Part.I.SeCl:.2. Cau[es of..'Melancholy.• ME·MB. 4· Sus 's ECT •. x. Non-necej[ary;remott, OHtrvard, 4di·emiriow,-or ac;idmraU caufts: .u jirfl; from the Nttrft. lProtm. lib.t , N~tl!aarscon~ flitu~pot,I1. mLLb.I.C,l9• tie mocborum F t)10fc remote, outward, ambient, Necefl'ary caufes, I have fuffici- ';,~f~.?;z:" cntly difcou;fed mrheprecedent mervber, theNon•rllcefJMJ fol- """"Uanmf low; of wlucb, fauh 1 Fuchjiu;, no art can be made, by reafonof ~t-;;,~;{c!;z~n theiruncertaimy, calualty, ,and mulntude; fo called not ntceJJary •mb'uta mm becaufc accordmg to m. Fernelw.; th&y may bee awul_ed, and uftd wttho11t necrjfi· f~-vabitodo~ tte. Manyofthc!eacctdentallcaufes, whtch Ifhall entreat ofhere, might ~=·-Testa dru. have well becne reduced to the former, becaufc they cannot be avoided, but o simwter fatally happen to us, though accidentally, and unawares, at fame time or oadfin~enda, ther: the reil arc contingent and inevitable, and more properly infcrtcdin :~;;:.;-j;::,t;;_ this tankeofcaufcs. To reckon up all is a thing unpollible;offomc therefore d"""""'"'". mofl: remarkable, ofthcfc contingent caufcs which produce Melancholy I ;~:;'{:;;;;;,fc will bncfly fpeakc andm their order. ' pr·oprmas. -ye-. From a c)!ilds NatlVlty, the fir(\: ill accident that can likely befall him,in :!:~';,1,7.~;:dthis kind is abad Nurfe, by whofemeanes alone he maybe taintedwith this in P"'•dr&u, n malady from his cradle. Au/u; Gel/ju; lib .12 .ca:1.brings in Phavorinu.< that -;;:1,:v~;:!· eloquent Philofopher, proving this at large, • that there if the fame venue am!. I•Ue bodiaut propertie in the m,/k .u tn the fted, and mmnmenalone,but znallothercretttflreJ: bee caprm•m •gni gives .in ffance in aKid andLamb, if either •f them fucke ofthe othm milk,the LamU :~;'jf,~!;·,~~~ ofthe GoatJ, or 1he Kidof the Ewn,rhe wooil of rhe one.villbe hard, and the lwrtof 1-.ii du'i'"":• the other Giraldm Cambren{iJ Itinerar, Cambri£ confumcs this ~7;~{::;,:~i. by a notable example which happened in his time. A fow pig by chance p Adulta infc· fucked aBrach, and when fhc was growne, P would miTacllloufly bum &11 manner wii P'f'1""- ofDeare, and that a< ,vel!, or rather better than any ordinary hound. His conclufi- ~~l:en;ltjq~;a· on is, q that men and hearfJ participate of her nature and cl>»ditions, by whofo milk !·~~·"· . rhey are fed.Phavorinu;urgeth it farther,and demonfl:rats it more evidently,that "J,;,':/.b~;'"~~~ ifa N~rfc be 'mu-fbapm,•mchafl;;mho~~eH:,impudmt,drt~nk, r cruel! ?r the hke, homo,a>iaa"'· the chtldthat fucks upon her brefl: Wlll befotoo; allotheratfechons of the {;,~,~~;:~;,:;-•· mind,and difeafes arc almoll: ingraffed,as it were,and imprinted into the tem- ""'"hit. pcrature of the Infant,by the Nurfesmtlk; ~s Pox,LeproGe,Melancholy,&c. ;-:,;;,;:£:,:;;;. C~to for fame fuch rea(on would make his fervants chi_ldren fu~ke upon his ca,tcmut!nta wives brefl:, becaufc by that meanes they would love'htm and !m the better, mmi:_&c. and inalllikelyhood agree with them. A more evident example that the ;;;•:;~0~,=~- minds are altered bymilk,cannr;:>t be give than that of• Dion which he relates dinna!~JfLP: of caligula'.r cruelty,tt could neuher be 1mpute~ to father nor mother,butto ~?;,z;,;~:;;;~ his cru_ell nurfe alone, that anomted her paps wnh bloud fl:tll when he f~ck ,.• ,.a;, tenet. ed, whtch made htm fucha murderer, and to expre!fehercrueltyto an ha..tre: fHirca"'l;ad. And rhat of Tiberiu;,who was a commondrunkard,becaufc his nurfe was fuch ~~:'.::;,:;~ ~one. Et (z delira fue;it, (" oncobferv~s) infanrulumdelimm(t>ciet? ifthee ~ea 'I.ib.>.de fo')\e or dolt, the chtld fhe nurfeth vnll take after her, or otherwtfc be mdaf- ~"{:;;;';7.1. fectt:P; Which Franci[cU4 Barb art~! lib. z.c.ult. de re uxoria,proves at full, and I:rc<f.hifi. .Am.