Parr. r.Sect. z. Terrotmand Ajfrightscaufos. Memb.4<Sub.3. littlechildren in the fpring time, went to gather flowers in a meddow at the 14_7 rownes end, where amalefaCtor hung in gibbets; all gazing at it, one. by chance flung a ftone, and made it ftir, by whi~h accident,the children affrighted ran away ;one flower then the reil:, lookmg back, and fwn!? the fti:red carcafe wag towards her, cryed our it came after,and was forernbly affrighred chat for many dayes lhe could nor reil:, ear or lleepe, lhe could nor be paZilied, but melancholy,died. r In the fame rowneanorher childe beyond CAt 1 the Rhine ,faw a grave opened, &upon the fightOf a carcafe,was fo troubled Rhe~~! r:~r in minde, that fhe could not be comforted,bur a little after depa.rted,andwas l"ff" feputburied by it. Platertu obforvat. lib, t; A Gentlewoman oft he fame city faw ~~:~~,;·:~7!;, a far hoggecur up, when the intrals were opened, and a noy~ome favour ?f- cadaver,' & fended her nofe, lhemuch milliked and would not longer ab,de: a P hyficlandomuflfubuo in prefence, told her, as that hogge:fo was fhe,full offilthy excrements, and ~~~;;.,:vt::,:: aggravacedrhematterby fomeother lothfome inftances, in fo much, this t•fl P~""' nice Gentlewoman apprehended it fo deeply, that lhe fell forthwith a vo- ~~:~;~'{(epulmiting, was fo mi~hcil y diftempcred in mind.and body, that.with all his art ehro eolloe.ra. and perfwa!ions, tor fome months after, hecould nor reftore her eo her felfe f~"" f."'iagain, lhecould not forget it, or remove the objeCt our of her fight, Idem. p~:,~ie':s:,._ Many cannot endure to fee a wound opened, but they are offended; a man tuebatne .vrbe executed,or labour of any fearefull difeafe, as polfellion,Appolexies,one be-;;;::t;: '~c witched: tor ifthey read by chance of fome terrible thing,. the fymptomes unde mei:.;h, alone offuch a difeafe,or that which they dillike,they are inftantly troubled liea fatla, per in minde, agaft, ready toapply it rorhe,rrifelves, they,areas much difquiere.d, ~:!~~v~:.~: ... as ifthey hadfeenit: orwerefo affected themfelves. Elecata Jihi videntl<r"'"'·. {omniare, they dream and continually thinke ofit. As lamentable effeCts are j/"·b""! '""'- caufed by fuch terribleobjeCts heard, read, or feen, &uditH& maximos mottu l':';,;;_'P'""'" in<orporefacit, as" Plutarch holds, no fenfe makes greater alteration of body •.Lib. de ••diand minde .' fudden fpeech fometimes, unexpected news, be they good or ~'';heod. Probad, pr.evifammtu orat<o, will move as much, animum obruere, & de ftde dromus lib. 7· fi•adeijcere,asa * ~hilofopher obferves, will rake away our fleep, and appe- :;;:;:;erme, dtl!urbe &qmte overturn us.Let them bear wirnes that have heard thofe "'"' fugjenttr Tragtcall alarums, outcryes, hidious noifes, which aremany times fuddenl y ~:;t•tu>mas, heard in thedea? ofthe night_by irruption ofenemies and accidentall fires , ;~};: ~~~::"' &c. thofe x pamck feares, w htch often drivemen out of their wits, bereave F"".""' ait. · themoffenfe,underftand_ing,andall,fomefora time, fome for their whole ~::~at.embl. hves,_they neverrec~ver tt. . TheY Midianites werefoaffrighted by Gideons y ]ud. 6. , 9 • fouldters, t_hey breakmg but every one a pitcher; and, Elannihals army by •. Plutarehus fuch_apamckfeare~wasdifcomfitedat the walles of Rome. Augufta Livia vrt•'l"'· heanngafewT~agtcal vetfes recited out of rtrgil, TuMarcellmeris, &c. fell_down dead m a fowne. Edtntu King of Denmark by a fudden found wluch he heard, •wa turneamto fUry wzthall hss men, Cran:::.ttu /16. 5. Dan. •Inf•rorent ~ift. & Alexander ab A_le~andro lth, 3.cap. 5 .Amat"' Lujitantu had apatient, fo,~ {olluvtrhat by reafonofbad t1dmgs ~ec~me Eptlepticus, cen. 2 , cura go. Cardan fuhttl.ltb. r8 .fawoneth~t lofthtswtts by miftaking of an Eccho. Ifone fenCe alone can ~aufe fuch violent commotions of the minde, what may we thinke ~henheanng, fight,andth~fe ot~erfenfesareall troubled at once? asby ome Earrhquakes,thunder,hghrnmg,tempefts, &c.At Bologne in Italy Anno 15°4· there was fuch a feareftlll earthquake about I I. a clock in the night T 3 (as