,_ Parr. 1. Sect. 2. ' Why the Mufes are Melancholy. Memb, 3.S_ubf; 1 S 13J they are morebeholden to _Schollers, then Schollers to them ; _but they uri. der-value themfelvcs; and to byrhofe great men are kept downc. Let rhem have that En,yclop.tdtan, all thdearnmgin the world, theynmfrkecpittq _ _ ... themfdve:, * lti•ein'bafe effmne, and {f~r~·e; ei<cept _'hey ,.;u [ubmtt , as B:td.em ;;;~;i!;:;'fo~ well bath tt, Jo many good partJ, fo many Mjtgnes of_ Am, vmuer,_ bee jlavifhfy ,.; i""' _.1,;. obnoxuJ!tS to fom~ tOturate pountatt', and liVe t~:_ndtr ht~ m_(o lem worfh tp, . or honour~ m1an /of~"' , lt!u Paraftres, ~i ta'lquam mures aliefum panrm comedrmt. Ft;>~ to fay trut~1, !;~;~~11 /~{;{ arm h.t non ft rtt L•ctativ.e, as Guido Bonat that Afrrologer couldfore.(ee,q,,. _inh•ia, they bee not &aincfull am thefe [M efurtenw & fameliu, but poorc and '"'~!~"'p'"' -_ ~ . . , ~ 1JO."Cit, #fJP.1-., hungry • riftti•d• fafci- * Dat Galrnttr opu,dat Ia.fft'nialiur honorn, SedgmuJ & [pecid cogimr ire pedn : The rich Phyfitian,hortour'd Lawyers ride, Whil'fr the poore Scho!ler fuots it by their fide. bti-S[nbjtct;·it · ·, pi'O/Ci ..IIL in.fo:. • lenti(qUe. po- "tentie, Lib. r. Je contempt. rerum fortli i~ t.irli1J1~ ""Buchanal1o Poverty is the Mu(,r Patri~nony, and as that Poetical! d~vinit~ tcachi'th bs; '1'! · 111 ' · when lttpitm daughters were each ofthem married to the Gods, the Mafoi , alone were left fohtary, Httico;s forfakcn of'a:ll futers 1 _ and I bdi:Cve tt was, bccaufe they had no poruon; . . . , A,