Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

132 >f I u.v.Sat.f. ., '· ~ " ''''l Caufes ofMelancholy. Memb. 3· Subf. 15. * Ducttur Plama velut i!JU< ab Hercule Cacur, PoneturqueforM,ft quid tenuroerit vnquam H sftere -- as Hercules did by Cacu;,he !hall be dragged forrh ofdoores by the heeles, away with him. If he bend his forces to lome other fiud ;es, w1rhanintent robe a fecretis rofo.Jlle Noble man ot in fuch a placewith an Emba!fador, he fhall finde that thefe pcrfons rife like Prentifes oneunder another,and in to many tradeC-mens fhops,1~ ben th~ mafi~r is <lead, the fore-manofthe {hop commonly fieps in his place.Now for •As eo/it afh·a. Poets,Rhetoritiam, Hifiorians, Philofophers, o Mathematicians, Sophifiers, &c.theyare likeGraffehoppers, fingtheymufiin Summer, and pine in the Winter, for there is no prderment tor them. Even lo they were at firfi, 1f you will beleeve thatpleafant tale of Socrates, which he told faire Ph.edm under a Plane-rree,atthebankesofthe river ljeU< ;about noonewhenitwas hot, and the Grafh0ppers made a noife, bee tooke rhat fiveet occafion to tell him a tale,ho.w Grafhoppers were once Schollers,Mufitians,Poets,&c. before the Mufts were borne, and lived without meat and drinke, & for that caufc were turned by lupiur into Gratboppers. And may beturnedagaine, In 7jshoni Cicd.u, am Lyciomm ran.~<, for any reward Ifecrhey are like to have: or elfein themeanetime,I would they could live as they did without •AidrtYVandsa any viaticum, like fo many P Manucodiau rhofe Indian birds of Pardift, as de Avibud. we commonly call them, th0fe I meanerhat live with the ayre, andde1v of :;;~·•fn.r, heaven and need no other food: for beingas theyare, their* RlmorickeonfJ "Literas.h,._ . ferves them, to &t<r{e their bAd fortt~nes, and many of them for want ofmeanes !o."'J/""'-fib• are driv.:n tohard fhifts. from Grafhoppersthey turneHumble-Beesan<f fi,. •;:;l;~i- Wafps, plaineParafites,lnd make the Mufts, Mule•, to fatisfie their hunger '""' ' sar. fiarved panches, and get a meales meat. To fay tmth,'cis the commonforMem,. tune ofmo(l Schollers,ro be fervtleand poore, ro complainepittifully,and 4 Lib •. ae ~brit layopen the1r wants tothetr refpe6l:leffe patrons,astcardan doth,as*Xilander, r;~~f,[~:.'.j: and many others : And which is too c~mmon in th<;>fe dedic~tory E:pi(l!es, lat. Pluwrh. for hope ofgame, to lye, f!arrer,and with hyperbohcall elogmms andcom- ;.:;.7,~;;~;:;1. mendations,ro magnifie and extollan illiterate unworthy idiot,for his excell••'"""fivir-lent venues, whom they fhould rather as • Machtavel obferves, vt!Ify, and t~rib.,poUe- raile at downe right for hts moft notorious villanies and vices.So they pro. l!J;.~;;j;:Zn·• !titurechemfclves as Fidlers, or mercenary t~deC-m~n, to ferregreatmens P'''"' "''"P'-rurnes forafinall reward. They are like * Indums, they have fioreofgold; ':" opu.met. but know not the worth ofit: for I am of Synefimopinion, • King Hieron{Dt Orashorf" b . · J . h . " J d"db h. h h h . b' n. know not more- Y. Stmomats tltfJ"'Aemanct, t ,an. S~m~maes t ry ti: t ey ave t Clr en: t '·ci< ft«ngrh education,good infiitution, foie qualification from us,and when they have t'! th~~n;~~ done well, their honour and immortality from us;we are the living rombc.s, w~rrli . r . reg1ficrs,and as fo many tru!ripetors of their fames : what was Achzlft~ with· ~;;~;~ {;mt;; our lim•er l Alexander without Arian and Crmi111?who had.knowne rhe£ .e~ aritau Hin·o. fan, but for SuttoiJiMfand D~IJ 1 'on[tqutdu.s 1JtJ~~7s~:W.. "Yixerunt fqrtu ante Agamemnomz •id<>- Mulri :ftd omnesiUac/Jrymabilu ;d~~·~•. ~. Vrgen111r, ignotiqutlonga Nofle,cllrmt quill ?Jite [acrt. they