Part. I.Secr.:t. thers, 'or pooremens. fonoes, to be pen a~d Inkhorne m~n, pedanticall flavei1 1 3 9 and no whit befcemto"'the calltog ofa Gentlernan,as Fmochmen and GermnnJ commonly doe,neg!e'& therefore all humane learning,what ha•.'e they to doe with it? 'Let Marriners learne Afuonomy ; Merchants Faetors ~~~dy Anth• meticke; Surye:ers get them Geo:nerry; Speetacle-makers Opncks; L~ndJeapers Geography; Towr.Je-Clarks Rhetori~ke; wh~tfhouldhedoewttha fpade, that bath no ground to dig; orthey wtth, that ha~~ no ufeof it? Thus they reafon,and arc not alhamed to let Mamner~, Prenttfes,an~ tl1e bafeft fervaots .be bcrrcr quahfied than themfelvcs. In former ttmes, ~mgs-, Prioces,and Emperours were the only. Scho!lcrs,cxcellent m all faculttes . . Juliu. c ~J.r m~nded the ycare., and wrtt Ius owne <;ommentanes, , , L!lr.m. ll~ >~· --* mdia inur pr.elia femper, s :eUarum c<tlique plagif ,[aperifqttewcavit. , f:O:,) ') !; ., A~toniw,Adriaii,Nm,Sf'tle, Jul.c}c. • M ichael tlie Emperour,a'nd lf~ciul,werF tspartia•> .Solfo much given to their ftudies,that nobafefcllow IVOt!l\i take(o'lhi'lch painei< ~;~;/"'""' Orion,Perfov.;,A/phonfw, Prolome:<.<,famous A!honomers: sab.or-, MirlfridateJ\ aNicet. t.Anal . LJfimach114,admired Phyfitians : Plato.'s kings ill! ~vax that A~/rbian Prince; [,",;/;~.~:::r.ra moftexpert fudler, and an exquifite· Philofopfic:\''; ' 'TheK,\ng~ bf ..A!.gjpl debant. were Priefl:s ofc;>ld, and chofen froni tl\ente,.i.-III'lm 1'ex homifllim, Pblebique b G .. .(acerdos: but thofe heroicall times are p~·H:; the Mrtft! ~re nOw banifh~8 -ih ou.n:·:d~f::s this bafl:ard agc,ad (ordida taguriola, to meaner ' perfOris~ ai:Jd confined alone fl tcis w.fque almoft to U niverft;iu. Inthofedaic!, $chol!er~ \~ere'_highly beloved., 'hd•:;;~q;;~;~s; noured,efl:eemed; as old E1nim by Scipio Africanu.<,'Vlfgt{by f.uguffu;; flu; ,.J,,;,.;, de· race by Mec<tn.1<: Princes companions . deare td1them, as Ailacreon to Poly- ~·fT<·n: / adj;"' craiu; Philox,llmto Dionyfiu.<,and highly rewaraed. Alexander fent Xm~crtl.-n;!''j,;,.':/,;,.'}; m rhe Philofopher so. talents, beca~!e Be Was ~bore, viJu rerum aut erudttiblfe ~~{£:~~~:~;,;;, p•·~flames vm, menjis oltm regumadhebttt, as PintoflratU< relates of Adrtan &. hc.·oa;. E>..Jm. L ampridiu< of Afexander SNeru': famous Cl:irkes ~me to rhefe Princes cp:fo.Fabio Courts,velut in Lyc«um,as. t6anUniverGty,and were aCI'mitted to their tables, cpif:V<en. ',. qttaft divum epulu accumbenm; Archilaw that M.u}.!loiti'an King would not wil- • Prob~svi>· Iingly. fitp withour Euripides, (amongfl: tl:e reft ·hedranketohim at fupper ;;.;,~~;'(:ft::• one mghtand ?,:tVe hm1 a cup ofgold forlus p~mes) deM.Iatm poet£ fuavt .(er- int~· alioshom:Jm;& lt w~s fit it iho,uld_?e f? : Becaufe as * Platd inhi$ P rotagor.u well faith, min~''J"""· a good Phtlofopher as ;nucrr'excels ?ther men, a's a great King dot~ th~ ~t";t:b:f:S~ ,.. . Commons ofhts Country; ,Ard agame, <.q~omam ifur~htl deeff, &, ~tmme c Heinfius pu· tgerefoiem, & dt(ctplm u q~e.u profitentur, fo/ t 4 conte"!P'" vtnd!care po!Tum, they fot.Pocmatum, dd tt b· r:br:l h . lla 'Shll . '!!'. , dse,·tnlenom. nee e .no o Cl'; >0 a1e , y, as t ey. compe c o ers m our tJIDes to ~chotaris jam. complamc of poverty,or crou,cb to anch chuffe fc;>r a meales meat blit could sencca• . · d. h r: l d h 1'. A h 'b b r rrod ' fHaudfaci/e vm tcater em'e. v:s,an t ?~e rts w ic. t ey pro;ene .• ,Now they wquld, cmn~unt,&c. and cann?t : fortt IS held by fomeof them, as an ax10me, thatt6 ·tccepe them g .;Jtcdia quotl poore., wtll make them fiudy; t~ey mull: be dieted, as horfes to a race, not [:f.~::.:::. pampered,* Ale~:! os volrmr, non (agmando.r, m rneli9ri.f,meoi:ti.f flammula extingua- ""' . faher,qua tur; a fatbtrd wt!lnot ling, a fat dog cannot hunt' · and f<1by thisdepreeffioil ne~r.a_[rdeba(, f h · fr. I ' ql!MOt tt obll0 t e1rs, tomew:t.nt meanes, ot Jers will, a!! wamc incouragernent,as being qualanii deduforfaken almoft : and generally contemned·. 'Tis an old fayinci Sint M.icent>- cm fin·" rara m nm deerum Flacci Afarones~and 'tis a true iaying !l:iU. Yet ofrentitrlcis I m~')> jme~ memr. S 3 not U'lo'. 4t .7.