Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr. I. ) ect. 2. Study aCaufe. Memb. 3.Subf; I .~ a fairc II<rht and be fccnc over all. WhiHlwe lye wairlng heie :is thofc lick mcndid~1t ~he poole of* Belhefda,rillthe Angel! fiirrdrhe watcr,expecting. J•h.s. agood houre, they ficp betweene, and beguile u~ of our preferment: I l~ave not yet !aid,ifafrcr Idng eJipectanon,mu~h e xpcnce,travcll,earnefi (<ut c:tour felvcsand friends, wccobramc a linall Benefice at lafi: om !}1dery begmsa~ frel11 we arc fudMnly encountered 1vith the flefh, world, :~nd Divcll, ,{'ith a OcwOnfet•WC chan<Tea quiet Jife foran OCean oftfoubks, WCCCOrllC tO arui- . nous houle,·whicli"bcforc it bee habitable~ mt\fl: be n~cclf.1rilytoour greit dan1agc repaired; we are compe"l!Cd to {ue fm dtlap\dariohs, orclfc Ji1ed oul: fclvcs, and brce yet fctled,w~are called up011 for o~r Pred~ce!J'o:s,arrcugc;; 1 firfl: fruits tenth>fLibfidics, arc infl:antly robe pald,bencvolend:,procurat!Ons, &c.and w'hich is'rriofl: to be feared,we light upon acrackt titlc,as it oeti;IJ ~lenard o~Brabam, fot his rectOry and charge ofhis Begin ~•; he was nofoorie;tn~ ' ·E 'ill.lib.i . dutted, but mfl:ant!y fucd, ctp!>mfq; (* fa1tb he) flrenue /.11gare,& zmplaca.bt!t Ja!ifoff•l:t"' bdl. c~njligere : at lengtha!ter ten ycarcs fuit, as lc:ng as T~o_yes, fi'"ge, ~~Hen hee ;:}.~:~"' :,;- .. h1d ured h•mfe!fe,and fp, nr h•s l]lony, h,c was fa~;.c ro.Ieaveal)_for q•1let~e![c mrr!'.il:;: · fake,andgive ltllf' to hiS advcrfary.Orc,fe weare lntU tcdover,andttamp!ed ~trf«;iH•,&<. on by doniineering officcrs,flccced by rl~ofe greedy H arpyes to get more fees; ~'11 t";,''" 1•c we fl:and in ft-a•c of fome precedent' La plc; we fall among!l refractory, fedi- :t' •mptm, tious Scctaries, pceuifh Puritans, pcr'vcr!c Papifl:s,a Iafcivious tout of Atheifiicall Epietm.i, that will not be rcformed,or fomc litigious peopfe,(tboli( ~iU bea .'f:s o/ Ephe(<•·', rln1fl: pc f0ughr with) tbit will not pay.their dues without much repining, or tompelld by long ftur; for L<ici clericifoppido in{efti,art old axioni~,all rhey thi1ik 1vdl gcirtcn rhat is had 6-om the. C!mrch,and by fuch unclvill, harfh dealings, they tmke their poorc Mini!ler 1veary ofhis' place,ifriot hi, life: and put ea le they be quict,honc!l m~n, rriake the bc'fl: of · it;as efreri it fals our,from a- polite & t~-rfe .Atadcmick,hc mufl: turnc rufl:ick; rude,mel:incholifcalone,ielrnet~.l\rgct , oi. elfe,as many doe become Maul~ fters,Griliers,:;hapmen,&c.(no'J;l:ianifhed fro'll the Academy, all cornercc ofthe Mufes,and confin d to acour.try v•llage,as Ovtd was from Rdme to Po,Z.. tm,) and daily con<·er!e 11'it h ~company of Idiots and Cfowncs. ,. . Nos inttitm quod atti1ict (nee enim ioirriunes ab hac noxa !umus) idereal tus manet,idcin nobis, Ill G non mu.lto gravius,crim ~n objici potefl: :no!lr:i cnim culpafir,rio'!lra mcuria,nofl:raav:iriti!i,quod tarn fi-cquetcs, fcrdreq. fiant in Ecclefianuridmationes; (tel!'pl•'!' eH: •'I.Jilt~le, de~Jq;) rot for_dcs _liweh~ntur, tanta gra!fetur 'impietas,t:int)' iie'quitii, timinfanus milcriaru Euripus, &tur" bai:lfrri., :Efl:uariurri,pofl:ro inquam,omnium (AeademiconJm imprimis) vitib ti~. 0--E_od ro~Refp;malis afficiatur ,a no) is feminarlum;,ulrro malum hoc acccrlinms, S:: qu:lvis ~onn~~clia~ quav.is Interim mi(eriadig~i, ~ui pro viri!i nono.ccummus. Qu1demm ficn po!I'e fperamus, quum tot mdu!s finedeleau ~uperes ~lilmni,terr::. filii,& c~jufcunq; ~rdi~is hcimunciones,:id gradus cert:lttm admm:mtnr? qm ft definltlosem,dtlhnctloilemq. unam autafteram memofitCr edidicerint,& pro more tot annos in dialectidl.' pofuerinr, non refert quo profectu,q~Ja_lc~ det?um lint, Id_iotre,nuga~ores, otiatores, alearores, -' · compororcs;tndignJ,!tb!dmts volupra_ru.rrique adlmnill:ri, Spon(l Penelopes, nebu/ones, A{cinnique, . modo tot annos in Academia infumpferinr,-& fe pro togatis vendif~rint; Jli; , cri