Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

• P;aft.I.Sect: ~· S.tudy'a Caufe, M~mb.3.Subf; 11. f~cin;,. dmfta'ldf•m, to buy and fellltving:s, to deta!ne.fr.,~the. Chlirch, that I J7 .which Gods and mens Lawes llave befrowed on lt; bur Ill them mort, and that from the covetoufnelfe and ignorance offuch as a_re imc:reLted ill this bufinelfe . I name covcroufndfein the firft place,as tlJe ·root ofall rluefe m1 f. chicfes,1;hich Achan like, compels themtocommitlacrilege, and to make Simoniacall compacts,( and wl'iat not)' ro ~heir own ends;! that ktndle~ Gods fDe•m h<utni wrath,brings a plague, ve~gea~ce,& anheavyvilitatior. up~n th~~lelves and ~~~';;~~;;;~ others. Someoutoftha7mfat1able defireo'flilthy lucre, tobeenn~hed, c;a;e ,. 9 .;,.,, 1 ,aliit not how they come by tr, per fas& nefas, hookeorcrooke, fothey have tt. tvifc•auit•m Anduthers when they havewith tiotandprodigality,em~et~Ntd·t!J<lir~ttates, ;:::;;iif,;;;- to refover thcmfelves,make a prey ofthe Ghurch, robb.mg tt, as • Tul•.o~ the 1.Euripides. Apolhtc did, fpoile Parfons of their ~evencwes (u'll<t"fiJi.~ ha/(8 6ar~, ti as a fit:~!;;~ great man among{\: us obfcrves :} andt/;tU marmtnant:tton·whUb ti!€J}h~~~b'!'r: b,tnnhCook by meancs whereof, Barbarifmc is mcreafed-;and a great decay ofChrll\Janln.bis .Kcpoo" · Profelfors: for who willapply himfelfe tcithefedivirndhltli~ liisfonne, o~ ~::1. pm friend, when after gr.eat pai11es taken, they fuall Jtave ~othingwberc:Upon to live? Buuvith what event doe tli!ey thcf': things? . , ' · * Opefqxe ,;tirvirib"' t•e!Mni'ni, At indemrjlt. llicidit "!.i'fe¥rimJr. . .-l,, ';:; The;y-toylc_and rnoyle-,but wliat reap tbey}'I'heyarccoonnonly unf.-rt!!liate families thatufti it; accurfea inrhcir proge~e;. aodas· c0mil(lan cx-periencee- . vinceth, accurfed them{elvc; jn all their proceedini!,s. ~.f!J,wb~tt foce (as' hee i Sr. l!cn'J quotes out of Auftin)wthej expefl a btej!in[' or inBerftiinc~fr~m Chrift in Hea- !!:~:~;.;,;, v~n,1!b•-.tkfoau~ Cbii~ufbil:.inhf;jtanc~ htki!IW~anh-? .llwauld'a!t _dur Symd- F."lefii;. OR9'tfl ,Datrons;and fttchas:detamc 'ti.thes;would:read.elroreJtldtcto&s Tmch ofSr Henry Spe/w~U~, an.\ S• Jam..r Stmp'il.!-Krtights';' tb<li!Hato.-clabcira.te' :tnd learr>ed, ~rearifes 0fD' T•lfty.,,arldM• ..M.mi~,;w_hilrl\t tbayrhave \\:t:itren of t)l<!;li .WbJea. ,Uut thoug\Lth~ fhoulcl>;etd;~itwotdu\ 15\!:tlotin:tl~ purpofe, da"!~f;m &.11Z.•re ~«:!• cunfi.r~Au; thunder, ·fig~~pr!!Uif hell and dampa. · · tion, ;telt tbem."ris a jioo.c,they' will not beleeve·ji\;mcnbtime•artd thrilie, they h~ve • ca•tmud cunfcitncrl, they doemiJG: atteiid;.-zlllruvinetJa.nrl!'ct Ad~cr, k , Tim.<~• · they ~Of"t\J~ir-eares.; Call.them.bafe,' irrel.S\i?IDPIJa:M,<fiarb'arous,Pagan!, At_l;!eL!\s,Eptc.ures.,(aSofome .ojtfl<mJ>fureljllk:hrithmolt~dinP/autn<,Eug' Qprim.J.,;J.~~ cry. ,:tn<lapplau.h th'emfelves, wi~ldha; ~~fl!r, 1 ftmMI.t<ffiUmmo; 1 u,;-. ~P"'t.~!!~Plur- ,,..arcac' fa}! wllat yo11 ~mil!;; 'lvuc~Jn$18 ¥6mnt.s a dog barks at rh~ !.1~e;.t-omo :pur.pofe.aul~aytngs;l>TaketfOO:HeWI!it, let them haye m~¥·• ii\i baf~J»pha:ne;Ep.ldureao1H)'p~i$1.breue• for ltty pa~li!t'rhem prer~~ w,ba~ z;:al(} clre}"-l<m•N;rci0Untetfete ltdfigicm;rl!lfe:ifel cn!! world !I eyes, .bu_mba_r\ rhemfdv.c~ and ll~eo?ut ~lnliiocgro.~tfe I¥Mi C~ur~~~iles, . ih!,llll ti~e-fo man~PeuQCksf~ folllOkhs< m:ybbatrtcy; fej dereelrve m tlits be- mProo•m t.et hal(e,tbat Mhaii:·Hever-think&bfher oftbdr;dlanthattb.ey.are rottenat core; 11£1'4•'!1"« tb,ei~ bq~s-are • ftill:f>fEpieureJ~n h~tjlfe;,,aM• Athei'iHctdl marr/Jw ,that ;:;:;~t:;':.r;; they l\rei"'Qrfe:th~nHcathl.lliS~·Fot? 'as D~'6'idjfi.u H.d.ir'AriMJj?ttt obferVe!i imtiq'. eu~i#,&geni· Rqi'.ZJ.ib.. -r. !!!- P-t<i-~ locruir. 61a:Stit<e.tn_akJJ~~bllf'iiln! ~lifo'rile ,.u religww'rim, ',1;';;# 0;":,;~z~ ­ "nrfil41'f'!'•~<breali'etl7em.ffo~foailt$11_(aJf•n!ltnjft/rJit!&g~;b&it11jiUlS'imoniadl con.fl•"•••,r~,. · ' . S 2 tra~crs, ~;;,7;•;_.~.