CauJes of1J1.e/anchofy. Memb. 3, Subf. 15. -=~--------------~----~-------- 1. Sect. 2. 134 a rejeCl:ing thefe Arts iothe meanetirue, Htflory, PJ1il0fophy, Philology rf • opp>·'u;, . lig~tly paffing them over, as pleafam toyes, fittipg ·opely table talke, and to P'"P""'!"'~ furn.iili themwithdifcourfe. They are not fo beb.ovcfull : •he rhat can teU '::,r:,,;:;;;;, /i7i: Ius money bath Arithmeticke enough·:. Hce 1s a true G<;omctrician, can l ime «gitar<. mealure out agood fortune to himfelfc; A p~rfeCl: A rlrologer, t!Iat can ca.fl ~::~'1;i;~:~'- rherife and faJJofothcrs, and marke their Errant motions to his owneulc. rum,. • ,, cte- The b~fi Opticks ar~, to relleCl: the'beames of tome great m~ns favour and fzt~",'::ibit~~=~ gr~cre to iliineupon him. He is a good Enginer that alone c~n l)iake auiufidf:.ilt ,bi• ad ihument roger preferment. Tlus was t,he common Tencntand praCl:ife .of ';/'~' -'""!',.. p,[an.d,as Cmmrusobferved not long lince,in the firfi booke of his hillory. 1~':,, v~,;!,'g,. their Vniverjit ies were generally bale, not a Philofopher, aMathematician: ';;; ":':"H~~iQe an Antiquary,&c.tobdound of any note amongfl them1 bcca~le th~y had 'f · i· nofet reward or !hpend, but every man betooke huufelfe to Dtvmrue, hoc folum in votis h4ben.r, opi-mum facerdottttm, a good Per(onage w;1~ their aimc. • kplftot.qu<fl. This was the praCl:ife of tome efour near.: neighbou~s, as ~ Lip{ius inveighs, lib••p;p.ii. tbey thrufl their children to the.~udy of Law and Divinity , bifore they bee informd ariglu, or capabltof Juch ~udies. Scilicet ·omnibm arttbm amiftatjjtes lucri, (?' fo rmofior tft cumul~« auri, quill" quicquiri Gr,eci Lati11ique deliranw JoripJilTunt. E~ hqcmmer!tk.i11de venit<pt !Ill gubtrna~~la reipub. i()terfum & pr.£futrt cofljiliif reg ·,m,op~ter • patria? (o he complained, and (0. (11J;ly (lther~ •. Forevenfo we finde, to f~rve a great man, to get an office in fame Biiliops Court (to praCl: •fe in fomegood Towne) or coiUpalfe•flllenefice,is themarke 1vce fhoot at, as being fo advan_tagiqus,tl]chigh way ~o,prefermeP):. Although many times, fo~ ought I caq le~, th~(e qien faile as l)ftcnas the tell in theirprojeCl:s,andare .~~ uli•a\ly fru{\:ral+! ,9f~fiej; ho11~s. For let him be a DoCl:orofthe Law,an excellent Civrlian ofgood worth,where £hall ho ~raCl:ifeapd expati<Jte? IJ,"~eir,fields areJC? fc.ant,.. ,t,~. Civill, ,b~w with u~ fo romraCl:ed with; Prohib~tiQfl~> fo few CJttfe~, l)y [Ytfon of tnpfe all devq~, X Cicn·on; ringmu.Jicipali'Lawes, qutboisnihiliUtJ~Wif<f, fai[l> .• Erapnut, anilliterat~ di~f "· • an,4abarbarqus fiudy, ( fQrthough tb~y be n\!vp- .fo well ~~~~rned in it, I ~n '5iarolvvotichlafe them tbe name of Schotlers, · e)tcept tbeybe othenvtfe .. ,, .· ~·.qha!iiied ) ·aad·fo few Courts are left t(l thatprofi flion, li•ch llend~r offiGes, •. ,. and thole commonly to beecompalfed at li1eh de:lre rates, thatil km)IV. not • . •' ho·.van ingenuous maa iliould thrive amongll them. Now for Phylittans, · \' . ... there arc in every Village fo .many MqupJebapk,~s, .Empiriqk_~1~ackfalvers, : r. · ·if:~:(> .. Parafe!lians, as they call.. ~e.m.felve.s., , CAU~fit.i .& fanicui..t, ' ~o. * ClenArd ~l. ,teannes them, \'V tfards, Alcuqirl\s,poore Vrf\1'$., ~n A pQ~hepmes, Phyli· · · tians men, Barbers, and Good ~i'l(cs,,prf{t:lling'{!,l'~~t $~ill, t·b~~. {ma:ke ?;teat ';~·." ..,, :: doubt how they iliall ,bqn;U,ntaineq0[(i>BYl!ofMilb~ their J'itiql]ts.Beiides, . , ; ...there are fo many ofborhfo~l!lnd fQ~of.Jlh.emtfuq\1. !ijarpy~~' fo covetous, {-'l~;'"Dod{~ • fo clamorous,fo impudentjc·~d".a~t:hh~ faid,litigiQ14~ Jl!ii.<Jts E.p•~·l•b·~·' 12'!;tbm loquacu aunwn <1>'r9g41H!A. (/1;( no·; , 'o:~ , (. A '"'· :l~ Periti£ parUm aut nihil, ' -c,•Jl ·. 1f.rc uU~micA4m,.iif~ltf,. , · .. ( ,_,,.,;; "" :r'o ·'~ir'v: I' I -orri , ·. C.~WI!t!'il'l,¥~: -~~'" ;, ·. • ·, ; !1 "!.:, ;_ u I , ' ' .. !4 , .~~'lff"!&14}"' 'flt''!l""f fl.r~rk",J:L , .. 1. ,,r , _,, 1 1 .,· ·,;, to '. IRa/ gi1~ ' Jifl{;ff11/Mifl CIJ/xif!,f'l,~ll 'IIJ. f"tfl• L 1 L.-"ff!!!-~~fH""!iJ ,4g}rt~(;t.f?, . 'Ill(' I , '··', · ~bich' ...... ~ ..