco!fu~c>-, gzfmond the Emperour confeffed·,U.mverjittes cangtve degr~~s .; and T" q""-1 Rex & Porta es,ipopMfO q~ti/• bet ej]e pote~l; but he n6r they)llOt all the W<.Jr]d-can g!\•e ]cat' z;;;;~~;:s r.M niDg, make Philolophers, Amfls, Orators; Peers: we can foom~ fay as Sl'fierlt. • well notes, 0 virttm bonum,& dit•ilem;point ah rich man, agood~<lll happ')l man, aproper man,flnnptuor~ veffitt~m, Cal.•mi ffralu??!,Bened/m)l!m,intt.'(noiemporu impe11dioconffat !audat io, o vtt'ilm!itera!itm, b~1t tis n<Wfa ealily per; formed to finde out a learned man. Learning is not fo <]pick I ]"mt~ thoui!f.t they may be willing to take paines,tothat eqd fufficiehtly ihtl:ir/HM ~ \ifl~ ra lly.maintained by their Patrons and Parenes, ¥ee fbrcan cbtWHfc it• . 0~ Iftbcybedoetle, yctallmenswllls are not anfl'ferable to,rheit'·,,.,rs, theY canapprehend, bur will not ·rakc paines ; they arc til:ber f(Jc:lll'iled by bad companions, <·el in puellam impingu,nt, t•rl m poculum; '-and fo fP!!ni\ their tim9 i:o rheir friends griereand theit owne uiit'\oings. ··Ot 'put clferhey bee findil ous, indufirious,ofripewirs; and perhaps good capatities, the)i1how man~· dileafes of body an# mlhde n\ufl they C:tlcounter? c'Nl) labob't' iq the fvorf like unto fludy. It may bee; theirtelnperatutewill hot endure it; but 11ri ·.·.,.·.\ : \ vm?; to be excellent to kno\v all, rhey' lofe hdlth, Wealth, ;irit, life and all. . Let himyet happily efcape all thefc ha~ard~, .eriu;iJFt,'+mir,_ With a body 6f bralf~, 'and is now con!lrmrnateand ripe; lie liarlipro6ted irl'hl~ fludies, abi!. proceeded with all applaufe' after manyexpencd; lie is 6t for prefermehr, ivhere ihall he have it? he is is farreitH~ekeas he1+as ( afteftwenty vcares fiaading) at the firft dayofhis comming to rh~ t*'tti:Vrr[itie. For w bat coprfe '~ !hall he take, bdn~ r\ow_ cap;IH!ea~d ready? Th~ ~~o~ parableadd ealie,and ~~\ about W:htch many lte trri~loyed 1s to reach FSollQtjle, turhe LcCl:urer or · ' ·''I C::urat,and for that he,Ilia!! h~ve Faullmers wage~Ji·V/i<'l-' ann.~<m,and his diet, .. ~\ ·~~ or fome fmalll11pcnd, fo lol!g as he can pleaf~ !Its 'Pal:t6n or rhe fiariih . if . - ' theyap_prm'e him nor( forufually they doe but aye~,~ 6hwo) as inconfl~nt - . ' --~ as * they that diep HQJilltii./Qite''day;f.i'trJ.'t-mifte ~irh'the bthet; fer vino-~ · .Mat. >i; · · manlik~ hcmu(,l:go'e ltlokc'i h~1v fr\afie:f : ifr~ey ·tlde' what is his reward"! -,,.· 1 Hoc q~oijuhUnanri"f ptlerordeln'tma doc!Aitm.. ~ · . , · · Uh '}"~,: Occ"peie.>'vitualbaft»tRw. ':.• . Likean'Affe he 1·'·.... ' ' weares.blit hinir;be for ptovender, and canlhew'i'· !llitrlpe_rod,to,J:im 1rltalft ". , , ,/ & ladtam, fatth * H .edt<~, ah qld torne g6Wrfe, 'atfffiligtie qfhis fe'!itity hee ~.,.Lib. r.. ')j# hath his labbut ,f6tbis paide, i mJditum t'0 l{t'I;P,~ltilti.' till~~e ;bee decr~pit,5':""·P'"''" an.dt!:aHs all. Grnfn-in-attcmimteft.f11!lix;~c. I~~ee·~e a tten'cli'er Chap- , lame m a Gentlemans houfe, as 1t befell \,; Ittlphfii%13; a!ter1 f'Oltt~ feaven "siiyri<>~t. · yeares femce, .he may percha~ce hav~. a Living t,o the hal(es, or f<!lme , · · ' fhlall ReEiory wtrh rhe mot~er of the ma1a~" ~t lengill, a' p<Jore"kinfivoman, or a crackt Chamber-maid, to have ·and tc1 hold tluritig the time of his ~ . hfe. Bu~ tf hee offend h1s good Patron, tit:dkple:lfHti! bdy M i (his in the meane tune, ' · ~