p~·t. x. SeC!. z. Lo(fe ofliberty, (ervitt<de, &c. Memh. lf• SYb-9 ---------------- mifery . And what.cala~ity doe they en~ure, rhatlive with thole ~Jrd task- I 53 mafters,in gold-mines,nn-mmes,lead-mtnts,ftone--quarnes,cole-p!tS,hke fo many mouldwarps under ground, co~demned to the !?alltes, to perpetual! drudgery,hunger,thiJft, and ftnp§S,WtthouHll hope Qf d~livery~ How are rhofe women in TurkieaffeCled,that moft part of theyear come not aproad; thc.fe Jtaiianand Bp.onifo Ll;Iinc~,that ar~ mewed up like f{awl<es, aiJ4lp~;kt up by their jealous hmb;mds ~ h0w tedious is itto them d1at livt in Srpy~,s . , and Caveshalfe.a yeart<:>getherf as!niJI•nd,Nufoovy, or ~nder tq~ e f'ple e Ifthcrebe . it felf, where they haw fiK months perpetual! night. !>jay, what mifery and ;:'~,~~habtdifconrenr doe they endyre,tht!t are in prifom 1 T.he~ waat all thofe HK l'lo!l· · narurall·things at 011ee, good ayre, good dtet,e~Cemfe, 13oo~panylll~, -r~, e~fe,&c. that are·beund in chaines all day long, fuffer hu~l er, aad ( a,s l La. flr.'f':oxpr.i. . cian defcribes it)' mHII- .bi'dethatftlthiejlink, and ratlin:•o chAipts,hlwlllwS', 1"' 1 ;.'Ji"~'P!'" 'J" /_ -.> _ ·~ CO 1UJ11'WR"f fl/11 pitifult out.cries,thatprifontr~ t~jitaUJ t~Ja/u: tr~efo thiflg~ art nJ)t ~"tJtr(}II/J/e- tjt, p man'!' fome, but intoler~bl~ . . They ty~ naRely amongft ~odel; am~ f~9gs _ m a_da.rke ~';'/::,~ ,,. clungeon,tn thetr owne dtmg, mpame of bedy, m·pameof fouie~ as I oJ~ph ,;,"1 rinpur _- did, Pfalme 105. J8, they hu.rt hu.(eet m the ft•clm, the wonmtmlhu foule. vinrirur,adh" They·!i¥e fo1itary, alooe, feqneftred from all compa!jy, ~t!t_heart eating ;;f;:~ j;;:: melanchol-y; and for want ofmeat, mull: eat that bread o_h1Hi4~,prey up- ~ · . on thein[dvci". We11might g eArcul4nm put ~0ng imprlfenment far a fi!ufe, efpeciaHy to fuc'h as 'havetived jovially,in a~l fenfuality and- !u~,-ttpoo a.f11d- oumiapt;ne de!lnreeltranged and debaned frGm att maooer of pl~~fures~ ru; were Hunia. mdf.e(infp' Jli,~ dls Edward andRicl;ardthe (ecowd V.dtrian the£mp,ereur Biif~utt~ tolerabtlta. TN:M.ifi.t ~'irk!Oroe t-omilfe our o;qinaryeompaniens\tildrlpaff for pnec gl• 9 li/laJit. aday, or an houre,what !hall it betalofe thetn fer evff 1 If itb~fo ~rejlj: a deligh\ i:o1ive at liberry, aHd-co eajoy that-vSt-rlety of Q\)jetfl-s1he world af- . . fords; wha~mife:y an<i difcoment mu~ -i~ aeeds bfiag to him, that !haU JWw , . beeaft headl0f1gmt0 that Spanifo Inqutfitton,to fall from He.wen toHell,to he cubbed up upan afudden,bow !haHhe be perplexed, wbat !ha!! beco!Jle · ofhim~ b Robtrt Duke of N orm4nay,being imprifoned by hisy01ffig~ bro- h Willi:un -li!c t'her Henry the fir!l, ab illo dieincon[olabili tklore in cdr<ere C011tabiit, [a'ir-h eooq-.,, Matthew l'aru: from_ that day forward, pinedaway with griefe: t Jtt!Jttrth f:!~~tg,. that gcneroos Capta~ne, brottghtto Rome in trtM111ph, And aper unprifoned, "'"" t7fttmpl;o through angt~ijh of hu foule, and melttncho/1 dted. • Roger, 'Btihep Of Satif ~ufl•t raniem~ bury thefe~ond man from Kiag Stephe':,(h~ thatb_ui!t that fam11us C<1ft1e of;,:;~;:'':': · k Devtw m Wthflure) was fo tonured m pnfon wtth h~nger, ;tlld all thofe mi d;lm pmi< calamitie.saccompanying. fuchmen,I,.t vivere no!Nerit, -mori ne(&ier.it', he i -c~!." in _ Id 1' d Id d.. L- • fc fd h d . Wtlr,,.,.;_r.,.~ wou not we~ an cou n0t Ie,oclWlXt. eareo eat , an tpnnents of[ene,m iraf<Jmc ltfe. Francu K1ngof France, was takcnpnfonerby Cbarlu the 5'h, ad mor. &' cal.mit.r;,.. temfere melancholiet«, faith Guicciardine, melanCholya!mOft to death and 1 bur:n '~"'~ h . . -ll. hi . ' rq;<t, tnter t at !n am,u,ant. Butt s IS as cleare as tbe Spn, and nee_d$ no furd1er il!u. mwtu metum, nr~tton. &' "'"torV: mtntd, (!/.&• .k Piu'boJie. 1 Stnf"~·