Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.t.Setl.z. Caufes ofMelancholy. Mcmb.4.Subf.6. 154 Su• sEc .... 6. 7~verty_ andtw1t, caufes of Melancholy. Overty and want,are fo violent oppugners, fo unwelcome guel!s ' fomuchabborredofallmen, tbar_lmay not omit to fpeake 0~ them apart. Poverty, although (ifconfidered aright to awife,un. derftanding, trudy regenerate, and contented man) it beedonum m eo,.. ad H<· Dei, ableifed eftate, the way to Heaven,as m chry(oflome calls it, Gods gifr~ &wr. themother ofmodefty,and much to bepreferred before riches ( as !hall bee nPart.>.Sell.llhewedinhis~place) yetasirisefteemed in the worldscenfure, "tis a moll: ~~;.; "' odious calling, vile aad J.afe, a fevere torrure,fummumfcelus, amoft intoietliffieilem mor- rable burtben; we ?lhunit all,canepejus& angue, we abhor the name ofir, bumJ!Uerh ,,... • ~ P4upcrtlf4 fogitur, toto#, arce(situr orbe, ~:;:t;,~;:,;b. as being the fountaine ofall orhern:tiferies,cari:s,woes,labours,and grievan.' "Loean.lib. '· ceswb:ttfoever. Toavo.id which, we will take any paines,- <xtremoseter. rit mercafor ad InJ~s ,wewill leave no baven,no coal!,nopreeke of the world _. . · unfearche_d,thougbit be to the hazard ofourlives, we will dive to the bot~ ~'~~;~,~~~-tome ofthe fea,to the bowels ofthe earth,~ live, fix,feven, eight, nine hun· Friburg,b in , dredfuthomedeep,tbrough all ~ve Zones?andbotbextremesofbeatand _G'"''"'!Y: Fi- cold :we wlil turne parafitesand flaves,proft!tute our felves, Cweareand lye, "" Morifo•. damne our bpdies and foules,forfake God,abjure Religion;fteale,rob, mur- .. der, rather then end11re this unfufferableyoke ofPoverty, which dotb fo ty: rannize,·crucilie, and generally depreffe us. .· * Euripidtr. _ For lookc;: into the world, an~ you ll1all fee men mofr part el!ecmed accor~ t Tom. •· .lial. ding to theirmeanes,and happy as they are rich :• rhiq; tanti quifq; quantum ~·;;;:!~~:, hah"it fuit . Ifhe belikely to thrive, and in the way of prefermenr, who but ~ ... dtfi•• •· he~ In tbe·vu)gar opinion, ifa man bewealthy, no matter how he gets it, of ::t" ,,... w~atparenrage, ho\Vqualified, how venuoully_endowcd,orvillanoullyin· ' pomnuernm chned;let b1m be abawd,agnpe,an ufurer,a v1lla.ne,a Pag•ne, aBarbanan,:1 m,virt«<._fa- wretch, t Lucianstyranr, onwhomyoumayll)oke with le!fe fecurity, then Oil :,~~~:-theStm':fotbathe be.rich (andljberall withall) be !hall be honoured, adp_ulcbru Vi vi- mired,adored,rev>rcnced, .and h1gbly P magmlied. The rzch JS had mreput~t. j.;)t;~:: .. ~:.'; tionhecau(e ofhisgoods, ~&cl. xo . 3 I. He ll1all be befriended :for,r!chesgather cl4rurerit,for· manyfzends, Prov.x9·4·--multos numerabtt am~eos,all q bappme!feebbes tu, J•~ar,f•~ and floweswith h,i~ mony.Helhall be accounted agracious Lord, a Mec.t- !;~'·' '""'- ntU, abenefacror,a wife,difcreer,a proper, avalianr, afortunate man,ofage· Er quicquiJ nerous fpirit, PuU11s Iovis ,& gallin£ jiluu alb.e: ahopefull,agood man,avervolet. Hor. tuous honeft man. ~ando ego te Iunonium puemm; & matrispartum veri: J.;'~f:;:';:gf::. aureum, as'Tully [aid ofOElavianus, '\\'bile bee was adopted C.efor,andan pec•"'• Jonar. fbeire apparent of fo great a Monarchy, he was agoldenchild. All r honor, fi1.ony add" offices, applaufe, grand titles, and turgent Epithets are put upon him, omnes l'2"'courage, omniabonadicere ;all mens eyes are upon him,God bleffe his good worfbip, 'Epifl. ult. ad his honour;" every man fpeaks well ofbim,every man prefents bim,Cceks and f~:,:"r:~ " fues to him for his love,favour & protetlion,to Cerve him,belong untohim, M,ficr, ,1., every man rifetb to him,as to TherniftocJes in the otympicks, ifbee fpeake,as tl'lvv:mlly gcn~ . . . . . tleman,God blc:ffc him,and hopcfull; why? he JS hm aparent to the ntht worOupfull, to the nght honour:tblc, &c. t 0 ?Wmmi nummi ~ vobU bzmc rn<fn Qt h~norem.u E;~Cinde fopcre Cl' m w1nr 4i,imu•,ac tJ.Uifilo fortun4m h~ber. PIaut. PfouJ. , rr. ~