Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. r. Seer. 2, Education acartfo, muchremifnelfe, theygivethemno bringing up, no calling tobufiethem- I45· felves about,or to live in,teach them no trade,or fer themmanr good cour_fe; by meanes ofwhich their ferva~ts,children,Scholars, arecarneda\\'ay wtth that fireame of drunkennelfe, tdlenelfe, gammg, and many fuch megular courfes, that in the end they rue it, curfe their p!renrs, and mifchtefe themtelves. Toomuch indulgence caufeth thehke, . meptapMm lemtJU & fact. •rcr.Adez. 1 . 4 ~it M prava, whenas Mitio-like, with too much hberty and too ~rear allowance,rhey feed their childrens humours,let them rev~II,wench,r:or,fw:r~ger, and doe what they will themfclves, and then pumlh them Witha notfe of Mufitians; · • IJem Ac. * obfonet, potet, oleatungutntademeo; . t.fi. ,, <.Amat? dabitur a me argentum ubi erit cominodum. Forts elfregit? re.ftituentur: defcidit reftem? reforcietur.- fociAf quod lubet; St<mat, con(Umat, perdat,decretumeftpati. But as Dcmeo told him, tu iliumcorrumpi ftnis, yourlenity will be his undo; . ing,pr-<videre videorjam diem iOum, quum hie egensprojugret altquo mrl~ta.. tum, I forefee his ruine. So parents often erre, many fond mothers-efpectal- • camer.ri"' Iy,dotefomuchupon their children, like* <.AR(ops Ape, till in the en? they em. n.cen!·>· crufh themtodeath,co;porumnu:rices, animam~ noverca, pampenng up~~;"~;~";:'~~ thmbodtes to the undomg of thmfouls·; they wrll not let them be t corre- ,n Emblemc ·€led or conrroled, but frill foorhed up in every thing they doe, tlrat in con- ~erdit amand,, clufion, they bringforrorv,fJttme;heavine!Je to theirparmts (EctlU!'cap. 30. 8, i;:;v. , 3 , ; 4 ; 9· ) become wanton,Jlubborp, wilfo/1, anddifobedient; rude, untaught, · head- Hee "'" fpafirong, incorrigible, and gracelelfc; Thej-love tbemfofoolijbly,faitM Cardan, ~eth '~c 'f.'d that they rather(eeme to hate them, bringing them not ttf to vertue hut injury, g £:~. :.~, ~~,;_ not to learning bttt riot,not tofober lift and converfation, but to allpfeaftwe awd !•'· Tamj/ulle licentiom behaviour. Who is he of fo little experience th~t knowes_not this~,:;: ,~J.~~­ of F abt111 to be true~ h Edt~cdfron u another nature altermg the mtnde and tim viJeamur, wtfl, and I would t• God( faith he)weour[elves didnotJfoile ottr childrens man- ilt.r non advirncrs, by our overmuchcocl:ering andnice education, andweaken the ftrength of::;~;J;,~ n~ thCJrbod~esandmindes; tbatcAu{Cthmftome,cuftomc nat11re, &c. For thefe aderilditionem caufesPiretarchin hisb?okedelib. educ, an·d Hierom. epijl.lib. r.epijl. 17.to ~~:J~~~~:'..' L£ta de rnjlttt<t.ft lt.e,.g!Ves a mofi efpeciaHcharge to all parents, and many rem ftd volupgood caunons about bringingup ofchitdren, that they be n0t comrnii;!ed tG ~~em educanundtfcreet,pallionate, bedlamTutors, light, giddy headed, or covetous per- hLih.•. cap. 3 ; ~ons, and fpare for no cofi, that they maybe well nurtured and ~aught, it be. Educarioalter• mg a matter of fo great confequence. For fuch parents as do otherwife, ;~;!~~·;::~':, Plutarchcfieeme~ofthcm,'thataremore· carefo!! of their jbooes then of their llmtarem, atq, ftet,thatratethetrwealthabovetheirchildreo. And he (aithkCardan thAt urinam (in- ! h'fl h l L ' ' qatt)l•hero- eaves u ontoa_covctot46Sc oo emaftertooeenformed, or to a clo(e·<.Abby to rum nofirorum !aft andlearne wt{dome together, doth no other then that h~ be a learnedfovle, or morer non ipfi 4.flckfy,wifl- man~ ' . · petdtr_emPA,_ . . .. . _ . quum mjantttzl!'flaum t!~ltcyr (ol-'IJml~: molltoriJ!a educatio,qttami.tfJulg,entiamvocamm,ntr'UOt tmnftr, & menriJ & torporUfran7}.1/1 ex bu confi!etudo, _wJe natura: 1 Pt1in_deagi~ ac [14_uU.de calceo fir J!lici tur. ptdeT(J nihil _curet. l~.v~~- Nil patrl mm?l4 cp qu~m_fili~s . .k L1b. 3· ~t foptent: qut avanr f12d!lgdt,il pueror alendo.r dant, vel cltlufor u1 camobtu;etunare jimul & fopere, mhll all.ud agunt, mfi ut ftnt 'IJelnon fine [lultitia.eruditi, 1.1clnon integrt~11itafapientu. T ~ Su•-