Part. r. Sell. 2. coftherdeare,forhefofarredifiafied it, that he went forthwith tothead- 1;1: verfe part much troubled in his thoughts;caUfed the Lttmbards to rebell,and thence pr~ured many miferies, t? ~l:e S?irlmo~-~ealt{l. Tib.eritu the Emperor with-held aLegacy from .th~ people of Rome, which hts Predecelfor At~grifltu had lately given, and petteavil:lg HH!ow rounde a dead corfe in the eare~ would ne_ecis know wherefore he did fo, ,the fe~lo_w replied, that bee wifhed thedeparted Soul \:o figHtn~ ta Autlifitu; tHe CGII)mbhs of Rome •were yet utipaid; ftir t~tls I:Ji.ti:Er jell tfi~. Empe,l'o~ Eau@d ~llli .nmhwi,Hl ~P !>e llaihe, andcitrrythenewsbtillCelfe• . For dhs reaRm, all tl\8fe Hiatm~~ wlle apptoveofjefisln fome cafe~, ahd fai:H~ GonijJitnl'6lis; (as who dorh !lot~ ) let thetttlaugh aild be mertie, ri!?hpantli~ & ilia ·c odri!; 1 Hs laudaBle and lit, thofe yet will by no nieahes ailmlttHeffiiri !H~if€orilpillit€s,Hlai::ire any way inclined to tHiS malady; non ibciil'lluHi i'i11n ijs ijiii tJJiforf fotlt; f7 ' i£mmnoft, ho jetling \!Jitli a diftonreifted ~eifdn, 'tlS tNJlitiH caveat', ·' lll. t .Z>ef~ , Pontantu, and h Galhttu<, ahd evety ~o8d n\afi§, . 1'bio-~ ' "'P· ~- Pl':)withme,bnthnrtme~b~: · . ~~·H· . Jejt •••th mt, but me n~r. Comit-u is a vertue betwixt Rujlicity anli8chrrilitj, twb exEreines; as \i!ffJbi!Hy ls bei:wixt Flatter1 .anti Cbntention, it rlibj!·not exd:etll.IJ!it be Hill atcornpahietl with that* •~'"'~"~ or inhocehty; 'qlt£ i<Hnihi n~cet; olhllfm fiijfL "Tt{Y Tuft, ri:e obldtiDntm abhDrWIS; hurts ho ihan, abH8is all dffh efinjury. THough a""' . irlan be lia!Jieto fuch ajell; or oblo'3,uie; nave Been ovedetne, &r edrlirii.ittedafbult'fi~, yet it is h6g6odrliaHQI:tSor h~fiianlty; to upbraid, to hit hirn in the teeth with liis offerite,6fto fc'b!f~ at f11ch a one; 1tiS lm,bllf ali.Joltit:, !Mpu in rctt~n omnh exprobratio. I fpbllte!ib't tiffucH as gfrii:fally faxe "it~, Bartly ,~ entilis ,E~afmtu,~gi'ipflt;Fifhcd~t~ ;&r:t_lle hrr6ni{1s ~nil Li'lcl~ns ofourutne, Satyrilis, Ep,gramfuah!l:s, · Coirlreih:lHs, Ap8[bgtfts, &e. !:lilt fuch as perfohate,rayle,fcolfe,calumiiia:~e,pemtinge !iy nariiE;dr ill pteTdiee offend; . , . .• "Luditjrtl }Idlid£ procaciialt, · • Miltt.rik. i. .. NonejtSejfituiltt(edc~bdtttu3 'P'g·lf· 'Tlshi:>rfeplay !his,atidthofejefis(as.he• faiihJart no htmrtlitb lnjtlrM, X'r•lerjoci u biting jefis, 1l10rde/ltes & MliltAii; they afepoyfened jefts J li:iive ot fting !;e- i•juriis no~ hinde them and ought not to be ufeil J>of!int dificrnl. ' _ _ · · Galatewjot. Y setnoftnyfotttomllketlii:bliniletofotl• H · . . Nor wilfully offend thy .tiaker bnthet : Y Pyb.a~ m b,, Nor. woundth~delllliPithflij ibngues~i;tef gall, .~drain• 37 · 1J ezthet ft)Otce thot~~nthe fotlpfothet. -\ Iftbefe rules. c~u!d b~ kept, t'1e fhould hav~ miithmere eafe and qtiietnelfe tllen we h:i~e,l~fle melancholy: wh'eteas onthe coh~rary ;iVC: ftildy td rfiifufe eath other, ~o~ to fflng and gaule, flke iwo figh\:lttg botes, b'ending aH our f6rc~ and wtt,fnends,fortunes to crutifie ~one anothers foule~ · by tfieanes .* Egobuj"' miof w~ich~ there is littlecoi:itentand ch:!riry, mUch vitllleftcy;ha'fred/fi!a1ite, .;i;:{:::::;:..:? and ditqutemelfe among us. jlifl01. Tua.• J A.ttklii.l:a:. V