Part.I.Scd.z. Let me not be malitious,ani he again!l: my G'tnittr; I may pot.denie-,but that wee have a fprinkliHg ofour GeiJtry., here, and ' there o~ . el}cellentljl well learned, like thofe Fuggtti in . GMna'lly, Du ila~rar; D11 PlrJl% Sadaet:m France,PicM Miran:lula,ScbowH, B~rotius iqltafy-'f". ;I, '·l c• . ~ ( ~' ,· '. ,··' Apparmt rari.names in gttrgite va_Hoi · · ; ~ . · ~. ·;. .i ... J«,1'.r·:., ~i .J;.~ . . tr'I Bm the)' are but few in rclpctt ofthe multitulle! the;mltj.0npa~t:(an<,l (qjne a+ , gaincexcepted, that are indifferent) ar~ >-yho!Lybent,for Ha'rkesanc\l:ounds; , . P andcarned away many times with tntell)peratellull:;;ga~rng, .and- dnnkmg:. -c . :•'-' Ifthcyreada bookeataAy time, _( (i q~id dl: imehm otii a <'en~tu,pocufir,ale:i, ,.: : .''. :'.\:~ [corm) 'tts an Engltfh Chrontcle, S• Huon oflJorikiux, .A nadu de Gaule, &c. ., '\· a plav-bookc, or fom~ pamphlet ofNewes i and·th:it at fuch feafons onely, . ' · \: whcri they cannot 'O:irrc abroad, to drive a1va'l timc~:~·~hei~ foie d1fcourfe lS fti-:;~~1,::_,;, dogs, hawkes,ll')rfes,and what Ncwes .? If fo~e.c<:me llave beene a traveller m '''!'m•isiniU1 Italy orasfarasthcEmperours Court, wmterCd tn .. arlea~ce, and cancourtFrm·~·- '~~-1 his Miilris in broken French, weare his clothes neat'lyan.the newell: fafhion, ~.f.'·~· ·;·, ·;~. Jino- Come choyce Our-landifh tunes, difcoutf€)o£1.uo!!ds,' 1Jadi~s1 ! 'f.ownes, ' ·'- ·· , ·" Pa?tces,and Cities,hc is compleat and .to be.aqmiuecli 1 Otherl-vifeheearid, ~~;, ~!). ·' they a;e muc!l at one; no dilferenc~ heily.ixt ' t~;Mail:er anfhthe' M~n, b,u: ~~~i;t;;;:,t:: wo.rilupfull ntles' wmke and choofc,betwtxdum tdiat lits;down (clothes q.ui Ind"""' excepted) and him that holds the Trencher behind him:' yet-tji~ :men mull: g>nm, &et.<> be our Patro~s, , ou: gov~rnours too fo'rhetimes;·fiatdCmc~m~giftrates,~?~le, ;!~~~'~nft;:;r: great,andwtfeoymherttancc. t.IJ ~ , · •• ·1. , ·. ;.n Dtve.sar:&, d, Miflake me not(T fay againe) Vas o D~tritiu;, .fangrtit~yo~.thatareworthy • .<_:' Seoatours, Gentlemen, I h0n0ur youu names and. perfbns, and wtthall CuD.• . 1 ;,c;· milfehelfe, proll:rate my felf€to yanrcenfure aod{e~vice. T~et«ai'e amongll: you, I doe ingenioully confelfe, many well defervlng Patrons, and true pa~ tnots, of my !.mowledge, beiides many hundrerhs whicli I-nevcr fa,v., no doubt, or heard of, pillars ofour c•)mmon-weal>h, m whofe w:m:tb, bounty; •I hmofren learning, forwardnelfe, true zeale inReligion, andgil>d>tl ell:eeme ofall Schol- Tc!:,~;~~;!nlers,oqght to be confecrated to all poll:erity: butbf')'<Dur.rankethere fcmd "irhdibotbed,corrupt, covetous, illiterate crc1v againe, ,nb better.than ftocks,-me.· G'"1j0"~'Z.A rum pmu (tell:or Deum,non mihi videri dignos jngehui hominis appellatio. rh~~~:::~~~:. ne) barbarous · Thracianr, & q~u iUe thrax 'I''i boi: >t(_g't t a fordid, prophane, ~o wh!c inf"' pcrnicious~ompany, ir;eligious, im~udent and !l:upid, l know not wharE- b';c"'P~~~;;,~'d ptthers to gtve them, emm1es to learmng,confonnders of the Church,and the for dlvcr_s ki•d r.ume ofa common-wealth: Patrons they are by riglit of. iJJheritance, and put ::;,~e;';f"!u~~ mtru!l:freely to dtfpofcoffltch Livings to the Ch_urchesgow; but (hard A"demicks/ taske-mall:ers they prove) they take away their firaw, and compell them to ;:Pf;!.;C::/':,:: makethe_tr number of bnck-: they commonly refpe6l: thell' owne-ends,com-w"' Homm• • modtty 1s the !l:eere ofall their ~Cl:i:ms, and him they prefent in <;onclufion, 1':;;~:::::;:~~: asa ._nan ofgreatell: gtft'S, thatwtllgtvemoll:; no penny, • noP,aterna.ffe~, as ,.,f.,·"'· the faymg ts ' Nt(i precu auro _fulciar, amplim irritar,: ut Cerbei'H§ affa,, •:Et let" biP•i teP,clJ~ts and officers mull:_be bribed, feed and m~e, ~s,;is wirh a fop~;;~~;~:;;; · bvht:n that goes to hell. It was an o.ld fayino-, omni,a Rom.e vmalia, 'tis a-rag Tanqu~""t"" ofPoper-1, wh1ch wtll never be rooted c:Jur there is no hope no goOO~Q bed'g"iq••T•"• don, without many. A Clark may offerhimfelfe,~pprove-hh! worth1 i~.'"~· ~·'·7• ning