Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

:llart.r.Secb. Poverty and wantcaufes. Memb.4.Subf.~ of Herod,Vox De,i,non bominis, thevoiccofGod,not ofman. All thegraces; 155 Veneres, ~leaf~res, elegances attend him ,X golden For.runea~companies and :,.~";;':,{"~~· lodgethwtth h1m; and as to thofe R~man Emper~urs, ts placedmhts cham- cubifwu r~oni ber. -YSeeter&navtgetaura, folita. lulitM · . F o~tunamq;fieo temperet ~rbitri8: . . ~a~!~~~:~'lli~. hemay fayle as hewtllhtrnfelfe, andtemper hts eflate at hts pleafure,Jovtall y Pttroni.,. dayes,fplendorand magnificence,[wee: Mulick,dainry fare,thegood things ;,~;:;'~~b'!"' and fat ofthe land, fine clothes, nch a~ures, foft beds,downe pt~!owes are ~t rent, Iurijp;ribis command,all the world laboures for htm,thoufands of Amficers are hts tipecuniopr,li· flaves to drudge for him, run, .ride, and poafl for him : t Divine.s (for Pythia {.;:'fib:~.~~~:; Philippifat) Lawyers, Phylictans,Phtl.ofophers,Scholars.are. hts;wholly de. artificer. vote to his fervice.Every man feekes hts z acquamtance,hts kinred, to march ~Multi ilium with him,thc,ugh he be an aufe, aninny, amonfler, agoofe cap, uxoremdu. p~~~~~';:."i:.~ cat Danaen,when,& whom he will,hunc optantgenerum Rex & Regm.t-he a 'Dummodofit is anexcellent' match for my fon,my daughter, my niece,&c.fl!!:icquidea/. '"~" barb•ror. r:averit.hic, Ro(a jiet, let him go whether he will,Trumpets found, Bels ring; ~~)!~~:~· Lu- ·&c. all happine!fc attends him, every man is willing ~o ~ntertaine him, hee ••llo, a rid• · fups in b Apollo wherefoever he comes;what prcparauonts made fo-r hts'en- :J1~l" fo ccrtainment~ fi{h and fowle, fptces and perfumes, all that fea and land af. c Panh P"'• fords. What cookery,masking, mirth to exhilarate his per{on? delior. . d Da Trcbio, fOrJe adTrebium, visfrater ab illis Iu~en.sat.f. J/ibus? ~ What dilh will your good worlhil' eat of~ t dulcia pom11, Et quo(cunq;ftret cultus tibi fundus honores, Ante Larem,gujlet .venerabilio~ Lare dives. Sweet apples, and whate'rethy fields afford, Before thy Gods be ferv'd,lct ferve thy Lord. tHor,.S4t. f.l , ., Whatfport will your honour havc~hawking,hunring,fiGling,fowling,buls, .bears, cards, dice, cocks, players, tumblers, fidlers, jeflers, &c. they are at your goodworlhips command.Faire houfes,gardens,orchards,tarra!fes,gal. . leries, cabinets, pleafant walks, dclightfome places, they are at hand; <in < Bohem.. k . ilttreisl~~c,vimtm in argenteis,adolefcentul£Ati nutum f}eciofo, wine, wen~ ~"::~:h~Bre~ ches,&c. a Turkie Paradife, aHeaven upon earth. Thou~h he be :dilly[oft fEuphormi._ . fellow,& fcarce have common fenfe,yet ifhebeborne to fortunes (as I have· g·~t~""' {aid)fjureh,mditariofaperejubetur,he muft have honour and office in his ;~;[ • .r:;:[;,.~; courfe: g Nemo niji dwcs honore dtgnus ( .Ambrof.ojfic.z 1.) none fo worthy as lohy fpirics, himfelf: He lhall have it, atq;ejlo quicquidServius allt Labeo. Get mony e. ~;;::',',:':,!?::,. nou~h,&command t Kingdomes, Proviraces, Armies,Hearts,Hands,&Af- menacogenefechons;thou!lulthave Popes, Patriarks tobe thy Chaplains and Parafites; rous, rouragic thou fl1alt have ( Tamber/in-like) Kings to draw thy Coach, Qg_eenes to bee t%'.!~ ait t~y Landre!fes, Emperoursthy' foot-ftooles, build more Townes and Cit- pro me ?•bar ttes then great vf/exanfler, Babet Towers, Pyramides and Mau(olean t;ornubtall.om~ Tombes,&c.command heaven and earth, and tell theworld 'tis thy va!fall, :;ur? ernitur diadema, argentoccelum pandirur, denarius Philofophumconduclt,num'?usjus cogit, obulus llterarum pafcit, metallum fanitatem concihat,a>samtco~conglutinar. And therefore not without good caufe, John Medtctsthat nch FlBrentine, when he lay upon his death-bed, calling his fons, C:ofmu~ andLatmncebefore him, amongfl other fob er fayings, repeated th1s, Antmo q11ieto digredior, quod vosfanos & divites pojl rnere/inq11arn, 1 V3 k