Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

• ._ -':. Caujes of Melancholy. Memb. }· Subf. 1 S· ---------------------------------- .!'art. i.. Sect 2. 138 naaers;our fenfelelfc Acbam,our fiupified Patrons,feare neither God nor di. veil, they have evafions for it,it is no fin, or not due juredtvino;orif a fin, 110 nogreat fin,&c. Andthoirghthcy be daily punitbedfor it, and rhey dbcma. ~ife!Uy percetv~, thar.~s he faid, Frofi~and Fraudcome to foule ends; yet as n_Tom}.d'fl': n Chrifo ifome followcs It; NuUa ex prtna jit corretho;& qu.<(i a -lver(ii malitia ho. p1('[ [."',.: minumprot'ocerur,creJcit quozidiC quodpuniatur:rney are rather worfe rhanbmet "~- E 14 ~111C -iram atq•~e tmimos a crimine jumuni, and the more they are correCted th~ oovid.Fall. more they offend: but let them take their courfc,o Rodecapi!r.'vi,_s,goeon'flil! . PDtmaltqu• h b · • · fi 1 h · fi G d ']] ftris .vixgaudet as t ey eg;ml tls no 1n, ~t t em r<Joyce ecure, o s vengeance Wl over- ''"'"'b'"'· take them tn the end, and thefe tllgotten goods as an Eagles fearhets, P will a~~~boi<b.4. con(ume th~reft of their Cub fiance: It is • aurum Tholofamtm, and will pro. rNibil{llCilim duce no bettereffeCl>.' 'Let them lay I/ up faft; and '!'ake~hetr conv~yancn newr •P•~'''"':z,;<ii'fo cloft, locluand{h!lldoorr, faith Ch~,JoH~me,yet fraud and cotwoufnffi>itrPO moft 1-"~·t•. _ viol~nt thei:Vu, are ftiU i11c_ludrd, and 4/~tde gaine eviUgotten, 1vtllJ11lwruherdt of E.tft ""'nfm• zhmgoodt. The Eagle mu£(opr,feemg a peece of fletb, now ready to be fa. ::::;:t,.':j~~ crificed,Cwcl::pt it away with her clawes,& carried it to her neft; buttherew:is .,•• &;v•EI: a burning coale fiuck to it by chance,which unawares confumcd her, young i::".:;;::,:"'• ones,neft and all together. Let our Symoniactll (::hurch-chopping Patrons, ff"""'"' & •·. and fa~rilegious Harpyesllooke fur no better fuccelfe. 11 " 11 [.''"":· A fecond ctufe is Ignorance,and from thence contempt, (uccrjlit •dium in }':l;• .L::;. ~. ltur.u ab ign.r':"tiavulgi; which 1 Ju~;,.., well ~ercei~ed: this hatred & con- • Ars "'"''"~"' tempt oflearnmg,~oCeeds .out.·of• Ignorance, as• theY' are them felves barba- "'6"'"'"'"" ;~· d jl~' . ~ . d. f, h' 11. . f h' ' pweritnor 411 • rouss!><IOts, u., ."Iterate, an.,. prou ,. ot ey.e..ceme o -bt _ers. · ~tm. 1 • sint .,liei~itazes, ifoiidee;~~~ Plac~/M~rones 1 ,.. ' .•· \.••" . Let there be bountifuli Patrons;and there will bee painful!' Scho!lets in, all Sciences., .B!1twhen:they cbmemlle•'Leaming, ' and thinketlJemfHVe5 fi1!fi· .cien~ly gua!ijiedl Jftbey canwrite.and read, fcamblc 'at ,a peece of Evidence, ;.ae th.c "":or h;we fo much _La tiDe as .that· Emperb~ha<\ • qui ne_(cit diflmulare, nlfcit notdifie!"ble Vt'lierr, they are unlit to doe therr, country fer.vtce, tO performeorunderri~e unnotliv<. any a?J:ion or imployment, whi~b:may t~nd to the gGod•of a Cotntnonwealrh, 'eXct!pt ir,be to,figbt,ortodoc country J~fiice; wi~h·common fenfe, . which. ev_ery Y eomao .can likc:wifc doe. And[o tlicy bring up thei~ children, • ~pin.qutH . . mde as they a.re ·themfelves;uoq~lifie i:l, untaegho,:imcivil! moft patt. ~· ~tl lib.•. rpilt. ~t. ~ mf!ra jit,t't/!l'tt~kgitnn< ! mfti.t~it/rt /iitrtil_l~i£orAtDnS 411t · Phi/ofophvt tan• Lspfi•'· :. git t quil hiftoti'f"' ~lgit; iUatJ; 'rtr~m agmdJr"'!' _q~a{i a~i"!am ?. ' pr.to~pitllllt earrJ}t~s- ··~ta (ua;&. ' c.• .• rwas Ltpji11<f'·~omp!amtJto•tllt~erare counttymen,t!may .~ QW$J Now ilia1l ~befeomeli•jlldgy-of a.S:chqllers worr~,rhath~ve !1~ ~brtb, ~hi!~ .k!IPWPS not yih~e belongs teoa • (l:tid~nts ·labours,. that ca-nnot dtftmgmfh . , ~b~tweene a ,ttuc.fchQllcf~,& ~ d'rotlie?orhim.~h~5 :oy ~fon Gf ~ vol~bl~'~otgue ~~ii~A~~ •. ~llilti. OOgVOt~?.l(!:ltingfrtone, .:~~fome :rrHatva,~lY P•/y4Rfi·;fltaknhelp~s1 1l~l~; ·onJ•.ub;fOm<.. an· gleanes a'""' llotes om.o.. '\" · m~ns O'~·~,a_~d t> rna ,esa f.urer w~, timcults':"- thalj hee ~hat is a-uely-Ieatncdrll!~eed: thal: thmkes 1t !fb'mo~e·~o prc:ach,~h~ .~;~~Z.'r:o f~~e;.•or ~~ rt~nari>aj ,.}th:lll/.tmpl) Car,i.; •as·a gravc:' m.anfaid ·;· and there· y ~"'h•• 't"~ponviliffe\'ls,~d· our painos; fcOyne us;-alid,~U · l~~mg. r _B,ecauf~ they f'.f'"?J,' arerich · and h~v~Qtber.rn~anesto ·hve, theydimke tt concemes them not ;:,.;:;,n. • to ~ior. to, trouble Eh~a~felvcs with it; ·a fitter taske for younger bro- f'lllll""'· ·",o·,· . rbcrs,