Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr. I.SeCl:. 2. why the .:Mufes are Melancholy. Which have no ·skill bur prating arrogance, No learning, fuch a purfc-milking nation : Gown'd vultures, theeves, and a litigious rout Ofcofeners, that hauntthis occupation, Memb.3.Subf.I)• 13) ~hat they canno{well tellhmv to live one by another,but ash~ jelled in the Comedyof clocks, they were fo many, 'major pan populz t~rtda reptamfame·: • Ptautur. theyarealmoll: fiarved a great part of them, and r~adyto dcvourcthe1r fel- . lowes, * Et n'oxia calliditate Je corripere ; fuch a multitude of pettifoggers and ;;:arc.. 4,gcmr Empericks; fuch 1mpofiors, that anhone!l: manknowes not mwhatfortt_o ·l· compofe and behave himfelfe in their fociety,to carry himfelfe wnh credit m [o vile a rout,fcie(lti£ nomen, tot Jumptibm parwm & vtgiliis projiteri dJl'udedtj p•Jiquam &c. La£1: ofall to come to our Divines, the mofl: noble profef!ion and worthy of double honour, butof all others the rnoft diftre!fcd and mifcrabl~. If you will not belecvcme, hearea briefeofit, as it1vas not many yeares fince pu: blikelypreachedat Fauls cro!fe, • by a grave Mini!l:er then, and now a reve• a Joh.Howfon rend Bifhop of this land. I'Ve that arebrtd up in le•rning, and deftinated by our • Novembr;s Parents to t bis end, wefr4/'er oar childhood in the Grammer frho•le, which Au!l:in ~~~/,;~'p~;~: call.t magnam tyrannidem, & grave malum, and comparti it to the tormems of tcd by lltnold mar~yrdi!me; 1tbm••e come to the Univerjity, if••e live ofthe CoUedge allowance, M tlartficld. Phalaris objeFied to the Leontines ,...;r;,;.m, .. w:,.,;;!J~"'' nedy of ,u things but hunger andfeare; or if ~re be maimainei but partly by Qur Parents cojl, doe expend inunnec1Jarymaintmaltee, bookes and degrees, before we come to anyperfeFiiolt, jive hundreth pounds, or a tboufandmarkes. If by tbu price of the expence oftime, •ur bodies andJl>iriu,our frtb ftanu and patrimonies, we {annot purchafo ;hofoJmaU 'Teward.r, which are ours by la~., and the right of ~nheritance, a poore Ptrfonage, or a Vicarigeof5o 1. per annum, but we muft pay to the Patren for theleafo ofa life (a Jl>em andottt wornelife) either in annuallpen{ion, or abo~·etl•e rateofacoppyhold, •nd th.<t mitb the haz.ard and lojfe of ourfoules,by simony andperjury,& the forftitur. ofaUom· fPiritttdl preferments ,in e!fe and po!fc, both prefem and to come. wbat fo ther t~Jter a.vbile will befo improvident, to bring uphu fonne to hi;great charge, to tbu necrfj"ary be~gery t what Chri fl:ian willbe fo irreligiow, tp bring up hu fonne in that courfo of lt(e, which by aUprobabili:y and necejfity, cogit ad turpia, enfo•·- cing to jinne, :vi!! tntangle htm in ftmonj and perjury, whm M the Poet .faith, Invitatus ad hxc aliquis de ponte negabit: a beggers brat taken from the Grid!(,e where bee jiu a b~~ging, ifhee kr~e~nhe inconvenie~~ee, had caufo to refitfo "· This being thus, have not wee fifhed faire all this while, that are initiate Divines, to finde no_ better fruits ofour labou,rs, b hoc eft C!trpaUes, Cttr qui; bPerf.Sat. 3 • nonprMdear hoc eH:? doe wee macerate our fel~es for this? Is it for this we rife foearlyall theycarc long?* Leaping (as he faith) out ofoar beds,when wee' P.ldlod'f/· heare the bell ring, M ifwehad heard a thunder clap. If this be all the refpetl:, tr::;:;:.,,;: reward and honour we fhall have, • fe.,ge /eves calamos, & frinde Thalia li- ••""fi P•if•'!' beUos: let.us give over our bookes, and betake our felves to fome other t::,t{";~'!'' courfe oflife ? to what end fhould wee !l:udy ? d &!!id me litteml.tt ftu!ti do- c Ma>·t. curreparemer, what did our parents meane to make us fchollers,to be as f.trre d Ma>"t. to feeke of pref~rmentafter twenty yeares !l:udy,as we were at fir!l: :whydoe we take fuch pames ? &!!id tanttm i!J[anu }•roat impallefrrre cbarru? If there S be