Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

·Pan. r. Seer. z. ScDff\ calumnies,brtf(rjefts &c. ------------------- ,bea.Rablail,aqBuphlrmiD,~Boccalimu in ours . AdriaHthe lixth Pope,g wa~ ~-9 __ fo highly offended, and gnevouily vexed wnh ~afqmllers at Rome, he &ave g toviu. invicommand that fiatue fhould be demohi11edand ourned, the afhes flung rmo ta 'i"'·~ravi(­ ~he tiv~rTib~r,and had done it forthwith, hadnot Lod~vic": Sueffomu,afa- ~~~~£:%~1:_~,_ Cete C9mpamon,dilfwaded. h~m tO the COntrary,byte!lmg him,that PdflJur/s men foum a4 'afh,cs would turne to frogs m1he"bottome of the nver,and c;oakeworfe and {.~!"1/,';J,"i._ lowder then before. -genus t(rttab1le vatum, and therefore * Socrates ceratum;olecre- .in Plato advifeth .all his ti-iends, "tkatrefPrc1 theircredlts, tojfand in aweofvittueiJ<o(faPolts;ft!_.they are te~riblefdlows, -c_an prai(e anddifjraift asthey ftecau(e. The~~~ demoliri Prophet David comp(ams-, Pfal.I,23•4• that hu foul WAf foil ofthemockrng • Plato m.r 1• :~Jthe. w_ealthy ,apdoftkedefpiJefolneffe oftheproud,andPfa: 55 +for the voyce ~~~~=~i~~ P(the Jl't, fl<td &c. 4ndthetr h1te,; h!f .kear f ~re_mbled w;thm hrm,a?'dtheter- '"'""'· powu 'r.olirs;o[i t!ea(h camt11pon htm .; fear·avdhornbte feare (J"C . and P(a/.69. zo, ,vereantur,_f•'• i!ebt~fi"f'.th.~r.o~ep _f!'J heart,and I, "am fulL ofheavine!fo. Wliohath not ·like 'b:.~";,"/ut~~=­ cau(~ to complaine, and is not.fo; trpublcd.:nbat fhall fa! in~o;the-mouths of danJum e- ~i­ (uch men~ forml!ny-are·of [q .h petulant_a fpl~ene, and have~hat.figureSar- ~uperandum. f •(mru fo qften.in their mputbs, · fo bitter;- foif~b)ifh, as i: Bal~ajAr C4filio /Pf.~:;::~~nno. nots~ Of.fh!lnl,,that 'they f Anno,t fPta,k J but tb,ey,fnti-_/f fute; ~hey had r~ther Jofc,_tCuriat.lib.>. afm~d th?!l a1efr,and ~vl}at company foever thoy. come m, they-wil befcof- :ft i~'::~~:7 ling, mfulnng ov~nhe1nnfenours, efpeCialty., OYtt fuch as any waydepend quoties l~ui. P.IiOn"t'geEJ,J~Um\imigg, ' Oli(uling, O( put~ing_gulleries on fome or other; till r•ties llfO~de>·e ~b~y n:1,ve made :~: >lieir ,humoring or gullJ:ng; 1ef ftultlinfomtm: a mope;.';' fili P•· pypo~dy"and:al,\!Pmake .nhemfelv~$- mer-ry :l·' _, , '·· ·· ' k T.,.Emch.. _ ·) li ·,, -. . c ,, rt-;;-·t ilumiit.od,o ·rifoi/1. .,:;.,, ·,.,.. ·!:,. ..; 1Hor.fer.l rb , , c J ; 1 _ ,;, :l ;J?.X, fJitiat jjbi, il_on_ pic_&/tifJRiuii -patcit ami &I;" ,, .' "'·-I· Fr,~~~~, -neqcers? eh~Jies, aJI ·are as one,to make a foot a:mad,man is their fport,and tl)eyJ:i.~ve ..l\9.greater felicity then tof-coffe and' d·erideotber~;- they_ !nJI.fi f~.qr.ifi~, ~O. >l!~ god of llll,Jgb.ter,.with t\lem in •~'Apuleim; onceaday;or .I Lib, · ~etney fha_\lb'e. ~l;mc.holyct'hemfelv'es; t\:ley carenothowtheygrinde & ·· ·' . 1Ill[~(eo~~e[~,(q;~h§Y,IJ1ay_exhilara(etheir owqeperfons. Theirwits indeed _ ._; [C?",erF.PeiT.J f'l tq~t"fgle pUJ!N(eitO ·m;~ke fport,to break a fcurrile jell, which · 1S le-u!fs':1mus' ingft;ii. frull_uf-, t/Ie froth of wit, as* Tully holds~ and for. this* Zle orat. they <I.!'!! ~fren t.P!ilaqde,<J;in all other difcour(e,dry, barren,firimiilious,dlill '· •' ~J~.eavie;l_ls~~ !y.~~ ~!\eir, q n;itfo·, irghjs_they_atone excel!,pleafe thernfelyes ~n~;<?tqer~,.- fr.e~~f.i"1_1f1,1h~t"~oflipw)' ore ,a.~l~vi'!' hath r~ifired in'the.4! h~¥~9R !).i~hfM.90ke. ~Jl-'i!tr~Qrdil!4l'l~d~bght m.humormgof ,filly.fel• ~?~,St.!J!l,d;~l'%1\:l.Jljq~ies· \lp.On them~ "'hr.c_o]ljineri.din,~;fpme, 'per(wadiTJg ml.41JJando, othfffJE<3~.1).r,s, 9!: ~~.i!~i he 1<\ad.<H flolit{jJ-flultij\~pzps, & maxim,e.ridiculo~;ex (ff'mi•a iir pttl!~1f1trfi!J.!'fs ; (<?ft, fello~es, fii!Ik cnpddic~ ·;.and fuch as ,wc[e:fo0lifh,quito~t,~;~.; •• ~a~ _fi)~rechc l~ft th,em. --~·~e'rnernQr-;tble ex«lnpl> ~e' r~rdtes -,there, of-;:;._,. fl"'"' opinione. r"fiO.'!I:,'"ff?( I: Jrm• -~ j'yt,~f)9~n JPl!lf•Wa,s f<! humol'ed_ by J,eo mcimns1 -and ;~z~r~;:~· ,Br~tef_~,-)Us f~conq ~!I F.h1s bufin~lfe, rha.t he thllJJght himf~lfe-to'be a.man .of dam uu'};cu mpn , Jmc7f!e!JtsijJI~:J~W~0 was ~odetd la niQnie).' they n made bim(etfoo1ifb.P""P'a ,.,,.. fongs ~f'if ·~-uent ne!l?('dt~ulo1f4.prmpts11vhick_ fhey didhigh_lj commeTJd,aw'i';~~amur, ty~- fus.arl'i\<;Fh%J?laxq·_on_th~ ,Lute,to make btm finke a fweetei' fir1'l.ke,~,o.l!4 our "'"""... t~;u.(l do,w~tke 1Ar.~a{ h~ngings,b~~·~~fe the 'lfOJCt,woult/ }wd~arer.,by r~ 1lfond;;anetibur Df th~_ ~S'-J erberation of the, wall. In the like,[\lanner they perf:waded one R·•-- ~:~;~{;":~;p. ~aha!l"f·of Caret,a, that he was.as ~ood a Poat a~ Petrar fh, wepld hilverhim lirtnt. to .... .