Part. r.SeCl.2. Catlji:s ofMelancholy. ----- SunsEc"f.5· Lo(fe oflibe~ty, {ervitude, imp~i(mmmt, how the7 cau(e Melancholy. · 0 this Catalogue of caufes, i may well annex lolfe ofliberty, fervitude, or imprifonment, which to fome perfons is as great a torture as any ofthe reft.Thoqgh they have all things convenient, fumptuou shoufes to their ufe, farewalkes and gardens, delicious bowers;galleries, good faire and diet,and all things correfpondem: yet they arenot content, becaufe they are confined,maynotcomeandgoattheir !(;;:£:'!~:~ ph~afure; have, and doe what rhey will, but live Y alienaquadra, at another !wadro.luv. mans,table and command. Asitisz in meats, fo is it in all other things, ~ crambdu places, focieties,fports,let~hem be never fo pleafam, commodious, whole- ;:;~;· m, reJJe fome,fogood; yetomniumrerumeft fttietas,thereisa loathing fatiety of triori. all things. The children ofl frael were tired withManna,it is irkfometo them Jo to live, as to a-bird ina cage, or adog in his kenndl, they are weary of it. _They are happy,it is true,&have all things,to another mans judgement,thac heart canwiih, 01' that they chemfelves can'defire,bona ft ji.a norint: yet they loath it, and are tired with the prefent : Eft natura h•minumnovitati5 avida; mailsnatureisfhll defirous of news, variety, delights; and our wandring affections are fo irregular in this kind, that t~ey muft change, though it bee to the worft.Batchelors muft bemarried,and married mea would beBatche. lors.;they doe not love their ownewives~ though oiherwife fa ire, wife,ver~ tuous;aad wellqualified,becaufethey aretheirs:our prefem efiateis frill the worft, wecaanotendure one courfeoflife long, & quod mud'o voverat,odit; • HDT. onecalling long,effi inhmorejuvat,mox dij]licet;oneplace long,' Rom«'Ty- . bt~ramoventofeu,Tybure JJ.omam, that which we earneftly fought, we now ~,;;';,:'""i"'1' contemne.H oc qttofdamagit admortem( faith b s eneca)quodpropojita[«pe mu· tAndo in eadem rcvolvtmtttr, & non relinquunt novitati loct~m,F aftidioc«pit e{fevita, & ipjimnund11s, & (ubit iUud rapidifimamm deliciamm. .f2.!!Ju(#r eadem? This alone kills maay aman, that they arc tied eo the fame flill, as a horfe in amill,a dog in a wheele,they ~ua round,without alteration or news, theirlifegroweth odious;the world loathfome, and that whtch crolfeth their furious delights, Whati' ftiUthefame? MarCIIs Au_reli11s and Solomon, that had experience ofall worldly delights·and pleafure,c_onfelfed as much of themfelves, wh~t they moft defired,wastedious at laft,aad that their lull: could never be fatisfied, all was vanity and aflliction ofminde. Now ifit be death itfeffe, another Hell, to be glutted with one kind of .fport, dieted with oae diih, tied to ~ne place; thougi: they have all :hings otherwife as they can defire, and are m Heaven to anpther mans optmon, what mifery and difcoateat fhall they have, that live in flavery, or in prifoa it fdf~ R!!_odtrijlius morteinfervitute viveqdum,as Hermo/at<S told Alexan- • Lib. 8. dcrin cCurtiM, worfethen death is boadage. *. hoc animo fc ito omncs fortes, '<l:'utiU. Lepi.Z. utmortem(ervitt<ti anteponant, All brave men at armes (Tufty holdes) arefo f•"'· '0 -;b' affected. <IEq~<idemcgoufom,qui fervitutem extremttm omni~<m malorttm 1,~~'::;. ~:'· e(fe 4rbitror: I amhe(faith Botems )that accompt fervitude,the extremity of · mtfery._