. Cau[es if .;lfl!elancholy, Memb.3.Sub~ ning, holleily; religion7eale,theywilkommend him for it; but-* prubiw Ju~en<l. · ~tiadat ur ·&, ,J~,,. If he be .a man of e~t(;lOrdinary parts, they will flocke afar lllffto·hc;u:e ]\iin,as they- did in• :ARf[,iw,to fee R(Jche: multi mortaln confo,banl advidmdum[£cut. duu.•,fl>ec~ltiiJ.Z gloriojitm: laudatur ab omnibm; (peFiarur ab am. nibm,nec quifquamnonrex,non regim, _cupidm eju.< mtptiamm petitor accedit· miramur qutdemdivinam formam omn_ef; ·fodut fim·dacmm fabnJ rolimm mira;utr; many _mortallmencametofeefaJre PJjcbethe glory ofher age, they did admire her, co!nmend;doftte'her for herrdivirie beauty, and gazeupon her. but q n<w•liw as on a pi&ute; noneiivould m~rty. her, q•od indotata, 'faire P.6'cl;e had 110 O<pbeus jis,f•· .(jJoney• ' q So,t]ley doe.by learmng ~ , ~;£~~~~~~';;r~ <.·,: .. \ . ~~rd.1dtc~t jam ~h:es avar:~. · niji plumb ea • ,. · _ ~ TAJttum-admtrart, tamum laud,are diftr.toJ, ~;I:~~r:::tul~i .·,l· :· : .~ Ut prt~ri~JunsnU avem-·-.. ,' :r . m;))"g'"''i!~ ' ' ·, . ' ' · 1 .Youtrich men have now learnd•oflattcr daJcs &c.s.usb,;r;., r. ·1 t T'aamire,comm,nd,aud come together ?tf~:i~~.::.~·-2 , · To hfarcand fee aworthy Scho!ler fpeake, rJuv en.Sat .7. C· 'J'I'J As children doe a Peacocksfcath•r. fE:J' beJ.' no Be fball have all the good.words that may be givt n, r a proper man, and 'ris ~'.,db.:." pittyhe hathnb 'pr<' ferm•nr; all good wi!hes, but inexorable, indurate as he _.dosipfafeHsf ~wil! Rbt'preferre him; though it be in his power, bccauiC he is indouuu; ~:;;:;t)!'~&. hehath'no mbney. Oi01fhe'doe give'him ent.naioment, kt him be never fo ·~""""ad , {vel! 'lualifil:diJ:>l~d affiri1i:y :contanguinity,fufficioncy,he fbal! fcrve 7.yeares, !:r;::;:;t:~!-ilS ']acob ·~i8 ' 1i1>T Rac/fe~beforehe fballl1ave it: • If he will enter at firll, he ""lfa_itf)•i~s ·, mull get mattbat Simo»iacaU gate, come oft' foundly, and put in good fecu- ·~~ft'""• 'l:irvtoperforrhe all covenants,elfe 11ewill not d~ale with, or admit him. But. ~:t~;;,::n if t(!m\e pooie fcho!ler, (olne parfim chaffe wiil offer himfelfe.; fome Tr<n- , cher Chapl:!irte,'that will take it to the halfes, thirds, or accept ofwhathe will give,he is welcome; be. comformable,preach as hewiH havehim,be likes • himbefora amilliorrof others; for nhe bell is alwayes bell: cheap: and then ' ' · ·' ~ Hierom faidto Croradiiu!, patella dtgaum operculum, filch a Patron, fucha ·· Ckirk; tbe cure is 1vell fupp!ied, and all parties pleafed. So that is ll:ilJ.veu Lib:<D•h·a 1rificd in OUT ag<\ which ° Cbryfo.lfomt complaioe8 ofin his time, ~i opufenti- ~e;,::::,;~~":; am funl' ill itdi,.em_parAjitorumcogum '?'• & ipfos tantjuam CJW<ad >nen[a< [~al ·. , enNtt'tUitt,eurttmqut tmpud-eQftJ Yemres zmquarum crznaram reltqt~ttidtffertumt ,zif .' f{em pro arbiwio abuumes: Rich men keepe tbefe Lecturers, and fawning Para- .1 fires, like fdrnany dogs at their tables, and filling their hungry guts with the •·. otfa:ls oftheit'meat, they 'abufe them.attheir pleafure, and make them fay ~l'rif,.ib..;; !\'hat they.p~opefe.._;. A!1t~ildren doeb1 a bird or 4 btetw·flye in afiring, pttU in impC.·ant,in .,. ~nd tet htm 0urtn',lhe1 ltff~ do< they by thm trencher Cbaplamn,preJcrtbe,_comm•nd 1~;~':,":;. th~it wi~,,~f' ~n<andotit an~'-\hem~t [eemn be_.ll.Ifthe Patron be precife,fo mull 11.,.,;1r;.,;~,. hlif:Chaplltinebe; 1fhe ~e pai'Ifi:Jcall, h1s Clark muft be f~ too, orelfc be uitrn•,•~K"' rumed dm; 'ifh6fe are thOfe Clarks wh•ch ferve the turne, w horn they com- ';.;;r,~-e;·~;!, mon!y_enrert!ii~nd ptefent to Chur~h livi':_gs,whi1ll: !n tbe meane timewe ""' bio<h~ r;r. tbat-areUnlvedlty men,like fo many lude-boudCalves ma Pafiure, tarry eut ::::~=~:.=~:oUt ~ini~;withefaway as a llb~erungathered in agarden, and are never ufcd: ~libidi.e f•• on•~ .( 0 ma'nyeandles, illummate our felves alone, obfcur!ng one anothers ptnd~uq"ii ligbt,an'dare no~ difcerlied hereat all· the leall: ofwhich, tranllated to a dark 'fi';{;.ji.:,· . r6eilk;on&f6the Coutltry benefice:where it might lhineaparr, would give . a ~; ; .. '