Memhl.... Su!..I· Ant.Guivar~a lib.z .de Maroo ,111relio:the childe will fureJy ·parricipate.For 143 bodily fickneffe there is no doubt w bee mape. Titm, YeJ}ajians Con was~ theretorefickly, becaufethe Nurfewas Co,Lamprrdrus. And1f wemay believe Phyficians,many timi:sdail.dret~catch.clb:p,oK' from a bad Nurfe, Bo.• talduocap. 6 r. delruvener. Befidcs evill attendance, negligence, and many ,groffe.inconvcnieocf5,whlch·l!reirici.dmtto Nurfes, !II).lcb daog~ ;mayfo .cometorhe~llil~. x foulbefe~C<Wfes*ift~ P"lttJ>b.1.~·I7• I'h4~nm x Ni i'!firiva and.Mar>lll ~Mrditu wo11ld !lGt:h~eaclJil~qmt to auriC at 'a!!!; b\lt <eVery':::~=~=~ ..marbecw.bnngnnphecQWll,ofwhatoon:hoonf-oe·v<eriliebe;furai:oood;md·F"',.(£',41,;.,.. :able mo.rherro !'"'0ilt hcr,cmilde to lll'life,ir nat,.r.£ it~ttlflJ{Jtl'ieJ.i {9.,. <l#~tfo ~7~"P':;:"· .cal1sit,'tislitther.eforeJhe lhou!db.elllUrfe herfdf;thcmo.dtecwill:bi:m0J.J: ''":_.:;. "'~~· ardull,loviug all<liatt<)l;la!JIOIJ,.themany !frvile w:amm,t>r facit.hlrod crea- ,turcs; this al.lcllc worls:l.u:koowledg.ecln,.-J>II'VfNJenti{sinmm eft,(..u 1Wi.U:a. ' Jlude tW. mJ~<liQ:11VJ tir.4.~.Iz.inmanywords 0011feifmb);11Mt~ip(nm la• •il.treirif'IUitem,wOO. denies tbatjr fhou!Wb:e fo~aod w·hichfomcWJOmrnmoft . curiouflyobfe111Tt:;runongll:dterell:,Yt!utQgeea of FrMJ.Ce, a Sp~~tmard hly ysttpl:~w•, biub, thaHvai>(o precifc andzeaionslinrhis.behalf, tbatwhonin her Mence ~flrangenuneh;idfucld.aihercbi.4ie,Jhe was =er qtiietiill thee had made llhcinf.aatvomitit up again. 'But ihawJISrooj.eaious. Lfirbeflll,asmany ti:nesit is.ilieymufrbepttt li>n:h,themotherbc not fit.0r wdl <tb!etosb6a z To.>. Nulfl· nuzfe, I would tb:n :adv.ife fuchnmrtieis, as • Plttt~~trch doth itt his b.ook 1k '" nonq_U4[- · Jik,.,;.; .erl~<c,<"Jis •.aod a .s .Hieromi iib~z.efj!f.z'7. L~tt".t de iw{titm. jil•. Mng. ;uf~mt,~ . fU""" ;.art.;AliUg.f.Wt..clltpq,'ll11d>thefaid, ~derj& they IIUlkeohoite g:m;:."' '"'·. ofafoliodwoman,ofagood comple~ioo,honeft, freefrom•bodi:!y.ulifaifci,·j,li•'ri"""n if~t,\le rQffilile{Xll p~onsand pertu~bation5oftheminde,'3.Sforrow, 'k-am;, ::~-:I~.~=:~~ gpefc; folly,mclancholy.Forfuoh pafiions corrupt·thi:.rnilk,.lnd;.vlrertl!le Hier• . te[(lperature ofmedlilde;which now-being cy,dtnn &•moUe lutmn, isealily b j'?1'7dul7l f~afoned and perverted. And ~f fuch a nurfe may befound out, that wili bee ';;.,,," • •: diligent aod .careful! withal!, let 1'h.a~rinm and M. Aurelitu p:lead how' Per f. theycanagalnil:_it, lhadntheracceptofherinfome cafes thent!Ie mother . . . herfelf, and whichEonAoialm the Phy1itian,Nic•. Bitji116'thepoliticiail,dib. tZ:J:::'::.:':;.. 4-· de~eprd,. o~p. 8.. approver,t Som.e nurfes <~nmtteh to bee preftrrdrJ:,j~me mo· hv.s.fUIIt wrliQ.; thers •. forwhY_'mayootthemoilier be.JJaught, a pce11ifh drunken ilurt, .a, m, wafpi(h cholenck.iiut, acrazed peece; a£oole, (as many .mothers are) unfo).lnd as foooJis the liUrfe~ There is marc choice of nurfes then mor'hers .; a'-1<1 thereforeexcept themother hemoft verruous,11:aid.a w.omanclllf excel. l~ntgood part~; a~d of a.foun,d compki.:ibn, l would ·have 1\lLchildmrin f~ch cafe§ co.omutted to difcn'et'fl:rangers.And 'tis1;1k only w.ay; as·by.uaanage ~1~,ate engrafted to 0ther families;ro altertlhe·breed, or .if any thlng ~~~ ,am1ffem themot~er ,as Lt~do'llicm Mercatu.r conreodS,1'om.:1 Jib•. Je mor.b; h~~ed. t? prevent <'hfeafes and furore maladies,'1to corooCJ: aodiqlla'lifie,rpe chlldc.s;~ll-diJPofrci tem~era~ure,. which:he hadf.romlhis parent~\?thi~ is- all cxcellem •remedy,ifgoo~ho!ce~e.m,adeoff~,~~h~ N~r[,. '".'' Jr" ' . ! .- . . ,