Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D • M o e 11. I Tu • to the Reader. Et quodgr.t":'ifsimum, in r~e matter it fdf,many things Idifallowat this ru... prefent, wh1chwheni wnt/ Non eadem eft .tt.u,nonmms;I would willinglymradmuch, &c. but'tis roolare, lean only cravepardennow for what isamilfe. I might indeed (had I wifely done)obferved that precept ofthe poet, -n~numque prematurm armum, . Andhavetakenmore care: Orai Alexander the phyfician would have doneby Lapii Lazuli, fifrie tim<!S waihed before it be ufed,I lhould have revifed, correCted and amended this trat'i; bur I had nor as (I faid) chat happy lea[ure,noAmanumfes or afliframs.Pancr~tts in gLucian, wanting ; Tm.3 .Phi- a fcrvant as he went from .Memphu toCoptus 10 Egypt, took a doore "!,$'/ 4"'1" barre,anc!afterfome fuperfririous werds proDQUOced ( Eucratts rherda- !1!,~ :::J~ tor was then prefem) made it ftand up like a ferving.man, fetch himwa114• JixiJfet, ter, turn the fpir, ferve in fupper, and what work he would befidcs; and t;:,••;;,. whenhe had done that fervice he defired, turned his man toa1tickagain. ~,.;, .,. I have no fuch skill to make new men at my pleafure, ormeansrohire. '"""14 ' 4 '"· rhe!ll ; no whifile tocall like themafter of a lhip,andbid them runne,&c. !fJ.~ftbiw«- I have no fuch aurho~itie, no fuch benefadors as that noble"' -:Imbroftus <lef.Hifl.lt;.6. was to origm, allo.wmg h1m ltx or [even !Amanuenfes to wnre our his h 5''"'[e'4',d: didats, I mufr for rharcaufe domy bufin~!fe my felf,And was therefore !;':f,:~ m enforced, as a Beare dorh her whelps, t~ bring forth tllis c:onfufed ~J;~f,..,,,. lumpe,Ihadnorrime .tolic~ it into form~, ;1slhe doth h.eryong ones, tl fumm• <X· bur evenfoto pubhili It,,as lt was firfi wmten,quuqutd m ouuam vt1'""· 10ini· nit,inanextemporeanfille,as hidoc;ommonl¥all other exercifes, ef.. k'';1~f.:'~~ fotli qu~equ~d difl,wit ge~im m~m, our ofa conrufe~ compa~e.ofnotes; ..lhH pr~rer and wnr w1th as fmall deliberaoonas I doeordinarilyfpeak, Wlthoilt all f"''befiam. affeCtation of bigwords, fuftian phraf~s, jinglingtermes, tropes,ftrong ,;!;.:::~~£. lines, that like* Aeefta's arrow~ caught fire a~ they flew; .frraines ofwir, ••gligir,& ~ui braveheats, elogics, hyperbobcall cxornauons, eleganc•es, &c. which ~1::~~'::,';.,. many~omuchaffed. 1 am;aqu:-potor, drinke!lowine a~all, whichfo ~(<ipti .. m ba·-m.uch 1mproves our modernewus, a!oofe, plam,rude wmerJkumvoco. &tt mo;,•itam.,p(um,& ligonem ligonem,and as free,asloofe,idem calamoquodinmenu; ::' %:J;jf::;,~; ~1callafpade afpade,.animis h:-cfcriho, nonAIIribm, Irefpedmaiter, oration~m vi- not words ; rcmembrmg that of Card4n, verba propttr res, 11011 rtt. p.~t'1"•[.& pr1pttrvuba: and feeking withSeneea, quid(cribamnon quemAdmodt~m} .~~~~:';~';~~rather what,then how towrite. For as Phit.. thinks, I He tltatiuowver~ ~Nuo~cup41am, font aftout matter, neglefls words, an.l th1fo thatexce/1 in thisartlfJltak. 'J,ld~r,:.·.;;,p.ing,havenoprofoundlear»ing, . , · - lit.•. u. nrerbamtmt phalms,Atnullt~~ver~amedulllll c Pbitofiratus Jntm habent _ . ';~i~:~:r!:.!: Befides, it was the obfervation of that wi[e:Seneca, n whmyosfee a ftlloli, rmamf=lr... carefo/1 .bouthuwords, and neat in hil fpmh,know thisfor 4&ertaintie,' ~{;;~J~""' that mans mind 11 buflell ~bout toyes,there • snofoliditit in him. I:!. m eft or::. •i"'P"f:;:er, nament11m virile coneirmit.u, as he faid ofanightingale, ~··•lingt14m - voxes,prtttereanihil,&c. · .:;:~:;;;~':,. I am therefore in this point a pr ofe!fed difcipleofo ApoOonim ,a fchola~ ·~.IJn••• .,.,. of s ocrates, I negletl phrafes, and labour wholly ro informemy readers fii""''"'· !!llderftanding,!].otto pi~~ IJ!~ ea1·e; 'ti~ ~ot lilY ftudie ot intent to cor~: - ~c